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  1. The issue also occurs in Tonfa Hip Holster - Holster Style. Steps to reproduce: Equip Praedos as a melee weapon. Open the Appearance menu. Open the Holster Style menu. Set the Holster Style to Tonfa Reverse Holster or Tonfa Hip Holster. Proceed to any game session where weapons are available. Activate the Incarnon form of the Praedos. Switch weapons to holster the Praedos. Observe the placement of the holstered Praedos. Additional notes: 3/3 reproduction rate. Platform used: PC The version used to repro: 33.6.0 Video settings are set to Low on Classic Graphics Engine. The issue is unaffected by the Position and Rotation of the Main and Off Hand Holster Styles. The issue occurs on any combination of Warframes and weapons. The issue is unaffected by the squad size. The issue is unaffected by the choice of Evolutions. Link to the Imgur post with attachments (images and video) - https://imgur.com/a/BxyPjry
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