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Posts posted by Minaeus

  1. Hello Megan,

    Let me start off by saying that I appreciate the developers trying to fix Oberon. When I started to play Warframe I knew I wanted something special. I wanted to play a warframe that could support the team and deal some damage. I saw Oberon, and read his description, and felt that this was the warframe for me. I loved playing him until I started to play higher level content. I was getting crushed, and was of little help to my team. I began to see that my favorite frame had some SERIOUS problems.

    Issues that need to be addressed:

    1) Range of Reckoning and Hallowed Ground: Please make them match. I don't see why you would want to make those two abilities that are supposed to synergize, different in size. If you do so, please don't make them shorter range. They both need a range boost.

    2) Hallowed ground: Please consider making it into a 360 circle. I don't get the arc.

    3) Reckoning needs a serious rework, PLEASE. Damage is lacking and the CC from radiation is intermittent at best. Also, consider increasing the armor stripping.

    4) Please increase the base damage and scaling if it supposed to a nuke. I would prefer a single target strong nuke over a multiple target tickle fight. If it is a CC ability and not a nuke, please make it into a good CC IE: a root, snare, stun with a few seconds duration, anything would do at this point.

    Overall, I am asking for the developers to make it so that a warframe I loved to play is actually playable in high level content. Currently he isn't.


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