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Posts posted by LysanderasD

  1. 1 hour ago, [DE]Momaw said:

    I must insist that we know about the issue you are describing. ... Now it's a bug affecting gameplay and we will fix it :) It's on our Known Issues thread as a change that requires code, so it has to be part of the next update that goes through platform cert.


    I missed this being added to the known issues thread; I apologize. Thank you for the update, and I'll stop nagging about it now.

    • Like 1
  2. This issue with Dante remains unaddressed and unresolved.

    The reply I received on that thread, while well-meaning, did not seem to actually parse what the issue at hand was. For clarity:

    When Dante uses a melee attack (or any melee-adjacent action, like slide kicks, finishers, mercies, and bullet jumps) that deals damage to an enemy, any Overguard on Dante's companion that came specifically from Light Verse and/or Triumph is erased.

    This occurs even when there's no other source of Overguard in play (which is to say, that e.g., Pack Leader et all are not at fault)

    • Like 2
  3. I respect the reply, but this is specifically not the issue I'm concerned with. If anything, Pack Leader is working as intended; I understand that specific interaction and it is what I expected. What I did not expect is that Dante using a melee-related action removes any and all overguard on the companion provided by Dante. To be absolutely clear:

    In the absence of any other form of overguard, which is to say, Pack Leader is not installed, when Dante performs a melee action and deals damage, the companion's overguard from Light Verse and Triumph vanishes. It is not being reset to a cap, it is being erased.

    With respect, while I acknowledge there is a deluge of feedback, and not all of it is kind, Pack Leader was me attempting to troubleshoot, not the error I encountered. Please reread the post.

    EDIT: Moreover, this occurs regardless of whether any other player is present, whether any player's companion does or does not have the mod installed, or whether the player is hosting or not. Meleeing as Dante removes companion overguard generated by Dante in all cases.

    If necessary, I can provide log files of a mission in which this error occurs, so you can see precisely what I mean.

    • Like 8
  4. There remains an outstanding, unaddressed, and to my understanding unacknowledged erroneous interaction between Dante and companion overguard, which I have detailed here.

    For my part, Dante is in an acceptable position now, and functions as well as I need him to (though the status damage on Pageflight will be a welcome re-addition regardless). But this bug has been present since Dante's introduction and I have seen very little discussion about it, despite how it cripples Dante's already mediocre mobility.

  5. A thread has been made about this in general subsection here, but a quick glance through the first page or two of this subforum as well as a search for "overguard" show that this topic doesn't appear to be being discussed here, and the most recent hotfix did not address this issue, so in the interest of putting it in the correct place:

    Overguard generated by Dante on companions is extremely volatile, and disappears whenever Dante performs a melee-related or even melee-adjacent action that deals damage. This includes melee attacks, heavy attacks, finishers (whenever the finisher first deals damage), parazon mercies (notably, the overgaurd strip happens after the animation has totally finished), slide kicks in midair, and the bullet jump shockwave. Overguard is not stripped in the event that Dante doesn't hit anything with the action.

    This occurs regardless of the type of companion Dante is using.

    Additionally, this only seems to occur in the absence of other forms of overguard; while I was not able to rigorously test this with, e.g., Styanax or Frost, the presence of Primed Pack Leader causes pet overguard to snap back down to PPL's cap of 2200 rather than setting pet overguard to 0.

    This severely limits Dante's mobility, removing the ability to bullet jump or slide in midair without risking companion survivability, which, given the recent reduction in Dante's overguard generation, and Dante's relatively low mobility in general, is more important than ever.

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  6. Can confirm that this does not require any variation of Pack Leader; Overguard on companions vanishes when the player damages an enemy any melee attack or melee-adjacent action, including (after semi-rigorous testing): Finishers, Parazon Mercies, flying slide kicks, and the radial attack generated by bullet jumping. This appears to affect all types of companions.

