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  1. You should keep Natak perals because Dog Days is returning event and they will be useful next time. What I'm supposed to do with 354 Cephalite Resonance though ? Well your guess is as good as mine...
  2. Can you please fix warframes being locked to place in Duviri ? Thisis triggered by various means but most consistent goes as follows : - Fight Kullervo as Drifter. - At start of stage 3 use Transference Surge. - Kill shadowy things, cutscene of Kullervo getting stabbed plays. - You will be as drifter again once animation ends. Transference surge either gets nullified or runs out of time. - Every time you will play as your warframe, you will be stuck to place. Animation of running on place will play. Only way to move is bulletjump. This happens either in undercroft or when using transference surge again. - This bug ends once you cross portal during wyrm boss fight. It also sometimes happens after using revive or last gasp ability, but harder to reproducte it that way. Needless to say that if your warframe, which is basically glass cannon hit and run unit in lot of cases gets immobilized you will have hard time finishing mission. Last time I resorted to fininshing undecroft as drifter with Klamora amp which was doable but not pretty.
  3. That gonna be good for fanfictions. I'd bet my potato someone is already working on it.
  4. Can we please keep circuit progress for rounds we completed ? Loosing only progress of round we failded ? Best thing on rogulike games is pushing limits until you die/fail. It should work like Scantuary outslaught
  5. Technically they arent missing. Those idiots sonetimes just casually walk out of map or get catapulted there by weapons once its overguard is depleted. And they dont have any respawn mechansm build (or at least working one)....because of course they dont...
  6. Also when we unavoidably fail because selection of weapons universally sucks, please can we return to cave instead of orbiter ?
  7. You know, In roguelike games you normally keep progress if you fail. Circuit is not good experience right now You can either fix defense missions and scale defense objective health, force SP Duruvi to only use equipment that is SP ready or make us keep circuit progress of rounds we completed. Obviously we shouldn't keep progress for round we failed but we should keep progress of rounds we completed. Also Titania's Tribute is still broken sometimes....since Lua's Prey...I'm really starting to strongly doubt anyone from DE is ever reading this page. Feels like screaming into void
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