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Posts posted by Cyborger1

  1. Here is a video showcasing the issue. The video was recorded in version 23.0.7, but I just tested it again today and it has not changed so I did not find it necessary to record the glitch again.

    This glitch has been a thing since the weapon rework of update 22.12.0 at the very least.

    The glitch has to do with the Sancti Castanas where their damage revert to normal Castana stats when they are sticking to something, meaning you have to air burst them to do significant damage.

    The main indicator that the stats are bugged is the status chance. I should have roughly 95% status chance per Castana projectile (0.34 * 2.781 = 0.9455), so when I stick one on an enemy, I expect to proc a status effect almost every time, on top of the forced electric proc of course.

    Yet, when I do stick the Castanas, I almost never proc my equipped elements. When I airburst them instead, I get significantly more damage and they proc almost every time, as expected.

    Please fix DE and thanks for all your hard work 😊

  2. Only tip I would have for you, however pretty obvious, would be to use a forma on either Tipedo so you can identify which one to use for the craft.

    If you don't want to have to re-level your good Tipedo, waste it on the crafting one. Else use the forma on your good one.

    If you're feeling like taking the gamble though, you could always ask support to return your Tipedo if you use the wrong one.

    Come to think of it, you could do the forma wasting thing and contact support to get the forma back saying you had to use it to differentiate the two weapons.

  3. So far I've been able to get full sets of all the weapons released in Sorties. This season looks bleak though cause all I got so far is the blueprint. Makes a little angry because its the one weapon I actually needed. Could always turn around though.

    If not, I could probably try trading previous weapon sets for a snipetron set.

    In the end though, the free cores are nice, definitely helps with all those primed mods.

  4. 2 hours ago, Serafim_94 said:


    Seems about right, personally I use Quick Thinking in there instead of Vitality. Max efficiency Loki doesn't take much energy to use so the remaining extra energy makes for a good buffer when your shields go down.

    I also don't find Cunning Drift to really be necessary, the 15% extra range at this point is rather negligible. I would rather use Mobilize or an elemental bullet jump mod in the Exilus slot for the improved mobility. Being able to move around the map faster means you can cover a larger area with your disarms and also helps counter Loki's squishyness.

    If you can get your hands on an Essence Loki Helmet, the 15% extra efficiency means you can tick 2 points off the Fleeting Expertise, saving you an extra 20% power duration, quite useful. These are quite rare nowadays and worth quite a bit of Platinum so I wouldn't count on that too much. I got mine from back in the day when the statted helmets dropped from alerts.

  5. The slight delay is caused by the firerate of the weapon. Weapons will automatically reload after the last shot only when the delay for it to fire off the next round has passed.


    Manual reload overrides that firerate delay. You can test this by adding firerate modifying mods.

  6. i think you can turn it on/off by using the "y" key (standard?).

    Theirs also the option to turn it on/off permanently in the "HUD" section of the option menue.


    The standard key is "Z" and the option is called "Show Player List" in the HUD section.


    It provides health, shields and energy readings of all squad members.


    Seriously though, DE should have this set to ON by default. It's like if you were playing L4D and you had to turn on the teammates health bars on the bottom of the screen because it wasn't enabled by default.

  7. Have you tried turning down particle effects to their lowest setting? If not, that may help mitigate the issue on your end.


    But yeah, Mirage always had that issue of creating fps sinks. DE tried fixing it several times but you can only limit the visuals so much before starting having to gimp the ability itself.

  8. I admit I don't have the best pc ever for this game, so my fps can dip quite a bit when there's a lot going on.


    I've noticed that Ivara's cloak arrows will spawn their bubble very far from their point of impact when the fps is low. This is frustrating as I cannot reliably give invisibility to my teammates.


    The bubble can spawn far enough that the teammate is sitting that the edge of the bubble, losing the invisibility whenever he moves. Sometimes, it can spawn so far out it's just ridiculous.


    Firing at a wall can have the same effect, the cloak bubble forming far away from said wall.


    Sleep and Noise arrows seem to have the same issue.

  9. The thing about these frames is that they're meant to be something on the side that you eventually get without thinking about it, not something you rush for.


    Think something like Oberon which yeah, you could go out of your way to hunt for eximi, but it's just better to let it happen.

    Also think something like Ash, just do your LoR raids and you eventually have all his parts.


    Just play the game, do your sorties and you'll get Nezha eventually.


    I mean, you have to think about this on the perspective of someone that starts out today, by the time they do everything else, they'll have all the Nezha parts. It's only because we already had everything else done in advance that we see this frame as a roadblock.

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