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Everything posted by (PSN)IdoThea

  1. I don't think that's "hot take". "an opinion that is likely to cause controversy or is unpopular" I don't find that any controversial I think many players would like that change.
  2. I actually like playing it solo. It's actually better because you have more control. Nobody steals the helm for example. But it can be annoying when AI of crewmates breaks like happened with this update but they fixed it pretty quick. I usually switch AI pilot when I'm inside enemy facilities so they'll shoot outside things and I don't have to go outside. Harder RJ missions can be annoying especially with the amount of enemy crewships you have to destroy. I wish AI pilot would come to halt when I'm charging front artillery thing whatever it's called. They usually like to troll by moving ship just when I'm about to shoot crewships.
  3. I hope they'll take this into consideration and rework her. I like to play as Nyx because she's quite unique but her abilities just are kind of weak.
  4. I think sevagoth and epitaph is pretty easy to get if you just enjoy Railjack. I have dozen of those parts but guess I'm just mad person who actually enjoys Railjack a lot. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Pay to complete everything. Void will thank you as long as you pay Tenno!
  6. they should just make it universal because it's pretty painful to play Warframe without that mod unless you have Atlas. Especially explosive weapons are annoying to use without it.
  7. did they add this on recent update?! Well finally I can build me a Morgha! I have max syndicate standing with necraloid and dozen of those different matrixes so standing is not issue.
  8. This is only with relic rewards and you only get reward from your own relic regardless which one of you actually chose. So if someone else relic gave rare part and you chose it and something goes wrong you won't get to keep.
  9. Well I agree with these. I have run those bounties dozen times on rotation C and still haven't got Stock part. It's the only one and I've kind of given up. It doesn't help that rotation C is only available like 2 hours and then you need to wait over 4 hours for it again.
  10. Arbitrations also let's you keep rotation rewards and vitus essence if you fail mission. You only lose resources you gathered.
  11. Well guess it's then question if you want to combat FOMO or just accept it?
  12. one way to combat FOMO is to ask yourself Do I need this? New weapon is just another way to do same stuff we always do in game. It might look different and play different sound or shoot little bit different, but still it's same stuff you kill enemies and collect stuff. I don't get excited about new weapons or frames because I have once that I like to use and are good. usually it takes a lot of investment anyway to fully mod weapon or frame because you need reactor, catalyst, forma, adapters.
  13. Smeeta kavat. unless they changed them you can get one rare material per run randomly.
  14. that would be good update. Other idea would be make it so additional power cells just speed up digging, it would be kind of same outcome as you'll get cryotic faster anyway. not sure how everyone would feel about this, but I've been also thinking that survival mode could also use some sort of speed up mechanic. Since in defense you can complete waves faster if you just kill enemies fast enough, but in survival you are stuck with timer. Went little off topic there.
  15. before circuit it was pain because you cannot even do excavation fissures because players rush to complete digs and you won't get enough reactant. I farmed Sibear mainly doing excavation alone or with some random player. They should at least make it so higher level mission gives more cryotic.
  16. It is pain first. I had same experience on my first try of Railjack. Once you get crewmember as engineer hull breach isn't big deal also you'll need to upgrade your ship with mods and instricts.
  17. In other hand if you do excavation fissure in group everyone adds power cells too fast and two digs complete too fast so everyone doesn't have enough reactant. I wish they'd make it so that even if 200 cryotic was collected round wouldn't end unless everyone has 10 reactant. Also they should fix power cell spawns on solo.
  18. You provided good explanation about rejoin, but could have left that last section off. It was kind of mean. 🐥
  19. I hope they'll add some kind of difficulty setting into that quest. You are not alone there's been many players who get stuck especially in archon fights. They could either add just straight up difficulty setting where you choose easy, normal or hard. Or add difficulty tuning that works in the background. when you fail difficulty drops and when you do good it raises.
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