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Everything posted by MqToasty

  1. This. It is abundantly clear to me that this is a fundamental design flaw. The cave is a staging area where you buy intrinsics, buy melee weapons, customize your horse and pick your gear. So matchmaking should absolutely occur after you head into the portal. To the OP, don't blame the other players or the host. Oftentimes, you spawn in after they are already on their way into the portal, so it is too late for them to wait for you. I have been on both sides of this faulty design, and have both been forced into random gear and see Player 4 pop up after we are already past the portal. I always try to wait if I see any players left in the Cave, but the shoddy design makes it impossible to avoid accidentally dragging people in.
  2. Yes, and Incarnon Adaptors also require other resources from Duviri that need to be farmed separately. But since the other player specifically brought up the Clamps vs Holokeys comparison, this is as close as we can get. Oh, and I have not forgotten about Sister and Lich weapons, but just did not think it was relevant since they follow a very different farming mechanic. The Sister and Glast Tenet weapons are two entirely separate categories - you cannot get Sister weapons from Glast or vice versa.
  3. That will depend drastically on which weapon we are talking about, and since all of those Incarnon-capable weapons have been released long ago, I do not think there is a simple, reasonable way to compare them. As an example, you can get a Mk1-Bo with 15000 credits and no build time, yet the Braton Vandal is perhaps one of the most grueling farms in the entire game. Most other weapons lie somewhere between these extremes. So that is why I would favor only looking at MR granting weapons for an apples to apples comparison, which with your numbers, the Clamps farm ain't that bad.
  4. Y'lnow, I always thought Kitgun and Zaw rivers were kind of a soft pity system so folks who work their way up open world syndicates can get truly OP'd endgame weapons. Until I got rivers for all of the Zaws and Kitguns I care about. And now I don't even bother opening them anymore. They just sit in their own stacks, maybe waiting for the day when more Zaws and Kitguns get released... 😅
  5. I do not believe that is a fair comparison. 810 Clamps are only needed if you want to maximize 34 weapons. If you wanted to maximize all 5 of the Tenet weapons sold by Glast, you'd need many more than just 200 Holokeys. Alternatively, you only need 200 Holokeys if you only care about the MR the Tenet weapons provide, and with those same goals you only need 210 Clamps. And with the numbers you provided, it will only take 280 minutes total to get all 4 cave weapons. That comes down to 70 min/weapon, which is much faster than farming for the Holokeys.
  6. This. So this. I've said it before and will say it again: by allowing a multiverse to slip into the main storyline and become a major plot point of Warframe, the devs have potentially ruined the entire, fairly decent story that was written up to that point. Multiverses are too easily exploited as a cop-out when a writer runs into a block and just needs a way to tie up loose ends. And given how Duviri went (where was the paradox? There is no paradox in Duviri because it's all just a stupid dream), I really fear for how far down the story will end up. Eternalism can be good for a Greek tragedy or some other self-contained "Person vs Fate" story, but it is actually quite terrible for a game or an adventure story. That is because Eternalism (aka. block time or block universe) essentially precludes free will. Real-life Eternalism theories basically never include a multiverse explanation, but rather tell us that "whatever will be will be". We are fated to do the things we do and there is no escaping it, despite whatever illusions we may have.
  7. Personally, I find the grind, as intended, quite okay. 25 minutes per run for 10 guaranteed Clamps and other resources really isn't that bad. Especially when you consider that each weapon only requires 50 to 60 Clamps to buy. I can easily name a ton of other weapons that take *much* longer than 3 hours each to farm, on average. The only problem is the RNG involved. But wait, aren't Pathos Clamps guaranteed? Sure, if you don't run into any one of the mountainful of showstopper bugs. If you do, then you get exactly 0 Clamps for however much time you put in for that run. Granted, they have fixed a ton of bugs since the initial release, and I applaud DE for plugging away at it. But this was the buggiest release I have ever experienced with Warframe, and I think it will make me quite wary of playing any new releases before hotfixes in the future.
  8. So from the "HIGH" Quality present in Video->Graphics, I changed: Particle System Quality to "LOW" Anti-Aliasing to "TAA 8X (HIGH)" Anisotropic Filtering to "8X" In Video->Advanced: Depth of Field to "Disabled" Film Grain to "Disabled" Bloom Intensity to "10" Dynamic Resolution to "Disabled" In Accessibility->Video: Visual Effects Intensity to "40" Reduce Teammate Visual Effects to "Enabled" Enable Screen Shake to "Disabled" But keep in mind that these are personal preferences, so YMMV. I have not overridden any settings with the NVIDIA Control Panel, so if you're asking about that then I'm sorry but I would not know.
  9. I also have an RTX 3060, and my recommendation is just to max everything in-game and turn down the things that blind you or drive you crazy (like Particle System Quality or DoF). The game looks really good at that point, can easily hit 120fps at 1080p, and I never felt a need to tweak anything via the Nvidia Control Panel.
  10. When it no longer feels fun. When the frustrations outweigh the gratification. But as a live service game, it is constantly being updated. The game right now is drastically different from the game 9 years ago when I first tried it (and immediately quit) on PSN, and even from 3 years ago when I started again and stuck with it on Windows. So stop when you feel like stopping, knowing full well that you may choose to come back (or not) when you feel like that.
