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Posts posted by (PSN)DurandalTyr

  1. I've had few problems with eviscerators even in the current (PS4) invasion on Uranus, I've just learned to move from side to side and not let them unload Miter razors at a stationary target.


    Easiest way is to learn to fire outside of the zoom/aim and keep mobile, it makes it harder for them to track you.


    Used to think they were a pain when I was just using Rhino + Iron Skin, but after diversifying my warframe pool I've come to find that they're annoying and more of a challenge, like a Lancer but with actual danger in small numbers.

  2. Change Iron Skin so it provides a % damage reduction for the duration, so going from unranked to rank 3 it goes 5%-10-15-20% damage reduction.


    That way it helps lower incoming damage, but doesn't provide a solid buffer for all incoming damage.  Also, it'd give a reason for Rhino to use Continuity/power duration mods.

  3. This sounds amazing I defonately support this but it would require an immense overhaul of the game which would probably not happen which sucks in all honesty.


    It wouldn't overhaul much, from the sounds of it.  Maybe the resting buff from the cryopod, but...


    You'd have dojo upgrades but on a smaller, more affordable scale for individuals - they might be a separate grid from the main dojo thanks to the teleporter.

  4. I've noticed that most researchable technology has been in the Infested domain, as well as the Corpus have some moderately decent weapons that can be made, but neither the Grineer nor Corpus have a researchable Sentinel, nor do they have as diverse of pool for players to take from them.


    Are there any plans to expand the Grineer tech - as they only have the Ignis and Ogris, and I've got a whole load of detonite ampules just sitting around, stacking up.

  5. Go run T2 T3 captures and pray that RNG smiles on you and gives you one Orthos Prime blade.


    I know this is about the regular one, but getting the prime version improves it.  Use the regular one for the slam attack until you can get the prime.



    I really hate that the T3 capture has two commons (forma BP, bronco prime barrel), and everything else is rare.

    Over a dozen T3 captures run, pretty much 90% of the rewards were Forma BPs, haven't gotten a single Orthos Prime blade.

  6. I'm not sure about Nyx's absorb, but I'd think he would dispel the ability as well - not to mention he pulls off Absorb as well.


    Just go farm bosses, especially Phorid when he's up, and then play defense/survival so you have the 30 second to 240 second timeframe for him to spawn in.  The easiest way to fight him is to keep him within 20 yards and strafe constantly to avoid his Dread shots, and his Slash Dash will miss you if you keep moving to the side.


    If I'm circling him in a Corpus map, it gets pretty easy to watch for him.  Well lit, the better for spotting his black smoke for when Nightcrawler the Stalker blinks.

  7. It's called burnout.  You can log in daily for the rewards (I want the plat discounts, tbh), but don't spend hours all the time.


    I start off OCD trying to collect as much in most every game I play, but at a certain point I can back off, so now most of my days I'll log in for the reward, check out an alert or two, and maybe play a few missions.




    But otherwise, the 7 day login rewards are the reward you get for being on daily and boosting their registered activity numbers.

  8. For the Nth time, we don't need it to be another Nova ult.

    We need it to have damage scaling and fluid animations at least.


    True.  Change the melee strikes to have a longer arc - if her "claws" were extended enough to cleave through 3-4 enemies on a regular swipe, I'd have more fun if I saw it as more of cutting through groups of them rather than her trying to punch single targets with the energy claws.


    I can't remember, but what damage type is the Melee attack during hysteria?

  9. I do not know why Stug is still so popular. It has good numbers, but it's such a wonky weapon that it becomes hard to apply that damage, and eventually when enemies get tough (where you want the best; see topic) it will become dangerous to use as the enemies charge and bring that damage right back over to you. I guess if you like it and you stack CC on something like Vauban... but I'd call it a niche weapon, not "THE BEST" secondary by any means.


    People see the Stug as good because it's non-research based corrosive damage, it's relatively easy to make for new players, but the comparison ends there.

    It has a horribly poor arc, the firing rate depends on semi-automatic macro mice or having a twitchy finger, and the explosion radius isn't good.  Outside of fighting Grineer, the Stug isn't good.


    I like the Acrid for the perfect aim and Despair for the innate armor piercing damage (and two polarities upon creation), but if I could get the Brakk or Detron I'd enjoy them for the fact that they both provide high damage, short range secondaries.  Detron for Heavies, or the Brakk for the balanced damage types.  My twin gremlins haven't impressed me much once I get to 50+ level waves, due to accuracy and sporadic flight time.


