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Everything posted by Paarlah

  1. I too am experiencing this problem, I just did 8 consecutive missions where after completing the second round it would say that both rounds 2 & 4 rewards were "NOT ELIGIBLE DUE TO INACTIVITY" even though I only completed 2 rounds. I have tried Mercury (Odin), Venus (Cytherean), Earth (Gaia), Mars (Alator) & Ceres (Cinxia) plus I have tried all 4 party types (Public, Invite Only, Friends Only, and Solo) as well. Please fix this soon, I am trying to farm for Natural Talent and this is the only way to farm for it so until it's fixed I may as well have no way to obtaining it except by some miracle one of the Grustrag Three drop it when they decide to spawn during a mission which is a very rare chance of happening.
  2. Krubies are being flagged as enemies, when you use guiding light they show up as enemies on the map even though they're friendly and still count as enemies if they enter dome when rescuing a pedestrian from Dax in Duviri Experience. Also they have been constantly getting in the way for me because I use a controller, so whenever I'm in combat and one is close to drifter then instead of reloading sirocco I get stuck in petting animation which often gets me killed or fail stage/side objective. Please either remove petting of all wildlife in Duviri Paradox, reprogram them to stay out of side objective/stage areas, or better yet just make the wildlife you save/heal as a side objective the only ones that can be pet but are only around for a limited/short time.
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