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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. New Conclave Mods have been added to Conclave Challenge reward tables.


    What mods, why aren't they listed in the Codex, where's Vital Systems Bypass come from and do Challenges other than the Bandit ones actually work now?

  2. The Starmap consists of one node for each mission type for each tileset, including the Derelict and Void. Keys are removed.

    Each node has a progress bar associated with it. Each completion (or rotation C completion for endless missions) increases the counter by 1.

    Reaching particular milestones in a progress bar gives unique rewards specific to that node. Rewards start at Codex entries, progress to Market blueprints and finally reach variant SKINS (Prime, Wraith, Ak/Dual, etc) for standard equipment and selected existing cosmetic items.

    All variants become said skins, and serve as purely bragging rewards. Lost forma and potatoes as a result of this change are refunded.

    This helps clear up the clutter from the Void drop tables, Market and weapon lists.

    Node progress bars can be rushed with Platinum, which helps take it out of the system rather than just swirl it around.

  3. Look at Trading.

    It's a hellhole of screaming as people desperately try to stand out by screaming louder, and the whispers it relies on are two people saying "offer?" in the hppes the other will cave first.

    I would rather there not be trading at all, and that loot be shifted from RNG to rewards from progression bars filled up by doing missions or rushed with Plat.

    The problem being we don't have enough worthwhile Plat sinks that take it out of the economy.

  4. "High prices?"

    Almost everything in warframe tradechat is already cheap as F***. Most weapons go for 20-50pl already now, most frames for 30-80pl.

    50 Platinum is not cheap.

    This is 1-5pl for every prime part/set that is available as nothing in warframe is really rare

    Who cares that the junk nobody can shift because everyone keeps spamming it gets listed for 1 Plat?

    You already admitted the new stuff is an exception. That's because demand outstrips supply, something that carries over to a lesser degree to the PA packs it follows.

    What you consider high prices for prime items is roughly 10-25% of the prices that the non prime counterparts in the market shop cost in platinum.

    Market weapons are stupidly priced to take advantage of the impatient and the stupid.

    That doesn't mean prime parts need to follow suit.

    No. No need to buy for 2pl if like 1000 guys offer the same set for 1pl. Dreamer.

    Those 1 Plat more-common-than-air-itself parts would get bought up, likely by people seeking easy ducats without the effort. Some would buy some to try relisting at 2, and the price would stabilise.

    If the supply falls to a point where the ones listed at 1 disappear, those listed at 1 become the new norm. Someone undercuts to 1 and the cycle repeats.

    But that's only possible with a large enough supply compared to demand. With a smaller supply, people list them for the price they think they're worth--say, 30--and the balance between supply and demand determines whether the price rises or falls and how much by.

    This is not about ash oh my goodness. Ofc the few things that are new to the game would be an exception.

    I used Ash as an example. Obviously his parts won't stabilise or even fall anywhere near as fast as others, if only because he's new and people will want to keep those parts for themselves.

  5. You don't understand, nothing in warframe has any value if you implement any kind of auction house or item list or how ever you call it. In return droprates of almost all items had to be drastically reduced. With an auction house, e.g., every prime part would go to a value of 1-5 platinum very quickly.

    You're assuming (a) everyone will list their parts at the same time, (b) everyone will undercut to insane levels instead of waiting for the ones on sale to be sold, and © high prices are better.

    High prices only benefit the seller, but when nobody can afford or is willing to buy their stuff at the prices they charge, they either adapt or fail.

    If an AH happened and as you claim, the Ash Prime parts dropped to 5 plat despite there being no increase in supply, do you know what would happen?

    They'd get bought. They'd get bought and the sellers would start raising the price a little to see if people would still buy them at 6 plat. Then 7. They keep buying it?

    The market would stabilise to the correct value based on the will of those using it, as opposed to the value the sellers think their stuff is worth.

    But all that requires your assumed dramatic price drop that appears out of whole cloth with no increase in supply to drive it.

    Realistically, those Ash parts would get snapped up long before they ever hit 5 plat.

  6. I don't want to deal with the wall of screaming scalpers that is Trading chat any more.

    They'll still be scalpers with an AH, but at least they'll be silent.

    Recruiting also needs to be supplemented by a group finder function where you can list what you're after, so specialist runs like the G3 don't get drowned out in chat by a wall of people begging for someone else to use their keys.

  7. Coptering haters said : But parkour 2.0 will give us more control!


    More control? No way, 99% of time when I try to bullet jump forward I just hit the roof of the tile; 99% of things I do toggles off my sprint; bunny hopping still gets me stuck when climbing most walls; and in general, parkour 2.0 is soooo damn slow.


    I wish they could keep both systems, coptering and parkour 2.0, so everyone would be happy.


    Coptering (with the "sudden physics disaster" bug removed) should be the "ground-only" BulletJump, and both should be single-button actions instead of combos. That way people with hand conditions can perform those moves as easily as possible.

  8. It's still better then letting jesus take the wheel when you copter or fling off geometry with the previous system.

    They did internal testing with this with many rework builds. Now that it's in the player's hands feedback is what they need, not people wanting the system utterly destroyed and reverted back to on-rail garbage with horrible momentum control.

    I'm not phased by the cap of speed on the Air Melee.

    Please. I had much more control over my movement during a copter, because I wasn't getting air unless I wanted to or it bugged out and hurled me off a cliff.

    Now I'm always in the air and my only means of recovering is another move in what I hope is the right direction; I can't swing around or even slightly curve my arc to the side.

    THAT is letting Jesus take the wheel, and he's been doing drugs.

  9. This system needs work. A lot of work.


    DE replaced one movement combo with another, and though the former was buggy, all it ever did was throw you off a cliff or embed you in a wall for a few seconds. Now we have BulletJump, which is just as many buttons to perform, and is more complicated to pull off than the directional air melee was if you're already mid-air.


    Wallrunning is needlessly overcomplicated and prone to pitching you off the edge and into oblivion.


    The entire system is context-sensitive, which just means it doesn't do what you tell it to do, it does what it THINKS you want it to do. This wouldn't be quite so bad if the coptering replacement didn't require sliding as well as hurling yourself through the air in a straight line with absolutely no fine motion control beyond executing another move in what you hope is your intended direction.


    At least with coptering you could swing around; now because you're guaranteed to be airborne, you can only hope you can stop before you go flying any further off that cliff.


    -The Solution-


    Coptering needs to return as our "I don't want any air!" ground BulletJump, now that the devs have presumably plugged the whole "sends you flying far further than you expected" bug, and BulletJump needs to be a one-button move and not a combo.

  10. I teach newbies by breaking down the controls required, Knight. Maybe it'll help you out, I dunno.

    First I have them sprint, then sprint into a slide, then slide into a melee, then slide into a jump-melee.

    Then I have them do a directional air melee.

    It's easier to teach them like that than it is to try and get them to execute the full move from the start.

  11. Coptering is easy for me, but that's because it became second nature and I grew up with fast-paced PC shooters.

    I'm also used to leading fast-moving targets across great distances (Starsiege: Tribes) on terrible connections using non-hitscan weapons that inherit my OWN velocity, which I guess translated into calculating my own trajectories instead of my projectiles' with this game.

    The only difficulty comes from not having the Stamina bar in the middle of the screen to easily see at all times whether I've regenerated enough of it to copter again without the sprint cutting off before I can slide.

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