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Everything posted by Myscho

  1. Never actually saw this challenge in Nightwave, Animator now is "fully socket 3 ayatan sculptures"
  2. My guess is that will be first thing they change in Charm
  3. Charm is overused and we know what they do with that
  4. Its win-win situation for DE. New players pays for skip, after completing Whispers story wont make sense anyway because of skiped biggest revelations (Second dream, Sacrifice, Zariman/Duviri) and they stop playing, but they already paid
  5. Sure, but give it some limitation, because playing Whispers without completing Second Dream or Zariman doesnt make sense, you pay for skip without knowing who are main characters
  6. Its normal, because HW limitation Set your ping limit to lowest and probably you will be always host
  7. So he will be Rebecca´s boss, nice role switch
  8. Eternalism sounds like excuse for plot holes, because everything is possible and coukd happen in other xy-verse or crutches when you writing a story, so you dont have to explain everything and return to story after 2-3 year and trying "fixing" those holes, because Eternalism
  9. From Enigma puzzles https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Cinta
  10. We dont know any details
  11. https://www.warframe.com/qtcc Click on "Unlock Rewards" and you see when everything will be given out
  12. So every time when i wanto to enter to new exterminate, i need to buy beacon for 5000 standing ?
  13. You have to buy plat to erase negative balance to access you account
  14. Issue since Eximus units was introduced Also heavy units have similar issue with their attacks
  15. Since DE add them and they dont bother fixing. Used SAM to fix few
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