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  1. For the love of god, remove Bile cost if we want to fashionframe installed shards by reordering them.
  2. If they revisit content it is pretty much just for QoL and nerfing grind...not reworking the entire game. *If*, since they usually do not... Especially old frames :')
  3. Since when do new weapons have 1.0? My Dorrclave Riven looks like ass at 0.7 :(
  4. Yeah cuz I ignored the 50 Vosfor and just picked Revenant lol. Every damn week where I don't have a good frame. Wish I had Styanax xd
  5. The combo at significant levels of difficulty is actually 33334 or 3333334 lol 😆
  6. Remember to not farm or buy Jade for at least 2 weeks as well...
  7. Can't say for sure but I think they contract support through Zendesk anyway, so who knows
  8. I miss seeing an actual Accuracy stat as well. The change felt unnecessarily dumbed-down and legitimately annoying to check Reload Speed, which is an actual, quantifiable stat, but whatever. Appealing to children does get video game companies more money. Again, it seems like they've gotten it right before with Sorties and Arbis and Archons, offering *bonuses* for a very small pool and otherwise not punishing you for playing.
  9. I got through this just fine with Nourish Wisp but holy crap I had to spam a lot and stay in my Reservoirs often. Even with 300% duration, you're stuck at 75% duration. I had a 10s buff and 8s Nourish timer. Lol
  10. Meh, I used Convectrix and it was fine. Slash and Viral are resisted, sure, but Slash still ignores armor and Viral still amps damage...so...just stack it up.
  11. What's funny is that they seem to have gotten this right before with Sorties, Arbis, and Archons. You get bonuses in terms of Health and Damage for picking one frame and one of each weapon slot. I will note that there are fewer Primaries than Melees, and fewer Secondaries than Primaries, as well as far fewer Warframes than Secondaries...so a 3/3/3 random loadout isn't necessarily evenly weighted. Though, you also can't predict whether or not a player even has proportional ratios of weapons and frames.
  12. Yeah probably but it's a horrible mechanic. Gee whiz I'll just pick Revenant each week and give up the Vosfor and *eventually* beat the EDA, even if it takes 45-60 mins with my Amprex or whatever. 50 Vosfor is a joke. Kill 2 acolytes. You've basically got the Super Extra Reward, congrats! 🎊 🥳 🎉 This is pretty annoying for Alchemy in particular just sayin'. It does help though.
  13. He feels better than before (after the Big Nerfs), but I personally don't even have a frame of reference to non-LoS Dante. I have no reason to use him over any other room clearing semi tank frame (a lot of frames that start with the letter G come to mind). Dark Verse straight up feels better to use as a subsumed and infused ability.
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