    I have only tested this with Overguard from Dante since the update; I do not know if any other form of Overguard is affected by this.

    Attacking objects (anything that's not an enemy that still produces a damage number) does not seem to trigger this bug.

    As someone whose current build is greatly assisted by my companion being alive (Reinforced Bond Adarza Kavat), this is somewhat limiting the ways in which I can play Dante.

  7. This has been a long discussion, and I do not have time or inclination to read multiple pages, so it's quite possible that my thoughts have been voiced, but as long as the floor is open, my thoughts to do with Hydroid are less to do with Undertow and more to do with his intended role as an anti-armor unit.

    Much can and has been said about the problem of enemy armor, and how the design paradigm of the game has been shifting ever gradually toward "just remove armor so you can kill enemies"; I find this personally to be a deeply unsatisfying change and it highlights an apparent refusal or inability to address the problem of Warframe's power curve in general (and armor's DR curve specifically), but there's no need to beat a dead kaithe on that subject.

    The issue I see is that the proposed changes to Hydroid's abilities (and thus his role in a squad) mean that he joins the ranks of warframes like Styanax, Grendel, Caliban, and Hildryn, whose main focus at high levels is foremost the removal of armor. However, Hydroid is the only warframe in this niche who must do so through an intermediary (i.e., Corrosion). All other defense-stripping warframes simply activate a power, and it is the power itself that removes armor.

    Hydroid's process is more complex; it necessitates a specific damage type (which he at least innately provides) and requires him to "solidify" the armor reduction by casting a third power. This is essentially a multi-step process, wherein he must attack an enemy, then apply ten stacks of corrosion,  then cast Plunder to "make it count." In any content where the removal of armor matters, this means Hydroid must perform two to three times as many actions and wait an indefinitely longer amount of time for his armor stripping to work compared to any of the other defense-removal warframes (by which point, even on Steel Path, other warframes can and will have killed the enemy in question).

    And this is to say nothing of the fact that many high level enemies cannot even suffer the necessary ten stacks in order to fully remove armor. Styanax can press two and totally remove an acolyte's defenses; Hydroid, because of the nature of his armor removal, cannot ever permanently remove all armor from such targets.

    (EDIT: as an aside, has it been specified whether Hydroid's passive works retroactively? e.g., if an enemy already has ten stacks of Corrosion and Hydroid damages them, does this retroactively make the first stack powerful enough for the entire stack to strip all armor?)

    I am not one who normally argues for efficiency over fun or thematic purity, but the simple fact of the matter is that Hydroid (at least as he is presented here) cannot compete in the niche he's being moved to, and the removal of his intangibility in Undertow is a severe blow to his survivability even accounting for the fact that Plunder can give you armor (and then only if the enemy has armor to plunder).

    • Like 1
  8. As at least one other person has mentioned: Kahl still loses ADS functionality after accessing cameras. This isn't game-breaking, but as someone who likes to be precise (even with something as wild as the Grakata), it is deeply annoying.


    That said, I am extremely grateful for the other Kahl fixes; I was unsure whether I'd be able to complete the mission with the loss of functionality. Thank you, as always, DE staff.

    • Like 1
  9. While a lot has been said regarding Gauss' performance, my chief issue with his UI; in particular, the interaction between his battery and his powers, and most specifically his interaction between his battery and Redline.

    Firstly: the game does not make it clear that the Redline limiter (80%) represents only a portion of Gauss' battery, and that this limiter is released (100%) when Redline is active. The design of the UI element appears primarily decorative and does not adequately indicate its value after Gauss' limiter is released.

    The battery is represented as a bar with no numeric element. Redline's bonus is represented as a numeric element with no HUD feedback. The way Redline UI element appears suggests that its number, not Gauss' own battery charge, is the crux of Redline's function, when the bonus is just that--a secondary, unique feature of the power. The x% display does not help a player distinguish between what Redline does and what Redline will do. The implication of the design as it stands is that the longer Gauss remains above the Redline, the better he performs, when this is not the case; his performance increase is based purely on battery, and the Redline bonus is there to preserve the battery.

