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Everything posted by HealingMind

  1. I've been doing a lot of Zariman content lately, and I've been having a lot of trouble with Eximus Units in the higher tier bounties. Once they start hitting the 80 range they become near impossible to just power through conventionally, even with their armor fully stripped, and the amps I built to fight Eidolons aren't much help either. They made kt out to be their huge weakness, but they don't seem to do much of anything to shields once they hit higher levels, and it gets easy to get overwhelmed with a bunch of CC-Immune walls of meat running around. Thing is, seems like it isn't a problem for others, and I've seen a few ops just go in and delete the whole bar, and it isn't really spoken of as a major problem with the game so I figured there must be some effective answer. I was thinking it was potentially my gun, but my weapons deal with enemies at this level fine other than the enemies with overguard.
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