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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. I'm really getting the sense some people are confused as to why primes are being vaulted.

    Its just to make space. Well, it has been so far so we have no reason to think otherwise.


    If they were doing things just to save space, removing the 50+ duplicate prime part entries would do more to save space than removing anything from the Void completely.


    They're doing it to save space AND to try and promote more Platinum/old part trading and panic-farming.

  2. to grind for the prime items they are missing.



    They don't go there to get swamped with a bucketful of things they weren't looking for.

    "I'll turn these into ducats!" turns into "I guess it's more ducats for me," which in turn becomes "I don't need any more ducats!"


    I've got about fifty T1 Def keys. I only use them to get resources and OTHER keys.

    There's only one Rotation--C--in T1 Def that rewards prime parts. There's four things it can drop. For me, T1 Def is only good for keys, resources and the odd ducat if by some chance I don't get another forma blueprint.


    Basically, there has GOT to be a better way than what we have now.

  3. Am I the only one in this thread who actually agrees with this idea? It'll certainly stop a lot of disappointing drops..


    What about the Forma drops? Do you think they should not give you BP forma on T3 and T4? Or just T4, you get formed formas?


    Everything else--cores, forma, resources--stays the same. It's only a chance at a specific prime part or two per key (or rotation).

    Except for T4. It makes no damn sense that T3 is the only tier that can give you built forma. I'd swap that around.

  4. Realize this, DE doesn't want you to get those items, DE doesn't want to make it easy, cause DE doesn't want you to stop playing, just because you got all the stuff you ever wanted in 1 day or 2.


    If DE truly intended on improving this stuff, they wouldn't made it RNG based to begin with.

    In the past when they have "cleaned up" and "fixed" the void drop tables, they really didn't, or else they wouldn't have introduced filler items such as cores, keys, resources, etc.


    RNG is the ultimate boss, and it can not be beaten.


    I'd rather get cores or resources in a T4 than some T1 junk.

  5. You guys realize that it isn't profitable for DE to spread the rewards and make them easier to acquire unless they do some raid-tier bullS#&$.


    Again, I'm not asking for easier to acquire.

    I'm asking for them to not say one thing ("Less RNG!") and do another ("Duplicate everything!"), recognise what happened ("We dun goofed! Less RNG!") and then remove something completely different that wasn't causing the problem in the first place.

  6. I know they'll never change the RNG, but at the very least the duplication has GOT to go. Remove six items to free up room in the drop tables for new stuff? That's less space freed up than if you'd just removed the damn duplicates in the first place.


    You do know that the star chart AND the void are getting blown up and rebuilt soon? Why don't we wait and see what they bring us.......


    While I'd love to have rewards per node, all we're really going to get (let's be realistic here) is RNG for mission selection as well.

    Forgive me for not jumping for joy.

  7. I know, I know, we've been over this countless times.

    The trouble is, DE consistently say they want to fix RNG, but consistently make things worse.

    Even their about-face regarding the T4 duplication of pretty much everything that was already in the T3 loot tables didn't fix the existing problem.

    If player feedback from a "this is my experience" perspective doesn't get us anywhere, it's time to break out the numbers.


    -The Statistics-


    According to the wiki, there are thirty-four primes--including Vaulted ones--that have parts that drop (or have dropped) in the Void and/or Derelict, and these thirty-four items are constructed from a grand total of 122 different parts (Assuming my maths is correct; I had to assume the Reaper and Dakra's component lists were similar to the other melee weapons).


    122 parts. Sounds like a hell of a lot, especially since we aren't even talking about stuff you need to get two or more of if you want to get everything (Akbronco Prime, I'm looking at you).


    And yet, that list of parts--less the ones that have been Primed Vaulted--show up in the Void and Derelict reward list 178 times. Even with the Vaulted parts in the calculations to skew the results in DE's favour, that's still a grand total of 56 prime parts that have no purpose being in the reward tables. That's 31.5% of the prime part section of the reward tables just taking up space.


    Some items even get duplicated TWICE in the loot tables. I mean... why? Vaulting primes doesn't make any sense if you've got rubbish like this that desperately needs cleaning up... again.


    -A Solution?-


    Between the Void and the Derelict, we have thirty-one different mission nodes split between eight different mission types. If you discount ODA and spread the 122 non-duplicated prime parts between the various nodes, that's 4.07 completely different items per key, as opposed to the seven items per key some missions have now.


