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Posts posted by Muflon

  1. Once upon a time, my favorite game magazine gave Heroes of Might and Magic 3 review with 7/10 (how could anyone give it less than 11/10!?)... so right after cancelling the subscription I decided not believe biased opinions anymore and decide the rating of the game myself. And for warframe it goes high above 69... high above.

  2. Hello, just wanted to suggest that with the time of an item spent forging, the rush cost should decrease. I'd say 10% less platinum for each 10% of time spent forging.

    (p.s.: I don't ever rush my items, just wanted to throw out a suggestion that would actually make rushing items more appealing :) )

  3. Seriously, not everybody can buy Warframe slots, you guys can be have empathy for those who can't for personal reasons, this game is rate Teen so you might understand.


    I fully understand this, but on the other hand, this is not some average browser flash game. Although, it is in human nature to go the way of least resistance so there will always be "gimme free stuff" posts, but you are given an opportunity to fully enjoy the game without spending a buck.

  4. Hello, because of the update that nerfed adjusted the rare mods drops, wouldn't it be possible to reward rare mods as a part of alert rewards? For example the alerts without "?" would at the end award a random rare mod, maybe even the mod could be specified in alert reward tab (as are the credits and ? ). It would take a lot of RNG rare mod equip out of the game, not sure how it would affect economy though (mod packs buy ratio).


    Well, guess a suggestion can't hurt and also I'm sorry if this was already suggested.

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