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Everything posted by AziSlays

  1. Ok this is a great step in the right direction. Please revert the nerf to the Arca Titron while you're at it. Regardless of their damage output, it's nonsense to nerf gimmick weapons barely anyone uses. I'd say its pretty unfair to give something a nerf this unreasonably massive in the first place.
  2. "Critical Multipliers (and other modifiers) applying post damage cap allowed for many of the One Shot builds to function, and for full transparency, we want to prevent One Shot Archon builds as much as possible" If you don't want people to skip through your content for highly desired rewards then I suggest making that content even the slightest bit fun in any way at all. Until then we're either gonna find ways to keep circumventing your changes and skip these godawful "fights" or we will simply decide that content is no longer worth our time to do.
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