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Posts posted by (PSN)IdoThea

  1. 12 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

    I think I was pretty clear with re-joins thing, this is a p2p game, it doesn't have servers for particular games runs, you can't re-join a solo game if you crashed, it's up to you if you don't like it.
    If you can't play the game with your toaster low end pc, then don't play the game and that it. 

    Cry because your PC is bad and demand things from a developer and then says ''If you're not going to help then don't comment'' when someone tells you nothing it can't be done.  Simply Hilarious.

    You provided good explanation about rejoin, but could have left that last section off. It was kind of mean. 🐥

  2. I hope they'll add some kind of difficulty setting into that quest. You are not alone there's been many players who get stuck especially in archon fights. 

    They could either add just straight up difficulty setting where you choose easy, normal or hard.

    Or add difficulty tuning that works in the background. when you fail difficulty drops and when you do good it raises.

    • Like 1
  3. 4 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

    this type of issue occurs is in railjack

    Railjack if fighters aren't spawning it's because spawn limit which is caused if you leave enemies inside derelict or enemy facilities. You need to go defeat those enemies and fighters starts to spawn again.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

    1. One player doesn't have enough time, leaves, the other two follow, the player who knew he did not have time could've play solo or not at all, the other two are just sheep, they will join the same mission and do it again.

    2. That's an exception, i don't like the 4 defense objectives changing every wave instead of every 5 waves, but it is interesting just as grineer mission when the trail moves back and forth or the elevator moving the defense up or down.

    3. The issue with afkers is they keep up a slot, where an active player could've join, i had one in sabotage that went afk at spawn the entire mission, he got nothing but i wonder why didn't he leave, maybe didn't care.

    4-7 in sabotage/capture if you complete it too quickly all enemies stop spawning(doesn't happen often) it can be avoided if the player did not do it so fast. As for the nukes or survival, it happens because enemies spawn in one direction and in the other you get empty fissures, the drop chance is low, players make it lower by killing non corrupted enemies.

    And for spy, players avoid it until they have to do it, you can leech in sorties, i don't care, i joined public hopefully i meet another guy that can speed things up, but please do not trigger the alarms and then quit, especially if you are the host. Every spy mission has One or two pathsthat are always open, kuva fortress, lua, uranus, jupiter are by far the hardest spy rooms i struggle with.

    For the first point it could also be that leaving player is Host or players just don't want to continue without full squad. I leave if host leaves because there's chance that host migration fails and you'll lose everything.

    But if Warframe frustrates you I would suggest taking a break. 

    I'm personally kind of taking break because I've burn out and have nothing to do in game neither. But Warframe can get frustrating because all the issues it has so it's OK to take break and come back later.

  5. 1. This could be just players who don't have enough time to play, but if they just star mission again don't really know what it's about then.

    2. I do this with Stephano Uranus because I want map with only one defense target not the one you need to run around four points. This also happens when new prime comes out players don't want to farm relics and rather leech or something like that.

    3. This is annoying but usually AFKers don't get rotation rewards if they trigger AFK detection.

    4. 5. 7. This is more like problem with fissure mechanic itself. Sometimes enemies don't spawn enough etc. DE should do something to improve fissure mechanic.

    2 hours ago, (PSN)Zbeatza said:

    failing a spy mission then leaving because spy missions are bad,not the clumsy guy that enters the room.

    Spy missions are kind of problematic because you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. Others don't want you to leech but if you go into vault and mess everything up that's also bad.

  6. If I'm not mistaken rules state that you cannot discuss anything outside of Warframe in region chat?

    My advice is to disable region chat because you are pretty much playing with fire there. I went fool around in there when I started playing Warframe and said some dumb things and got banned from game for 2 weeks.

    After my ban was over first thing I did was to disable region chat.

    • Like 2
  7. On 2023-08-28 at 4:55 PM, NecroPed said:

    Frost (and mag) is available now for a limited time on top of the current prime resurgance. 


    29 minutes ago, xMarvin732 said:

    Frost is out with Mag atm

    Got Frost Prime now. :) only primes I need now is Nekros and Hydroid.

    • Like 1
  8. On 2023-08-26 at 10:02 PM, S.Dust said:

    I want it so bad but im POOOOOOOOOOR ;-;


    IM on the phone with my girlfriend getting her to convince me not to bite the bullet I'm so weak. I don't even play the game that much anymore but I have 3k hours 


    Bruh they couldn't give a discount for people who bought the tennocon bundle at least ;-;


    What makes me sad is there wont be any change to these packs no matter how mad the community is because people probably already bit the bullet and bought it.

    By the Void you should definitely buy it!!! Don't listen all this nonsense these non believers say trust in Void and it shall gift you with greatness.


  9. Not sure if they do it on purpose so prices stay up so players spend more plat?

    I would like to get Frost and Nekros I'm missing those two. At least now I can just keep piling aya until one of them gets unvaulted so it's easier to get them.

