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Posts posted by Raunek-Ka

  1. Hello to all Tennogen creators, veterans and aspiring novices! There were many questions of "Where can I make a beautiful screenshot?"/"The screenshots from Tennogen app are bland and non-eye-catching, how to make a nice render?" and so on. And there are many rendering programs, including Marmoset Toolbag, Keyshot, etc., but there is another issue: you cannot color a model in them, so you need to make a colored albedo map and then render your work. And if you want to show the color customization options, you need to use Tennogen app again. So I've decided to find another way, and - there is one if you are using Marmoset Toolbag ver. 3.x for rendering.


    It's a custom shader which gives you a possibility to color your model right in Toolbag using that same tintmask texture you're creating with a Tennogen item. It uses the exact same algorithm and even copies the reflection rendering from original Evolution Engine shader, so you can make your presentation renders now with no need to create a separate albedo map and show all customization possibilities. And, of course, it's free. Results of its work:


    Render comparison with Tennogen app


    How it works


    My last Tennogen submission rendered with this shader and other rendering abilities of Marmoset Toolbag

    Download the shader here at Gumroad>>> but read the instructions carefully - it is somehow buggy if used without the active light sources in the Toolbag scene.

    To get it for free - simply type 0 as the price.

  2. Name: Dimachaer (Latin: di- dual + machairi knife)
    Faction: Tenno
    Brief Description: Basically a split-sword (heavy blade/dual swords depending on equipped Stance type), but uses more horizontal hold in heavyblade mode. And yeah, if you are getting some Klingon vibes from it, you are right, although it has gone far from the inspiration source. Also check the writing.

    Also it is a Tennogen-ready 3D model which is now uploaded: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=894109800

  3. Hello, Nova73, and thank you!

    About new additions, upgradeable weapons and so: maybe, but now I'm struggling to learn how to make throwable weapons (it requires some scripting which I don't know how to do), and also someone asked to make this mod available for Morrowind. So with all those scripts and Morrowind model export I feel like this, lol:



    No, it doesn't respawn. This mod is in "testing" state now, that's why I don't upload it to Nexus. I'll try to publish it there when I'll make real throwable Despair at least, and some way to replenish arrows (craft recipe?)

  4. ...h-hey, what is this all about?.. Such holywar because of my small stupid mod?

    I never meant it to be an "another Stalker" nor I created it for some sort of fanservice (hek, I'm not even a guy). Firstly, I wanted to create playable Stalker in game which I know how to modify (sorta). But many players do like to play Skyrim as female chars, so it would be unfair if they won't be able to use this mod. So I've created a "female version of Stalker" based on Nyx just for those who like female characters more and want to play with this mod.


    I suppose there (in Warframe lore) could be some allies of Stalker, include women, because he mentions "some [others] like me". But hey, they SHOULD have unique design (at least helmet) and personality, not be the Stalkers-63.

  5. hey OP, there are some strange magic sound that keep playing when the weapons are in use, can you look into that pls thank

    Hm, interesting. I haven't used any non-standard sounds, but these weapons have an enchantment based on this shield effect: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Targe_of_the_Blooded Maybe it uses this "magic sound".



    Indeed. With some practice and time, you get it right.

    Ruk does look great in that skeleton (if that how you rigged him now).

    Using his cannon in Skyrim souldnyt be a problem, just use the Fire spells with right hand lol

    I haven't rigged him yet, just got him into 3dsmax to check compatibility. It's a standard T-pose which Ninja Ripper gets from Warframe.

  6. EDIT: Btw, i think adding a Grineer Lancer or similar wont be a problem. You see, if you use a RaceMenu Mod with extra sldiers and a more advanced skeletal data, overcomming the weird proportions is easier as the sldiers will allow you to customize the grineer's body better.

    Well, I wouldn't recommend using RaceMenu for this, because it's a model distortion. But I've checked now, and seems Grineer are actually suit the Skyrim skeleton, plus you can edit it (some mods with custom races use custom or modified skeleton). Actually, even Sargas Ruk can be rigged onto it, sooo... here comes my next target!


    But I wouldn't make fast promises, because for playable race you need an unarmored body model, and it can be a pain to model and, especially, texture.

  7. Screw that. If you make that available in Morrowind, I'll make alt accounts to endorse that mod to kingdom come.

    Now I'll definitely do that! And there ARE actual in-game throwing weapons, so I can make real Despair! It's... difficult (for me) in Skyrim.

