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  1. True but if I subsume an armor strip then what would heal qorvex
  2. Wisp 4 buff would be cool but why I suggested armor strip for qorvex is because abilitys that don't deal corrosive or viral against enemy's tend to do miniscule damage and that your weapon would deal more damage. Now with armor strip qorvex would probably do adequate damage as intended. Yea, pulse is nice for aoe but laser pillars would've been nice
  3. Alright so after watching the devstream I was pleasantly suprised with a lot of things but the most awesome of them all was the new warframe qorvex. I loved how they looked and their abilitys where great but have a few caviots imo. The 2cnd ability where you use concrete to smash opponents should strip armor so qorvexs other abilitys will do good damage against enemy's, (This will also stop people from subsuming other armor strip abilitys on qorvex on release.) And their 3rd ability should also heal qorvex for either a set amount or a percentage based on power strength, (Their 3rd ability sounds good on paper but only cleaning satus effects and not healing yourself will not be good as a survivability tool despite their large health pool and armor value.) Those are the changes I wish to see when qorvex releases and honestly I wouldn't mind if the healing became a exilus augment mod. Also please fix kaithe energy colors I cannot color the wing energy and ability energy of my kaithe (this has been happening since the launch of duviri) With much love for the dev team and the community. :Ethan
  4. Thank you. May I ask also that you please give the kaithe a energy color slot for the body soon. You see when you go to color your horse there is no energy color for the coat section, meaning your horse energy attacks and wings won't be colored and it will be the base energy colors.
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