    Adding more mission types at the various levels would drive the number of different keys we have to silly levels, but would allow the rewards to be divided to the point where a specific key wouldn't be needed anywhere near as much by a single person in order to get what they were after. It wouldn't do any good with the system as we have it now, as DE would doubtless make a bunch more duplicates just like they did when they added T4.


    It's like the old quote--"The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy."


    Even if the only mission types that got added were Deception, Interception (For T1-3), Rescue and Spy, that still takes the list of nodes from thirty to thirty-five. And that in turn means that the prime parts per key would average out at 3.5.


    If you were to give each of the endless missions three prime parts--one for each of Rotation A, B and C--that in turn lowers the average prime parts down to 1.82 per "proc" of a key's reward.


    That's a hell of a lot healthier for the game. It gives DE the breathing room they didn't give themselves when they added T4 content, and should hopefully mean that while it's harder to get a specific key such as Tower 4 Defense (and then it's a case of IF you get a prime part), you at least know that you're not going to get an Ankyros Prime Gauntlet as if you were doing a Tower 1 Capture mission.


    When new stuff comes out, drop it in T4 and slide the older parts in there down a notch. With more missions per tier to choose from and no duplication at all, the developers have months before the amount of primes per key proc risks going beyond 2.00.


    Ducats aren't the answer. They never were.

    This is.

  8. -5. RNG grinding is terrible  -ofc you want ash prime as soon as it comes out while other pay for having him of the shelf, either you pay or you wait stop whining about this. Try and farm somthing that is not the latest thing in game and o which DE hopes to get a buck for so they can keep the game rolling.


    Try again, son.


    Grind is fine--to this day, the Ravenholdt rep in WoW remains my go-to example for a good grind, because even though the Junkbox drop was reliant on RNG, you got them often and you were always getting progress with each one you got. Whereas in Warframe, it's a constant barrage of "try again sucker" until you get it.

  9. I can fix 5 and 6 instantly.


    Give each combination of tileset and mission type its own progress bar, that increase by 1 every time you either finish the mission (for non-endless ones) or finish the mission after taking the mission to Rotation C (for endless ones). Naturally, endless missions should take less runs to fill up their bars than non-endless ones.


    Now stick rewards on those progress bars. Start out with a small reward for one win, a slightly better one for five, then a better one for ten, etc. Suddenly you've got a place to put all those prime parts, and a good chunk of what's cluttering up the market.


    Then give players the ability to rush those progress bars with Platinum.


    This is actually a superior system to trading, as it takes the Platinum OUT of the system rather than just moving it around.

  10. What else would you call it? All of the ad materials suggest that these items are exclusive to the Chinese version.

    It doesn't matter. You're not obligated to spend any more money on this game than you already have. Vote with your wallet if you want, not your emotions.

    Me? I'll be here, laughing.

  11. I wouldn't recommend a shotgun. At Rank 1, your mods are going to be low level, so you're going to get obliterated by Slash procs.


    Stay as far away from the enemies as possible. Replace your starter primary with a Braton, and when you hit Rank 2, hit up the boss in Venus to get the parts to build Rhino.


    When you've got some Redirection/Vitality levels under your belt, look at going back to any of the MK1 weapons you didn't level.

  12. We've been over this before with the proposed Aklato Prime, with some people arguing that it would be a different item and thus exempt from the "Founder Exclusives" deal, and others arguing that the design was what made Lato Prime Lato Prime, and thus that it wouldn't be exempt. I think there was an official reply on the topic, which was "we could release it if we wanted to."


    Which brings us to today. Do you argue that because it's a primed version of Excalibur, that the Chinese shouldn't get it because they're not Founders, or that it's a different item entirely with a presumably identical role?


    Personally, I'd argue the latter. It's a different item in a different version of a game for a different region with a different name that more than likely translates differently.

  13. Things have changed. Things will change.


    But I feel your pain. Ash Prime Systems... Ash Prime Systems... Armored Agility! Armored Agility! ARGGGGGGGGGH!


    I for one HOPE to see some SIGNIFICANT changes in the reward system when the Void goes 'boom'.


    I don't think it will, because it's not just the Void being overloaded that's the problem, it's also the Derelict being underused, and I don't think there's been a single word about what's happening to that, or what's happening to prime parts because of it either.


    I think the Void going boom is purely so they can get at Draco and its ilk, and also to add another layer of RNG onto the ones we already have.

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