    Moreover, it is not clear what Gauss' battery will do when Redline expires, and nothing in the game indicates this potential cost nor explains it.

    Compare and contrast Nidus (whose UI element revolves around a visible number and a clear, distinct, and segmented visual element to indicate progress) and Baruuk (whose UI element is purely a reactive bar that nevertheless offers meaningful feedback). Gauss is the only warframe who combines indefinite (visual) and definite (numerical) UI elements in this way.

    For the sake of clarity, UI styles should not be mixed in this way. All other warframes with unique HUD elements are very distinct and clear about what these HUD elements do and mean. Gauss' battery and the Redline bonus should be represented in a way that is contiguous with this design.

  10. Ah... I probably don't stand a chance given the inundation of entries, but here's this anyway.

    The warframe: Argentis, Frost Prime, "The Old Master."




    And the operator, Erimentha.




    And as a bonus, together, with and without resident white mage space cat, Antal.



    He isn't very photogenic... eh, cats, what can you do?

  11. I give each of my warframes a "persona," so they're more or less separate characters (though all controlled by the same Tenno--the "persona" is more like a way of shaping their thought patterns). They all have names, but I tend to keep the names to myself.

    Custom - For anything that doesn't fit in the other slots. In no particular order...
    The Old Master - Frost Prime
    The Infiltrator - Nyx Prime
    The Unseen - Ivara
    The Old Warden - Atlas
    The Watcher - Ash Prime
    The Scorned Mage - Equinox
    The Cleaner - Vauban Prime
    The Controller - Mag Prime
    The Peacekeeper - Mesa

    Others I've had in the past but rotated out due to limited space...
    The Abbot - Wukong (colored like a Buddhist monk, as a bit of irony)
    The Singer - Banshee
    The Seeker - Nekros

  12. 1 minute ago, BigBlackCook said:

    what does that mean? 

    It's an expression. People who already qualify for X under the new system will be given X. In this case, people who already had more weapons than there are free slots are given enough slots for their weapons.

  13. With the exception of my first kubrow (Bastion, a Raksa), all of my kubrows have Hebrew names that begin with A (Amraphel the Huras, "he speaks of secrets"; Asher the Sunika, "lucky"; Aliza the Chesa, "joyful", etc.)

    My kavats will have Latin names that start with A, i.e., my Smeeta Antal, "praiseworthy".

  14. But what does this do to solo players?

    This isn't a question for me, but for someone else. I usually play in groups, so this change is positive for me. But now solo players are at a disadvantage, simply by virtue of not wanting to play with other people: they cannot get the extra luminous, and thus are always going to be at a resource disadvantage compared to those who can. A group of four can hit 100 luminous faster than a solo player.

    This change is a massive step upward for people who play together, but a step backward for those who choose not to.

    EDIT: Four players get four different items per key, which is four chances to get the thing you want. One player gets one choice per key. Playing solo, it takes four times as long to get as many chances at the thing you want than it would in a group. In both cases, only one key/projection is expended. This effectively makes grinding in a group 16x more efficient than grinding solo. Why?

    EDIT 2: Consider the current system. One solo player expends four keys to get four chances at one thing; meanwhile, four players expend one key to get one chance at that thing, but if they get it, all four players benefit. Can a solo player offer up to four projections in order to acquire the four rewards? This is mechanically equivalent to running the void mission four times in the current system, and is effectively the same thing as four players keysharing once (in both cases, four keys are expended, and four rewards are acquired).

  15. I was hesitant when I saw your score ran from 1-5, but relieved to see 1 was never employed (and the only 2 is for one of the oldest mission types in the game). There do need to be some glances over for certain mission types, but this is a careful balancing act (i.e., either the capture target is completely immune to most powers or they may as well not run at all--there has to be SOME challenge, even if it must come at the expense of in-universe viability).