  11. I feel your pain. Or rather, I've felt it many times before. And is it just me, or are new Primes requiring more Rare and Uncommon parts now? It seems like the older primes used to require 2 Common, 1 Uncommon and 1 Rare, or at most 1 Common, 2 Uncommon and 1 Rare. But so many of the newer ones like Khora and Baruuk are requiring 1 Common, 1 Uncommon and 2 Rare now. What's with this price hiking that DE is slapping on us?
  12. In general, what everyone else said about stacking Resource Boosters and Charm from Kavats. But a few more things to consider are: Your Void Trace capacity increases by 50 for each additional MR. At LR3, you can store 1750, which is the current maximum. When a new Prime drops, I always like to take a look at parts and split them into Trace generators and Trace users. Basically, common drops are Trace generators and uncommon and rare parts are the users. I start by focusing on the users -- refining those relics and cracking them, in hopes of getting that part. When I run out of traces or relics, then I switch over to the generators. If I have already obtained all of the generator parts, then I just crack extra random relics from the era that I am still missing user parts from, in hopes of getting lucky from other players. It is also a good idea to keep an eye out for Fissure missions in the Void. These will always reward you with a relic, so you have more to crack and your Trace farming will be more rewarding. Finally, you can also buy 5 Void Traces for 1 Aya from Varzia, but honestly I never found this to be a good enough deal. You are guaranteed at least 6 just by cracking any random relic, which you can buy from Varzia for 1 Aya. But it saves time, I guess?
  13. Well, here's my report. Unless there is a hidden alcove somewhere that I missed even after multiple laps up, down and around the map, I'm fairly sure there was no enemy left. And this was a solo run, so it's not one of the countless Host Migration issues others are experiencing.
  14. I might be able to agree with you if this were a computer hardware configuration induced crash. But it's abundantly clear that this is some sort of scripting issue where an expected event trigger was not triggered for some reason or another. I already made numerous posts on the bug forums, and I'm absolutely not the only one getting game-halting bugs all over Duviri. I'm really glad that you are lucky enough to not run into any of these, but I'm just tired. I'm tired and do not feel lucky enough to avoid all of them, so I'm just going to stay away until they get their act together.
  15. While I do agree with you, even your fix is just a band-aid over the more fundamental issue that the game could be authorized to be released in such a horrifically buggy state. By now, it is the 3rd time I've quit playing the game since the Duviri release, waiting for a bug fix. The first time I quit, it was because of the Shrine bug that occurred on Stage 6/6 of the quest, making it impossible for me to complete the quest. Every time I tried and ran into that bug was 30 minutes wasted with no recourse. The second time I quit, it was because the same bug still has not been fixed, 3 hotfixes in. This time, after 10 hotfixes, I ran into a bug where the Undercroft Defense mission simply will not conclude -- I killed every enemy on the final wave, but nothing happened. No conclusion, no enemies, nothing. And no, I was playing solo so it wasn't even host migration. Another 25 minutes down the drain. Since quest progress and Pathos Clamps are not earned incrementally but require us to get lucky enough to avoid game breaking bugs for 25 minutes or more, incremental saving does not help. Better QA who can actually put their foot down to delay a broken release is the only real solution.
  16. Without knowing exactly how the randomizer works, I would say it is simply unwise to make arsenal changes due to anecdotal evidence. Even if one slot is guaranteed to come from your arsenal, unless you kept everything and yet only have viable builds for a small handful of items, the odds increase is probably not worth it. Unless and until we learn that all but one item is guaranteed to come from your arsenal (which is absolutely not the case right now), I will not be making any arsenal decisions due to the randomizer.
  17. Okay, so if you are at 100% pity, that means you got your last 4 after the pity system got implemented, correct? If so, the odds of your experience is: 0.80^8 * 0.8 * 0.6 * 0.4 * 0.2 = 0.006 = 1 in 155 players. Not terribly unlucky statistically, but the pain is greatly exacerbated given the timegated nature of Archon Hunts. Your experience proves that they absolutely needed a pity system and was correct to implement one. Don't know what else to say, except... Good luck 6 weeks later?
  18. How many red shards do you have, total? With that, we can calculate how many other players are in your shoes, statistically.
  19. It's a good effort at a survey, but just a few things: There are quite a few typos and questions that I did not really understand. It might be helpful to comb it again to ensure you are getting good answers. There were a ton of questions. The problem with long questionnaires is that many people tend to quit half way. Some of the questions were predicated on a particular answer for a previous question. If you cannot choose conditional questions, then it would be nice to have a "skip to question # if you answered 'No'". I just skipped the questions manually in these cases.
  20. I cannot say for sure, but I suspect it would be too easy to focus-farm if it were just a small handful of resources. So if there were only three new resource types that all of the new weapons required, then for each Duviri run I would just visit the same few collection locations as I build up my Pathos Clamps. It would end up being more efficient but more monotonous at the same time. With the current system, the grind can be padded out without us feeling the full force, as we are constantly going to different locations and collecting different things. This is just a guess though, and I have no idea what guidelines they used when they designed the current system.
