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Everything posted by Vaml77

  1. Vaml77


    I forgot to mention that I have a javlok riven with damage and multiple shots all above 100%...even with riven this weapon is extremely weak!
  2. Vaml77


    I spent 8 years watching javlok in my forge. I got the diagram at the dojo but I never intended to make it. When duviri became a reality this weapon began to appear even more frequently than weapons that I already had shapes and potatoes. I decided to give this weapon a chance and added 5 forms. The weapon is unfortunately one of the weakest I've ever played. Her passive is very weak! I put mods that increased the amount of cartridges to use 20% power per ammunition. I tested different builds such as corrosive+fire, corrosive+slash, radiation+slash and it clearly demonstrated that this weapon is one of the weakest in the game. I would really like DE to make some augmentation available for javlok. The weapon is one of the worst in the game....! It has a very inviting visual design but in terms of firepower it is completely useless. As it is an old weapon, I think it deserved an augmentation or even a kuva variant. I see newer weapons like ocucor and sporotrix getting mods and older weapons seem like they were totally forgotten by DE....
  3. What I would like to see is the option for us to choose manned grinner ships to begin railjack missions with weapons and equipment exclusive to grinner ships. I hope that DE launches this variety of options in the not too distant future. The corpus ships are excessively tall and have very poor and unviable gameplay. If DE decides to make these ships available, they will have to review some points of both ships. On the grinner ship, you can only exit from behind the ship! They would have to put an exit nearby. On the corpus ship, the projectiles are difficult to control and hit the targets.
  4. I recommend play railjack solo....it is a better experience.
  5. Most of the deluxes are really weird or ugly. If DE wants to see revenue increase for the game, I recommend that they hire people for this instead of taking drawings from players here on the forum. If this were done, the revenue that DE could have would solve the cash problem and increase the quality of the game's development. I would increase the costs of these professionally made skins... DE is losing a good source of income!
  6. When these types of rivens come I feel somewhat offended for having dedicated my time to the game.... these rivens should be banned from palladino which is endgame content! I ask DE to please remove these palladino rivens! It's not fair for a weekly thing to present us with something unwanted....
  7. Why is the term "hyped" being used in such a childish way lately on the internet? There is no reason for this...having your feet on the ground and your head on your body is highly recommended.
  8. The Warframe Twitter channel is not showing any screening scheduled for today...is the devstream actually scheduled for today?
  9. My tip is to always leave when the host leaves the game...never stay if he leaves. Unfortunately there is a high chance that we will lose the points... DE could count the points in each match to avoid these problems which are really stressful!
  10. Gauus to me its like banshee/ember/limbo/valkyr...nobody play. This warframes its the most outdated frames for sure. My main is atlas/nidus/hildryn/kullervo/gara/lavos/loki/qorvex/wisp/yareli/mesa/mirage/protea...the good ones.
  11. I have 2 accounts on PC....can i transform in 1 acc?
  12. gauus to me its just another frame mr fodder....cant do much with this frame. Only run in fortuna lol
  13. Many games give players the option to change the theme to older things. I really didn't like the theme, much less the music whispering in the walls. I really liked the themes of the new war and the rising tide of railjack. Please...implement this functionality! Example of old login screen. or
  14. Apparently you are new to Warframe. Umbra forms have become relatively easy to acquire. Kullervo is a recent warframe and the prime version will only come in about 2 or 3 years. It's definitely worth investing Umbra Formas in the warframes that you liked the most, whether in the normal or prime version. For example, I loved qorvex and invested two umbra forms in it and I will keep it forever. Umbra forms can be acquired through dev alerts, nightwave, devstreams on twitch and the weekly Steel path rotation.
  15. marelok incarnon, akbolto incarnon, dark dagger incarnon(hildryn need something to keep shields up and overshields).
  16. Railjack needs a lot reworks, better sinergy with equipments, new equipments for railjack, bring back the old cryophon, more space missions, skills needs limited uses in the same mission or more cooldown to avoid spamm players, we need some grinner ships to start railjack missions(give us some quest to build the grinner crewship with grinner weapons exclusive weapons for this ships.). Another thing is bring back the old panel interface configuration in railjack...was so good everything in just 1 screen! I would like to see the railjack restored to its original form....the current version is like a downgrade of the original version. And the most important...remove the link energy with warframes!
  17. Due to the radioactive theme of this warframe, it could have had a little more depth and mechanics in the use of its abilities. I don't know exactly what adjustment it lacks, but the feeling is that something is missing.
  18. This game mode is actually one of the worst things about warframe. But to achieve this, just play on the minimum difficulty level which is enough to win....using a wisp, vauban, gara, khora or frost is highly recommended to block the opposing team's path. Gara is excellent in this place.... I agree that it should be removed from nw and replaced with duviri missions which are much more interesting.
  19. Everything that is done in Warframe in the end is chopped and sliced and also incoherent. The dagath parts should be farmable in duviri somewhere there, whether in owls or chests that appear on the map or in some content similar to kullervo. Creating rooms in the dojo just for 1 warframe is an immense lack of respect for the players and the game itself. Capriciousness and common sense are what DE lacks.
  20. this weapon in circuit its totally uselles.... DE's philosophy is as shallow as a saucer when it comes to solving problems...
  21. with this cross save a lot problems with coming up for fure....i dont wanna risk my account pc.
  22. I also miss having more enemies in his stomach...it would be interesting to eat several and then vomit a lot...they could change his skill...the more enemies in his stomach, the greater the range of the vomit damage... .
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