  8. Wat


    Warframe Skyrim mods? I searched for some one day, not too long ago, and I didn't find anything about it...

    Seems I was first who done this. xD Well, I hadn't intended to make a "special" female Stalker, I just thought it will be kinda unfair if only male characters will be able to get Stalker's armor. So I've created a female counterpart based on Nyx.

  9. The female stalkermodel, what is it based on?

    Allso, how do you rig them? Do ninja ripper capture the rig as well?

    Damn nice work!

    1) It's just Nyx with Stalker's helmet and colored in same way. Nyx's warframe is actually a fem-Excalibur, so it pretty suits for femStalker.

    2) No, it doesn't. I used the Skin Wrap 3dsmax modifier, copied skin from Skyrim standard body model and fixed some vertices manually.

    And thank you :)

  10. Also, some known (to me) mod bugs:

    - Dread gets strangely twisted (slightly) when on player's back. It's because Skyrim standard bow skeleton is less curved than Dread, and Skyrim animations are developed for standard bow. I'm noob in animations, so I don't know how to fix it.

    - There can be some "gaps" between character's neck and body (seems I need to adapt model).

  11. ...Thank. You. It's really flattering to read comments like "You win one internet today."


    I've tried to use some other mod as a base, but still couldn't make throwable Despair. I'll check these ones, thank you.


    And I shoud say, I'm not very experienced with Skyrim CK, so I cannot create NPCs or quest scenarios yet. I wanna learn it and update this mod with all those features, but it can take some time. Now I'm mostly into models and textures, so I've just did what I do best.



    I can inplement basically every Warframe and\or weapon if I have this in my inventory or in Codex. Just need to re-color textures in Photoshop or something, because Ninja Ripper captures uncolored textures.

  12. Rrahudd Hello, Tenno!

    I know, everyone wants to play as the good ol' Stalker. And now you can do exactly that! Well, not in Warframe, I'm not a wizard yet... but I can make Stalker in TESV Skyrim:


    Other screenshots are here: http://imgur.com/a/y3hoN

    Mod available for download here: http://www.mediafire.com/download/us0pfd81hodchf2/StalkerEquipmentModBeta.7z


    Mod includes:

    - Playable Stalker's warframe and helmet (both male and female version)

    - Dread, Hate and Despair (I still can't make throwing Despair, so it's just dual daggers for now)


    Where to find: http://i.imgur.com/6NaKQFu.jpg (Riverwood bridge)


    How to install:

    Unpack .7z into your [skyrim]/Data folder, check plugin in launcher.



    Skyrim (Dawnguard or Dragonborn addons aren't necessary)



    - Digital Extremes for our favourite game and Stalker himself

    - NikouT's model ripping manual: http://nikout.tumblr.com/post/102626521046/hey-there-i-am-having-an-issue-with-ripping-from


    Future plans:

    - Learn CK and make some interesting quest for getting all of it.

    Have fun and remember: Your actions have consequences!

  13. TheMugbearer

    Hello and thank you for releasing my idea in such a wonderful way! Sargas Ruk deserves more attention, we have had enough of Vor, Alad, Darvo and other "fans' favourites". :) Time for the hottest (literally) Grineer ever!

  14. Спасибо за ответ!

    1) Ну аугмента на Локи у меня пока нет (играю довольно мало, либо в одиночестве, либо с такими же "нехардкорными" друзьями). Когда-нибудь будет, естественно, но нескоро.

    2) Насчёт "куда же ещё" - я, понимаете ли, не эксперт в шутерах, у меня нет за спиной 1000 часов в КС/ТФ2 или пройденного Serious Sam на сложности Serious :) С меткостью у меня не то чтобы совсем печально, но лепить хедшоты 90% времени я физически не умею. Особенно по инфестам (вы сначала найдите, где у среднестатистического инфеста голова). Так что хедшоты у меня - скорее везение, чем скилл, особенно в случае какого-нибудь лука (да что там, я когда со Страхом хожу, в как минимум трети случаев тупо промахиваюсь мимо врага).

    4) Что у инфестов брони нет, я знаю - английскую вики читаю, в игре видно (красная полоска ХП вместо жёлтой).