  10. 14 hours ago, RLanzinger said:

    I rarely do this but :

    Let's understand what is necessary ACTUALLY (sum up of WIKIA's Orphix)

    In terms of Necramech Level

    1. Orphix Tier I : Necramech x1 forma minimum
    2. Orphix Tier II : Necramech x3 forma minimum
    3. Orphix Tier III : Necramech x5 forma minimum

    In terms of Necramech Build

    • Necramech's Rage and Necramech's Repair (Not-an-option)
    • Weapons build : corrosive at least
    • If SOLO : Fluctus (Not-an-option)

    In terms of Strategy

    • Understand ABC-Spawn Rotation CBA-ABC or CAB-BAC or NOR just do A-B if C out of range or a pain to fight in (Corpus tile of The Sergent).
    • If Solo : Add Speed up Mods
    • If Team : Do 2 pairs to attack 2 Orphix at the same Time (team AB and Team BC), one Necramech do CC the Other concentrate on Orphix

    In terms of Tactics, All Must give priority to survivability :

    • in Solo : A Dead Necramech mean Mission Failed !!!
    • VoidRig : Must Manage health/energy by activating his shield whenever Repair is triggered even at the cost of his Artillery mode.
    • Bonewidow : Must always use MeatHook, almost never her shield and keep energy for her exalted Blade only.

    Others hint :

    1. Having Hildryn out of Orphix's Range give more energy.
    2. Using Protea's ability with Tactical menu give more energy (out of Orphix's Range).
    3. Using Operator to fast go from Orphix to Orphix is not recommanded at high level.

    Generally speaking

    • In tier I : It's easy to do 12 Orphix in 10 minutes (beside the Railjack part that take 6-10 min)
    • In tier II : It's not easy in Solo but you've got place for some errors.
    • In tier III : it's does not leave place for idle, chit-chat or anything else... you're in FORMULA one league. I can failed the 12 Orphix if not properly prepared.

    That for the ""minimum"" advice you need to know to do Orphix properly ... 😅


    And yeah as @(XBOX)Mastermitchel89 complain,

    The pace and difficulty in TIER III is another league, VERY HARD in solo more if you restrci yourself to a FORMA 5 necramech like I do; It may be manageable with a 8-10 Forma but I found it a bit too-much...

    Orphix is a TEAM UP operation, Being Solo or with newcomers (forma 0 necramech) does not change much the difficulty/pain.

    Orphix DOES NOT encourage Diversity, its' the Necramech's Real-Kind-of-Steel-Path. As a side game it does not correspond to [DE] Actual way to do things but its' a Side game so I presume they does not have time to spare so YES, you have only your tears for yourself. It's sad but that reality, sorry pals...


    PS : I am an Orphix event veteran but I had my hard time too since I did not possess a Necramech when the event started. There was tons of teams, and it was LESS HARD that it is ACTUALLY (We could do around twice in terms of rotations / Arcane farm).

    wow that's a lot of words.


    Tbh I'll give Orphix another try only if they cut down sentient control A LOT. Before something like that is done I'm not even going to bother with these nodes they can keep blinking in RJ map all I care.

    • Like 2
  11. I'm almost 30mr and I don't agree with this. I want to be OP and kill horde of enemies.

    Already dislike steel path but I'm doing it for mastery. 

    I don't really understand when players want harder content because gear we grinded because usually that hard content just makes our powerful guns feel like potato cannon. Archons are already annoying bullet sponges and every time I'm doing them I just wish someone joins with one shot build so fight will be over quick.


    • Like 5
  12. 3 hours ago, Xamuswing said:

    Going fast isn't the problem. I already stated he can complete missions fast if he needs to. "Going fast," however, is a much bigger struggle on SP, which is where the most optimal grind spots are. If you don't have any damaging abilities (which Wukong really doesn't, especially not for the enemies you encounter on SP) or have an especially high damage set-up (which Wukong needs Helminth for), grinding on SP is a complete nightmare. Gauss can run through short missions just as fast with much stronger damage and damage mitigation abilities. Volt is better for raw speed and damage. Titania is better than both of them. The only mission type Wukong is 100% optimal for relic opening is Spy, which is generally not good for relic opening in the first place.

    I never use SP for farming because I don't find it fun. Enemies are kind of bullet spongy and toxin damage can almost one shot.

    I mainly run SP nodes fast as possible to complete them. Though I'm not Wukong user.

    went kind of off topic there but just let players enjoy frames they enjoy.

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  13. I mean I'm not a huge Wukong fan neither but if you don't like him why he bothers you or players who choose to play him?

    You cannot really AFK in Warframe because there's systems that detect it like if you don't move around you don't get rewards etc. 

    He can zoom around fast but how's that bad thing? usually players rush missions when opening relics etc. because they want to open many as possible quick.

    If you want to take your time there's option to play solo. That's what I do when I want to play on my terms and pace. You cannot expect players on public know the way you like to play or even command them to play way you play.

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