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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Yep. As far back as the Roman Republic, there are letters that say similar things. ('Back in my day...')


    But that doesn't make the argument of NOW being inherently better any more valid.


    The grind in Warframe can make it boring. No question. (this is true of MOST games) The grind in Warframe IS easier than some games and harder than others. Also no question.


    The MAJOR question is why do you keep doing it if you stop having 'fun'? I have taken breaks myself due to burnout, just logging into keep the rewards current in the HOPE of something new showing up.


    But I come back because I still have fun with Warframe.


    I have fun playing, but the RNG makes me not want to spend any more money on the game, given that it's consistently gotten worse since I started playing--even when DE filled the then-new T4 with duplicates of pretty much the entire loot table for a short time and people flipped their collective S#&$, the tables have never been the same since because of all the other crap forced in there as "rewards."

  2. there's your problem right 


    If it's work it's not a game anymore


    That's not the biggest problem there. The biggest problem is that every generation pulls the "back in my day" trick as a means of trying to shame the current one(s) into silence. Every generation that's passed was somehow the only one that had respect for parents and teachers, a great work ethic, etc. But I can guarantee that same generation was accused of being lazy good-for-nothings by old people.

  3. Perhaps dungeon cralwers aren't for you ?

    Farming for loot is the core of dungeons crawlers, they all have RNG built into them and they are all designed as a timesink, don't like it then it's simply not a game for you.


    Timesinks aren't the problem. Timesinks where players sink random amounts of time into ARE. Some get lucky and don't have to look at that content again after a few runs, which means the money spent on developing that content was wasted on them. Others never get what they're after, and get burned out and don't spend money on the game in the future.


    You get and retain customers by making them WANT to spend money on your game.

    This game's RNG runs counter to that. It's built to make people spend money just to make it go away for the next three months.

    That's not good business practice.


    The Derelict's ignored save for Corrupted mods, a couple of quests and a tiny amount of prime parts, the Void's WAY overloaded with goodies, the Starmap itself is ignored, and rather than give each node something to go there for, DE are going to destroy it all just to get at Draco, and the droprates are weighted to Hell and back.

  4. Regarding the low drop rates of the new primes components : -come on guys it's always been this way. 


    We already get a lot of free content on a pretty much regular basis.


    Content that's created with the intention of making people WANT to pay money to fund the creation of future content.

    Warframe's RNG doesn't make me want to do that. Warframe's RNG makes me regret spending any money on this game at all.

  5. Yes,  it is the same on Xbox.....does not seem random does it.  


    I have a theory that the drop rate is somehow tied to the time of the day as well as when one thing drops others seem to soon follow.


    Just a crazy theory, however.


    Wouldn't surprise me if there was code in place to stop you from getting anything new each patch until you'd "paid your dues" by enduring run after run of crap rewards.

  6. What are we getting? I've only seen what they showed off in a devstream. The map looked cool but they didn't show off any mission structure/layout. PC may not have the same problem, but on consoles there's almost too much on the star charts, keeping players thinned out and matchmaking useless at times.


    Random missions (Twenty was used as an example of how many will be active at once), with the ability to craft specific ones, but no word on (a) the cost, (b) how much mission and/or reward customisation we'll actually be given.


    What happens to our Void and Derelict Keys? We don't know. Maybe they're going away. Maybe that's one more layer of RNG on Vault runs and prime farming. We don't know.


    We don't know, but I choose to assume the RNG is going to get worse (and more layered) based on past experience of this game.

  7. There is certainly a reason to blow up the Void, as it makes the rest of the star chart null and void.


    Yes, but we're losing the starchart as well. You could comfortably fit all the Void rewards inside the starchart even if it was a case of dividing the items between the different combinations of mission type and tileset, but that's not what we're getting.

  8. The thing is, that RNG is how DE makes their money. People buy plat to buy things they aren't lucky enough to get. People buy PA instead of grinding out the new prime items. I feel like it would be better to have slightly lower drop rates on prime parts, but have the missions always available instead of being hidden behind keys since this just creates an RNG wall to get to the RNG wall of the item you want.

    Then they can make their money from making the grind as long as they want it to be and letting us spend our Plat on rushing that grind directly.

    Mine is simply an objectively better system for everyone--for us because we can always make progress and see ourselves making progress, and for them because they can dictate how long each grind is, as opposed to content lasting random lengths of time for each player.

  9. Just make that every reward locks itself from the loot table until you deplete the full table.

    A rotation:

    Orokin Cell

    Fusion Core


    Prime part A

    you do 5 and 10th min, you get 2 A rotation rewards.

    Next time you get to a A rotation (25 and 30th mins) you would only have the 2 other remaining drops. After passing through all possible drops, the table unlocks and you are eligible to drop all of them again.

    This way, the longer you stay, the better or guaranteed the drops is.

    I'm not staying in a single mission for hours until everything in Rotation C has been exhausted.

  10. Why not just make an Orokin Faction?

    You earn Rep in the void, the lower level tower and rotations give you less rep. When you max it you go to the Orokin trader, which has every part or every prime blueprint and you choose the bit you want?

    Then it resets and you start again?

    That way you are always working towards something, even when you get nothing.

    Could do, but my way works with the entire starmap, even with the future RNG mission selection.

    That and having specific mission rewards goes some way toward preventing another Draco but for prime part rep.

  11. As we have it now, this game involves flailing for an unknown period of time before RNJesus perhaps gives you what you want.

    This could be one run per piece, or ten thousand. You might never get it. That's horrible and drives people away from the game and makes them not want to spend money on it.

    I have an idea.

    Each mission on each tileset has a progress bar associated with it. This bar is filled up slowly as you complete that mission again and again.

    Fill it to max and you get a specific reward (a unique one for each combination of tileset and mission type), and the progress bar resets.

    But what reward? Simple--the more sought-after items, perhaps one per mission/tileset combination, perhaps two or three on rotation as the progress bar is filled and emptied.

    That way, specific rewards can be guaranteed (and frees up room in the missions themselves for the standard rewards) given time.

    And of course, Platinum could be spent to rush a progress bar. This has one major advantage over trading for items, as it removes the Platinum from the economy, which is necessary when there's theoretically infinite Plat out there.

    And yes, in order to prevent abuse, the progress bars for endless missions will only update if the players take a run to Rotation C.

  12. With grind, time and effort become reward, and being able to see yourself making measurable progress toward your goal inspires further progress because, well, it's progress.

    With RNG, most people don't get what they want at all times, and you look at the time you spent trying to get whatever it is and think "well that was a pointless waste of my time."

    If a grind is guaranteed, it guarantees a minimum lifespan for that content per player if they take part. That means the tileset, the enemies and the rewards.

    But with RNG, that content is wasted on the lucky few who get what they want early on and never need to return, and only serves to drive the others away from the game.

    The new starmap might fix this for the tilesets and enemies, but it won't do anything for the RNG.

    All the RNG has done is make me regret spending money on this game at all.

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