    5) А вот за механику расчёта урона на потоковом оружии спасибо! Я не знала, что снижение скорострельности негативно повлияет на сами значения урона, поэтому думала, что это надёжнее в плане "не остаться без боезапаса". Калибр у меня сейчас на 6 ранге из 10 (уже упоминала, что играю не ахти как много), снижение точности негативно не воспринимаю, потому что у меня всё равно руки не реализуют высокую точность.

  15. Всем привет!

    Это, конечно, оффтоп, но хотелось бы совета спросить по игровому оружию и модам в целом. Небольшая предыстория: играю где-то с середины апдейта 11, прошлые ивенты до Кары Тетры включительно не застала (вернее, Тетру пройти могла бы, но я тогда была ещё совсем зелёным нубом и не осиливала). Хардкорным и рукастым игроком ни в коей мере не являюсь, знакомых, сидящих оборону-4 до 200 уровня врагов, тоже нет (я и на самой обороне-4 не была ни разу). Проблему выбора оружия до весьма недавнего времени я решала по-манчкински: у чего больше циферки в билдере, то и берём. Был и период "Рино+Сома", который потом сменился периодом "Локи Прайм+Болтор Прайм", поскольку у меня бзик на "хочу проходить всё в одиночку". :) Но сейчас хочется перестать быть нубом и узнать, с чем же едят эти самые 200+ уровни врагов. Что я поняла из темы:

    1) ДПС перестаёт иметь значение, нужен контроль и ослабление врагов. Проки радиации\вируса и коррозии рулят?

    2) Палим исключительно в голову.

    3) Пронзание навылет обязательно, если оружие не дамажит несколько целей изначально (как Игнис или Ампрекс).

    4) Оружие либо с высоким уроном с выстрела, либо с высоким шансом прока?

    5) Пронзающий либо электрический урон в качестве основного - лучший?

    Ампрекс качаю, пока в нём только 2 формы, но планирую такой билд: http://goo.gl/E7iXjY (с возможной заменой радиации на коррозию - моды на токсин есть, обычный так выбит, ивентовый с Вора). Critical Delay нравится больше мутатора, т.к. замедляет расход патронов и даёт больше красных критов. Нормально, или нубство нубское?

  16. I support basically all of the ideas, especially boss quests and Stalker quest, but others are good also.

    About "amplifier" mods like bonus to acrobatics: I think they were designed for more difference and customizability of builds, basically like "you need to sacrifice something to get something new", for example you can remove Vitality (or Redirection) and use Handspring or some stamina mod in this slot. I do this sometimes, for you can get survivability not just with Vitality\Redirection and higher level enemies are able to one-shot you through any amount of HP and shields.

    I don't know what will be better for mastery rank gaining, but it's a good idea to bind MR points to something other than weapons, frames and companions' level-ups. Because there are some unique, event weapons (and Excalibur, Lato and Skana Prime as founders' exclusives!) that are unavailable for new players, so they automatically will get less MR points than players who have all of these.

    For game goals... I suspect it can be a PvP in conclaves and dark sectors, for it's typical online games' goals - to become a strong player and go to PvP with other strong players :) But I don't like PvP, so game turns into grind and trying of new stuff.

  17. Well, my question isn't very important or serious, but: will we have some new "storyline" events with the hottest (in ALL meanings) Grineer ever Sargas Ruk? :) We have had enough of Vor, Alad and Vay Hek in the latest game events, and Ruk has got only the Gradivus Dilemma. It's unfair to him, he deserves more! Maybe not in close future, but after!

  18. Hello all!

    I just like the Necrons from Warhammer 40k and other fantasy races like them. Well, we cannot have Necrons in Warframe, but I've tried to develop style inspired by them. So... there is Necrotech Skin Pack! (I'm pretty lame at names) Click images for full resolutions:


    Necrotech AkMagnus



    Necrotech Zoren (and Scindo)



    Necrotech Vectis (THAT was a real pain)



    Skin features:

    - Fully tintable metallic colors

    - Glowing elements (supercharge your weapon with unknown deadly energies!)

    - Nekros approves!


    PSD files:

    Vectis http://www.mediafire.com/download/1je12nivlbloe87/VectisSkinContest.psd

    Magnus http://www.mediafire.com/download/n59rda2ygqpnlw7/MagnusSkinContest.psd

    Zorens http://www.mediafire.com/download/o6ygrb6pn47giri/ScindoSkinContest.psd


    I hope it's good enough for you to like it!

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