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Posts posted by Rakshal

  1. -snip-

    Now, I need to test this for myself but may I ask why Valkyr has such a low jump speed? I may be biased because Valkyr is my most favorite frame but I don't think she is a tank and needs slow speed like a tank. If you ask me she is more of a medium class and need speeds closer to 0.9-1.

  2. Since 17.5 (or one of the hotfixes) there have been an incredible amount of host migrations when a match ends. It is kinda annoying because it screws up the UI so you can't see your rewards. I don't know if this is a bug or just people ALT+F4ing.

  3. "Don't play Conclave" is pretty much the best tip. You can get the entire PvP experience by going into your dojo's dueling ring, and letting someone with a Soma P shoot you in the face

    10/10 would advise again.


    Choose Frost Prime because he is the best in Conclave by a long shot. Equip a Synoid Simulor, Marklok, and any staff. You hit people who are parkouring with practice. :v

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