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  1. I don't know how long it has been but finally maybe we got a fix?
  2. lobby in the new area is pretty dead everytime I come out xD. nvm got booted rip my mission oh well happens
  3. it's been happening regularly since friday I believe.
  4. Jackal Duviri Experience Mission Goes immune for a long period of time after killing a leg and finishing with a parazon move. This round it never went out of this immunity phase. Reinforcements defeated 14/15 no reinforcements spawned. Mission ends up being bricked because I cannot progress it any further. After lying dead for a while. Jackal no longer appears on map completely DISAPPEARED
  5. Some interesting things with operator hair feature happening after the duviri update. Please don't make me lose my operator apperance that I had before this update. info: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1805298194
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