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  1. DE, please remove Dog Days. Replace it with something else. The reload on the soaker sucks, the lack of frame choices meaning ANYTHING sucks, the fact you keep nerfing Literally Everything that could speed up our farming on the mode sucks, and the sheer amount of grinding is beyond insane. This mode isn't fun, you know how you could make it fun? Take away the Alt Fire to Pump thing, it kills my hands every year. The grenades were a step in the right direction, but they also don't do enough damage to oneshot after Round 1 - and it eventually becomes more efficient to just use the stupid soaker. The hit detection is absolute garbage - no matter how many years I do this, my main strategy ends up being 'Get jumpy and get up in their faces so my attacks actually register' because otherwise they won't half the time. Also, for the love of god, Make the shop prices sane! I made a list of the things I need from Dog Days still, I've listed their prices, I've done this for a few years. Do you want to guess how many pearls I need? Just shy of 7000. On a mode that, past the first 250 from the milestones, you get them 1 at a time per kill on the final mission. Dog Days doesn't respect your time, it's not fun, and it deserves to go the same direction Solar Rails did. Assuming I manage 50 kills a round, and taking start and end times into account, I'm looking at around 6 hours of grinding to get everything. There's no way to speed it up, because every way we had that would affect the mode (Vigorous Swap, Infusions, Archon Shards) has been patched out. At this point, instead of heralding the joys of Summer, Dog Days has become a soul sucking monster that makes me wish that Summer was over rather than look at it one more day. For the love of god, end this hot mess and give us a better way of getting the Nakak Pearl items. (Apparently forgot we get base 50 pearls a round. Still, 6 hours of grinding on that mode is beyond stupid.)
  2. And to anyone like me who's main time to play is Sunday/Monday it would be a massive middle finger. Sunday rotation, Monday at latest, screw anything past that, you'd screw us over completely.
  3. I'm extremely disappointed by this, Sunday is easily my best chance at doing Circuit rotations and I put them off in fear of getting screwed over on the Week 1 stuff, which is so overloaded on Incarnons for someone like me who wants to pick one up for every variant it isn't even funny. You've just screwed anyone like me over, and wasted my best day for farming. Thanks DE, test your S#&$ and maybe have someone there to do simple fixes rather than screwing us over like this.
  4. Same for me - Week 6 repeated. Everyone, don't choose yet, DE needs to fix this - we don't know if it will screw things up if you choose now.
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