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  1. I'm not really a Hydroid lover and I almost never play him, but I can understand people not liking the puddle to go away. Tap/Hold mechanic exists for many abilities : Mag 2nd, Zephyr 1r (stationary and mobile modes, very close to Hydroid's Puddle (3rd) and his Wave (2nd), but in the air). The puddle and the wave could get merged as a second ability (tap/hold) and the new ability could be the new third. I can't understand why they did not figured out this as the best otpion. But, to be honest, this won't change anything to me, I won't play Hydroid anyway.
  2. Ok. Very nice. I agree with everything, but... wans't Thermal Sunder the topic here ???
  3. Sevagoth can also CC with Gloom and go on operator mode or Shadow mode without problems. I really think Banshee's 4th needs to be updated to let us go on operator mode (this is the minimum). This limitation was perhaps valid in the past, but it is no more consistent with newer frames abilities. But, to come back to the topic, I think that the highlight idea for Sonar is really good : if even the drifter gadget could do this, why not an ability that can locate even the weak spot ? And it would be really very funny to play Banshee this way. And if her 1st could disarm (or at least a chance of disarming), this ability would become her main option of survivability : pushing away melee units and disarming ranged units. This would work like Mag's Magnetize augment Mod, which is really very good to improve her survivability. By the way, don't you have any ideas for her passive ?
  4. Why not 100% disarm ? Banshee is very squishy. Melee is not a problem for her : low range Silence+Sonic Boom is more than enough to protect her, but ranged weapons are a problem. Shield gating is most of the time the only possibility to survive. I would really love to see this highlight thing. I don't think there would be saturation problems as it's fades out with distance (desn't it ?). Why not, but I would also like Silence to disable every single Eximus aura, even the Artic or Cold Eximus aura. Make the augment mod the base ability would be an improvement, or making this ability work like Silence or Sevagoth' Gloom : an aura of stagger around Banshee, forcing enemies to stay away from her and easy to shot on their weak spot. Of course, the range should be reduced. I never understood this thing : Hildryn can use her 4th, CC enemies, damage enemies, producing at the same time energy orbs, move around, use her exalted secondary and we can go on operator mode while her 4th is on. but with Banshee's 4th, that only pushes enemies away, we can't. I think it's because Banshee can't move. We can't go on operator mode when using Nyx 4th (without augment), but with he augment we can. This need to be changed as soon as possible.
  5. Same. The skin and the syandana are great, but that faceless helmet... really scary !
  6. Oh ! IThat's why Sleight of Hand had almost no effect on Survivals ! I always thought that the problem was me not being able to use this ability correctly.
  7. I really like this concept and I think this is really something that is missing in Warframe : a Gas type warframe. [And I'm not saying this because this concept started with my husband's idea 🙄😆]
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