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  1. Reading these posts the past couple of days reminds me of how many people act on Black Friday trying to be first to grab items in a store upon opening hours.
  2. I play on PC with a controller. I don't know if it's a general thing or specifically with the Drifter, but when using their weapon I noticed I can't reload properly while moving, and the Ammo UI for the weapon disappears when the 'show ability menu' button is pressed. When I stand still, reloading and activating overcharge works normally. If I have "Drifter mode" preselected on my abilities and tap to use without bringing up the ability menu, the weapon's ammo will show, but will disappear again if I bring up the ability menu.
  3. Someone in a different thread I saw recently said they had similar issues with this while on a Steam Deck. They brought up the Steam UI Keyboard to bypass that section by using E on that keyboard, which is the melee(B) attack
  4. I am in America, had the same problem. D/C during a cutscene when i had just started the Angels of Zariman quest. Logging into the forums was also unresponsive for a few minutes. As of this moment, i could log back in.
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