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Posts posted by (PSN)IdoThea

  1. On 2024-07-18 at 11:16 PM, Raarsi said:

    Only if she carries it like Jack Sparrow's jar of dirt.

    guess GIF

    haha! But seriously I was visioning it just floating like next to shoulder or something like that so you would still be able to shoot etc.

    You could also put it down in different spot.

    But like I said it's not super important idea just thought about it when doing exterminate mission.

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  2. Dispensery is excellent when being on one spot like defense missions. But if it's something where you are constantly moving it can be hard to get use out of so what if Protea could pick up dispensery similar way Volt can pick up he's shield and carry it around. So it'll throw stuff out of it while moving.

    Don't make it augment though unless there will be augment slot. I rarely use augments because this.

    Kind of silly idea I had not necessary to add I can live without it.

  3. 17 hours ago, vtdono71 said:

    Came here to report this. My issue is that the aim/zoom function does not work. I can still fish but it's much more challenging. And when trying to use tackle, and pressing A, I switch to melee.

    haaving this same issue and Stunna just gets stuck when catching fish.

  4. 19 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

    I wanted to link you the bug report I've been following but there are so many reports of this still-unacknowledged issue... Add your info to the first one and maybe one day DE will care to look.


    Oh I didn't know there were this many threads about it I just made this post quickly out of frustration...
    I was looking for Kuva Lich with Kuva Sobek to upgrade mine when this happened so now I got lich with Kuva Karak and it'll take time to kill it so it's pretty annoying.

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  5. 4 hours ago, cookiesareyummy said:

    As someone that usually ends up the pilot, I consider it part of the gameplay to set up shots. Yell at the pilot, or have them switch with you and demonstrate the issue.

    You're supposed to cooperate. Your suggestion is to remove cooperation.

    And if your pilot can't be communicated with and they're just plain bad, then don't change the game so that it becomes valid to play poorly. That's how you get "modern" games where nothing you do matters, that's no longer a game. Such a pilot is going to do a long list of other things poorly so it doesn't do much to fix that scenario anyway. The pilot is the one that everyone else cooperates with, so if the pilot isn't cooperating then they have no business being in that seat.


    50 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    And that is a problem how? Pilot can clearly see that the Forward Artillery is charging. If they move, well that is on them.

    AI pilot though always trolls by moving at last second. 

    Make it so that AI pilot stops RJ when charging.

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  6. I think Chaos should be continuous area effect which turns enemies againts each other and if theres no other enemies close by they shoot themselves (I know kind of dark).

    I really like the idea of Nyx but she needs some changes.

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  7. I just realized that I've been playing PS4 version of Warframe all this time and there's actually PS5 version but it was kind of hidden under menu. I feel kind of dumb myself for only now realizing this.

    I actually started to suspect something since there wasn't adaptive trigger setting and home screen shows PS4.

    Oh well gotta download PS5 version now.

  8. 26 minutes ago, RuneterraPrime said:

    so ı got a tenet livia riven mod stats seems good on paper etc but is it worth to grind 

    As it's tenet weapon it's very powerful.... But it's two handed nikana and stance for it is bad. Seems like they still haven't introduced new stances.

    Grinding for holokeyes isn't bad if you enjoy RJ. I have over 140 of them because I enjoy doing voidstorms. 

  9. 2 hours ago, S.O.U.N.D.W.A.V.E said:

    As far as I know, Saryn's name was originally 'Sarin', and quoting directly from the wiki, "It was altered to Saryn when a first responder to a sarin attack suggested a name tweak".

    Name change is much easier to do though. In Jade's case they'd had to change model which takes a lot more effort. 

    We'll see if they'll address it.

    • Like 1
  10. I wonder if they'll change it with toggle or something else?

    has there ever been similar controversy over warframe design that could be used as reference here.

    I personally don't really care that much at least not yet since I'll be getting Jade tomorrow but I admit from pictures I've seen that belly kind of is disturbing.

    • Like 3
  11. On 2017-05-04 at 3:50 PM, Funny said:






    Vauban Prime became a member of the corpus.

    The red color(Fire Palette) of Corpus Tech was painted, And the Vauban Suppressor Helmet(TennoGen), Quaro Armor, Opulas Robe, and Ohma(Melee Weapon) were used to give the impression of a mechanical and heavy suit.


    (18 Pictures ↓↓)

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    Wow I never liked that syandana before since it looks like shower curtain but seeing it here with Ohma it looks actually kind of nice. 

    I know this is old post but I just found it when I was looking for Vauban Corpus inspiration.

    I wish they'd make crewman helmet for Vauban.

  12. 14 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    Yes. But you can't talk to them.


    If you die during a mission as Stalker, you fail the mission, though, irritatingly, and you can't pick SP if you want better rewards.

    I ended up dying and it kind of sucks that nobody can't revive and it was pretty much waste of time and I just realized that running Steel path is anyway faster way to get motes + 2 steel essence from Sister.

    I just thought it would be kind of cool if nobody saw player as stalker and you were killing enemies in the shadows confusing players why enemies die. You kind of can do that still by becoming invisible and running on the sides.

    It's cool feature though I hope we maybe can get stalker as frame someday? but in other hand maybe just keep him this special thing we get to use time to time in operations and Duviri.


  13. 1 minute ago, AzureEon said:

    Lots of entries state warriors being selected to become Warframes (or at least be a base part). Mostly being "guardians", now does that mean Stalker was a low ranked Dax? Would have to be as Ballas has only ever referred to picking them (our best) to become Warframes. As Grineer are not military during that time nor are the non-Orikin humans held in this regard.

    Stalker became warframe after Orokin fell so he probably turned himself into warframe.

  14. 46 minutes ago, VisionAndVoice said:

    I'm dissappointed.

    It's rather short, gives us no concrete answers to what exactly Stalker is, and the climactic confrontation falls very flat.

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    I can make a guess that Stalker being a Lesser guardian meant that he went through a lighter version of framisation, that let him keep some of his mind, but made him a bit weaker than a regular frame, but it's only my guess and does not mesh that well with what was revealed before.

    And the final confrontation - Corpus suddenly stopping firing because they see a baby is completely out of character for them. If anything, spotting a Framebaby would have them see nothing but Credit signs in their eyes and double back on capturing it alive for Profit. Having Stalker fight through the final opposition despite heavy wounds only to choke at the last enemy to have the Player Frame finish them off and let him go would've been a much stronger ending. It both lets Corpus keep their villainous cred, and having the Tenno forgive and let go of our old nemesis is no less poignant moment than having Corpus sudenly grow a conscience.

    Also, if you're having Stalker invade my Orbiter at least use my actual Orbiter. Mine is not as barebones.

    The overall twist is fine though, I kinda liked it. And now it's canon - 

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    Stalker had sex. Unlike us, registered losers.


    I think Corpus stopped shooting was more about that sister having motherly instinct after hearing baby. Corpus crewmen kept shooting until she kept shouting them to stop.

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