  21. What, is this the new fangled insult among the ChatGPT generation now? But no, I'm not going to lob this insult back at you, because I know LLMs tend to write without grammatical and spelling errors. Do you even know what that logical fallacy means? Or do you really believe OP made this thread because they have collected too many old resources and have no place to spend them? If so, do you believe they will be satisfied with my hypothetical blueprint resource change? Could it? Because what you are suggesting has never been the business model for Warframe. Throughout Warframe's (very financially successful) history, every new toy has been locked behind some sort of grind, requiring either hours of playtime or payment upfront. Now if you are suggesting an equivalent amount of player engagement (grind) but in a different way, then let's hear the details. I am having serious trouble understanding your rant here. And if you cannot write in a way that a person of average intelligence can understand, then I would posit that the problem is with you, not me. Are you still insisting that the OP made this post because they collected too many old resources and are upset because they have nowhere to spend it? And they are not simply dissatisfied at how much engagement with the new content (grind) is required to obtain the new weapons? If that is the strawman argument you are sticking with, then will you be satisfied with the hypothetical blueprint change to Sun & Moon I wrote in the previous post? They already make money precisely because they adopted this business model. If you are suggesting they can still make money with your proposed resource-free model, then please provide evidence and show us a financially successful game using your business model. Is that a feeble attempt at an insult? I never claimed to possess an above average IQ, and honestly see nothing wrong with having an average IQ. And frankly, having read up long ago on the history behind the IQ tests, I do not give much credence to that score anyways. Now the bad faith actor part would probably feel more personal, if it came from someone who actually tried to argue logically with reason. Instead, as an insult from someone who is trying to feign anger: ... and incredulity: ... and lob other ad hominem attacks: ... and throw tantrum-like rants: ... frankly, I feel nothing. I think it's pretty clear who the "bad faith actor" is here, and it sure ain't me.
  22. What's funny is that right after writing the above, you wrote all this: And I'm the one arguing in bad faith here? What the OP acknowledged honestly but you are trying to skirt around is that the problem is not "having too many old resources and nowhere to spend it all". The problem is that OP does not enjoy farming the new resources in order to build the new shinies. I don't either, frankly, but accept it as a necessary evil. Now if you truly believe the problem is "having too many old resources and nowhere to spend it all", then let me suggest this fix to satisfy your issue. Instead of 4 different new resources to build one of the new weapons, make it 2 old and 2 new. So taking Sun & Moon as an example, instead of requiring: Kovnik x 100 Rune Marrow x 35 Lamenus x 40 Silphsela x 45 Make it require: Rune Marrow x 70 Silphsela x 90 Morphics x 6 Polymer Bundle x 1000 Do you think the new blueprint will satisfy the OP? I do not think so. As well, it will screw over new players, especially those just starting in Duviri, because they will not be able to build Sun & Moon until they make their way to Mercury. As for your Duviri Circuit progression idea, you realize that the Incarnon Genesis adaptors also require Duviri resources to fuse, right? Just because it isn't built in your Foundry does not mean it does not require regional resources.
  23. I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you simply do not know how to conduct a fair survey, and this is not just a feeble attempt to drum up support for a lost cause. The core problem with your survey is that it is filled with leading and loaded questions. In other words, you designed it with preconceived notions about what answers you wanted to hear, and both worded the questions and answers to lead to those answers. To understand how to write better survey questions, start with this article: https://www.checkmarket.com/blog/how-to-avoid-asking-leading-or-loaded-survey-questions/ Once you do have a much less biased survey, the next problem to avoid is selection bias. While we only have so many avenues to reach Warframe players, making a single post on DE's official forums and asking for voluntary responses means that in reality, you are only capturing folks who: Visit Warframe forums. Read English. Care enough to fill out our survey. Needless to say, this is a very small and specific subset of Warframe players. Finally, you need to consider your margin of error. At only 33 responses, your margin of error for a 95% confidence level is +/- 17.4%. In other words, unless and until you get a lot more people to answer your survey, the only answer we can reasonably trust a majority of players agree with is: In the near future of Warframe, do you expect a rework of the leveling system? No.
  24. You just answered your own question right there. The new resources are there to pad out the grind, so you either play more, or get tired of it and just pay for the new stuff. It is a necessary evil in live service games. So unless you have a better solution to attain the same goals, asking them to stop doing this is akin to asking them to make games for free. Now that is not a reasonable request, is it?
  25. You know, I think this might work. Put this in, and remove Shield Gating. Instead of Shield Gating, just do not let damage from a single hit overflow into the next partition. So if you had 10 partitions, it will take at least 10 hits from enemies to pop your shields and reach your health. I suspect it will take a ton of testing to see if it will actually work in the game, but it will negate weird tactics like carrying Decaying Dragon Keys to reduce shields in order to increase survivability. I may be mistaken, but I do not believe the OP is suggesting each partition as a separate piece of geometry. Just as our current shields are just numbers that are reduced when our Warframe is hit, these partitions are just separate counters.
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