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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. it would be akin to an actual breach of contract. And that sucks.


    Not really. Any even halfway decent company has protections put in place along the lines of "we can do what we want with the service or product we allow you access to" and "By using this service, you waive the right to X."


    Because that's what the Founders exclusives are. People weren't sold a product, they were technically sold a service--like paying for extra minutes on your mobile phone per month.

  2. What are your plans to balance out the maximum Mastery obtainable between the oldest and the newest players? Given we're not even halfway to Rank 30 yet in terms of pure points, if Mastery is ever to matter in a meaningful way such as for whatever Focus becomes, this ever-growing gulf must be closed.

  3. See, if exclusives were turned into skins like I suggested, then things like the Dual Skana Prime could actually be released and restricted to Founders.

    And there wouldn't be any gameplay-related issues with that, only people salty over cosmetics, which would weaken their arguments to the level of complaints over the Jade skins.

  4. Time to store up Alad credit so I might actually be able to take advantage of the situation if Nef ever offers something good while I'm both conscious and at home.


    We all know that'll never happen.

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