    Also want to point out that yes,


    the warframes do breathe (in cold tilesets you can see the condensation emerging from the helmet), and they bleed, which implies oxygenated blood flow. Per the devs and Mag Prime's codex, the archwing provides a supply of oxygen and/or generates "air" around the pilot. The only hiccup is Uranus survival, where you can suffocate to death while using archwing--but that's a mechanical outlier if anything.


  16. I'm excited for it because this is sort of what I wanted from archwing to begin with. Kittens are a nice bonus.

    Also adding my two cents to the "please make the free-floating crosshair a toggle" and "please bind reorient to an unused key" things. Binding it to melee causes needless delay if you don't already have your melee weapon out--it's a 2-3 second delay from when you swing to when you can fire your gun again :(

  17. The developers have repeatedly gone on record saying that the Lotus is trustworthy, but from an in-universe perspective, I admit, there is a grain of truth to what you say.

    That said... Re: Valkyr and her operator: the Lotus is not infallible, and does not make the perfect call every time; as well, if Valkyr's Operator had been told the truth, how would this have saved her? It would only have added to her trauma--she didn't necessarily have a way to escape, even if she did know what she actually was. For all we know, you cannot stop transferring into a warframe on command. Even if you could, at that point, the operator would still have been on Luna--with nowhere else to go, no place to send her mind to. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    But "she did not tell us all of our secrets right away" =/= "she is a completely untrustworthy monster who may turn on us at any moment," unless you are among the most cynical and paranoid. This is someone who turned away from her own kind and family for personal, selfish reasons--true. But a long time has passed since then. It is perfectly reasonable to assume that,  no matter what she may have believed at the outset, she is being perfectly honest with us now.

    I don't see how the Mirage argument is relevant here; we don't even know if the Mirage in the flashback had already forgotten--this was during the old war, and we don't know how much the old war Tenno did and did not remember about themselves, nor do we know about the limits of transference. The argument is empty.


  18. Zanuka is made from Warframes, not Tenno.

    The Lotus never makes the distinction before the Second Dream because she isn't sure how we'd take to the news, as she implies in TSD--as far as she knew, we'd go nuts and start killing indiscriminately.

    In any case, the Zanuka that chases players is a relic of several updates ago, because it's pre-Infested Alad V sending her after us and things have changed significantly since he got kicked off of the board.

  19. As far as "only these two go," @postal_pat, I think it's worth remembering that, technically speaking, we have only met two Sentients--Natah and Hunhow. The Sentients we fight on Luna are not individuals in and of themselves: Hunhow refers to them as his "fragments," and treats them more like extensions of his body than actual independent beings (cf. the way he casually slaughters sentients to create the Pakal armor for the Stalker). Sentient fighters are more like finger puppets that Hunhow can control at range--a metaphorical contrast to the Lotus "controlling" the Tenno, or, better yet, to the Operator controlling the Warframe--which is why he is so surprised when the Warframe acts on its own.

  20. 1 minute ago, -SDM-NerevarCM said:

    Talking as a smart person don't make you smart irl. If you tried to impress anyone, it wasn't enough. Here,try learn programming if you think is that easy. But hey, don't be mad if someone says to you that you're lazy if you programmed something they don't like.

    Easy said than done right? I'm expecting your endeavour in programing in the near future mister.

    Pardon the interjection, but this turned personal very quickly, and I'd like to throw in my two cents. I don't think it was ever stated by the person you're attacking that they thought it would be easy, just that it was something that they wanted to happen.

    Their programming ability or inability is not the point, and I don't really understand why you started going after this person for expressing a desire.


    On topic, though, yes, this weapon does lack an identity; it's either a wimpy dual sword or a wimpy Galatine, and, much like the Stradavar, there is little reason to use the one that can do both when you're better off using either that can do it better.

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