    I'll have to give my opinion once I get my Twin Wraith Vipers from Cicero in a few days.

  10. The point is that the change wouldn't solve anything. People would still all use the same polarity and Aura.


    They might be tempted to have a higher drop rate on orbs, but if you bring any of the warframes that I mentioned (trinity, nekros, oberon), you can get orbs to drop, or you can bring energy restores.


    The fact that people wouldn't depend on the passive energy mod would mean that you could see people using the amp to boost their primary damage by 27%.  Nothing to sneeze at if you've got 4 people bringing that for 108% damage.

  11. I think he's in a great place - except for the fact that you need Equilibrium to get the most out of him.


    His one damaging skill - Soul Punch - is mainly useful for the powerful ragdoll effect.  However, there's almost no way to tell if you're going to get a domino effect and hit anything behind your initial target, even if they're running in a straight line down the corridor.


    Terrify is okay - my gripe is the limited number, the cast time, and the fact that you send the enemies racing away.  If one of those was reduced or had the limitation removed, like instantaneous effect, you could get it off when you need to get those 5 heavies off your back, or you could count on the swarm around you being diminished instead of fearing 7 butchers.


    Desecrate is the main draw for Nekros, obviously.


    Shadows works well, if you select your targets and revive the Ancient Healers or Shield Drones.  Unfortunately the Shadows don't use guns, so if you revive heavies they don't seem to use their Slam or the weapons - so I don't get any benefit from reviving them.  If they fixed this issue, I would enjoy seeing more revived shadows that actually play a better role offensively or defensively.  Could they also follow the Nekros instead of hanging around where they were revived?

  12. I also would like to argue (unrelated):

    There should be a way to regenerate energy and health without orbs or Energy Siphon.  The common dependence on Siphon makes it nearly required for most high-level holdouts on Defense or Survival, so there is no reason why people would want to use the other Aura Slots (some do, but almost everyone wants siphon).


    There's the problem with the Bleed proc and the need for either the Rejuvenation aura mod or health orbs, but lacking Trinity/Nekros/Oberon, you're stuck waiting until a bleedout or a container that has the red pills.


    Proposition: Grant passive energy/health regeneration, lower drop rate of orbs, make Aura Mods (Siphon and Rejuvenation) increase drop rate just like how the ammo scavenger aura mods work.  That way people can run with things like Enemy Sensor, or the Speed Holster mods instead of stacking 4 siphons across a team.

    Separate, slightly related suggestion for the UI:

    I'd also like to see the Player Status bar get an update: Have two/three bars, that being green, blue, red for energy, shields, and health respectively.  That way if I have a team energy or health restore pack, I'm aware of when would be the best time to drop it or be helpful if my teammates aren't on headsets.



  13. Also, I've been waiting on battle pay for a node that's been sitting contested for at least 4 days now.  It's getting a bit ridiculous.


    I'm usually tempted to upset the balance of the planets as long as it doesn't change any enemy templates who give rare mods: Phobos for one.  As long as the defense rewards remain the same regardless of faction (i.e. when you flip a defense node it keeps the same rewards), I'll be willing to play the Devil's Advocate to sabotage the planetary control of either faction, but especially when they offer me blueprints of Potatoes.


    Although I do tend to favor greedy milk.  They haven't tried taking us apart (yet).

  14. I'd also like to see the Player Status bar get an update: Have two/three bars, that being green, blue, red for energy, shields, and health respectively.  That way if I have a team energy or health restore pack, I'm aware of when would be the best time to drop it or be helpful.


    I also would like to argue (unrelated):

    There should be a way to regenerate energy and health without orbs or Energy Siphon.  The common dependence on Siphon makes it nearly required for most high-level holdouts on Defense or Survival, so there is no reason why people would want to use the other Aura Slots (some do, but almost everyone wants siphon).


    There's the problem with the Bleed proc and the need for either the Rejuvenation aura mod or health orbs, but lacking Trinity/Nekros/Oberon, you're stuck waiting until a bleedout or a container that has the red pills.


    Proposition: Grant passive energy/health regeneration, lower drop rate of orbs, make Aura Mods (Siphon and Rejuvenation) increase drop rate just like how the ammo scavenger aura mods work.  That way people can run with things like Enemy Sensor, or the Speed Holster mods instead of stacking 4 siphons across a team.

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