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Everything posted by -7_DomiNeonZ-

  1. Thanks for your reply, your info matched with what I found later about trophies not syncing being more of an PS4 issue rather than PS5's. Saw this right on time before deciding to take the plunge and link my account. Now I can confirm: PS5 Trophies DID Sync! Even though only a couple of them were actually shown on screen when I logged in, I got all my 87 trophies earned on NSW... EXCEPT "Chains of Harrow". Think the reason behind this may be that this achievement doesn't exist as such on the Switch version (checked). The other 3 I still need to unlock are "K-Driven", "Bug Out Ride" and "Sleds of Sunshine", though the progress for the first two also matches (giving this info so people know at which extent I can confirm the Sync).
  2. Just found this topic while searching for a way to enable motion controls on Dualsense,... couldn't quite convince myself I hadn't overlook that option. I also come from Switch, and have used the Dualsense's gyro on PC via Steam... feels weird it can't be used on PSN. With cross save becoming a reality, unifying this kind of stuff sounds like a nice next step for the people used to other aiming methods. I understand some people might not like it, but others do find it useful and enjoyable and it's equally valid. As others said before me, there's no harm as long as it's optional. I also want to support this while giving the board a little refresh. 👍
  3. That's right. I wasn't eligible for merging but got my Switch and PC accounts linked. Already spent some of my Switch Plat on a cosmetic and it became available on PC as well. I also bought a pack via Steam, which included both Plat and Items to kickstart my PC account 's wallet (which in my case was on zero due to it being new), and everything -except the Plat, ofc- were accesible through my NSW. No issues to report regarding crossed transactions so far, at least in my experience. "After cutoff" Tennogen and (AFAIK) some platform exclusives do have restrictions, but you're probably aware of that. I had an Opal skin on Switch and -surprisingly- I was able to even go on missions with it while on PC. Discount coupons are also locked to the platform where you get them, can confirm at least in NSW/PC's case. This may condition where to perform your first daily login according to your convenience.
  4. Yes, if you choose to "link", the items and progress in your Switch will be gone and overriden by your main's. Assuming both your accounts are older than Nov 24th by the way you describe them, then merging would be your best option if you're interested in keeping your inventory. Note that the Platinum you might have in your Switch account will remain locked there tho, it won't add up to your PC wallet. You'll still have to log in the NSW to spend it. Good luck!
  5. Did you link, right? Not merged? Sorry to ask, but it really came to my attention that we're virtually on the same situation (Switch to PC) and we got widely different results. I linked my Switch account to PC and all my Steam achievements unlocked in cascade as soon as I logged in for the first time. Ciphers seemed to require me to solve something and they popped up the 2nd time IIRC, but now I got everything up to MR30. My WF PC account was created (and linked) in the website during the Dec 22 window. My whole Steam account is also new from that same time gap. I'm only bringing this up to give some little context about the other possible outcome. Wonder if it's something we may have done differently, or it's mere luck. I'm sorry this happened to you, hope DE can find a solution for this to everyone who might also be in your position.
  6. Technically, you'd be able to buy stuff from both Xbox AND Switch's markets -and in-game markets as well-. Items will sync no matter where you get them. The catch about this though is you won't have access to your Switch Platinum at all if you're playing on Xbox and viceversa. You'll basically have two completely different Plat "wallets": One for Switch, and one that's shared between Xbox, PC and PSN (at least as stated in DE's FAQ). My one and only account was on Switch too. Linked to PC on Dec 22's window. When I logged into my new PC profile, it showed as if I had zero Plat. However it was still intact when I went back to the Switch. Decided to try and purchased something from Steam this time. All the items included in the pack synced perfectly between both platforms, but the Plat went to my PC account wallet. Can't see it while on NSW. Discount coupons also seem to be tied to platform. I received one while on Switch and on PC I got nothing. So be careful about where do you perform your first daily login if you're low on plat on one of your consoles or you might miss it.
  7. Yes. Don't worry, you'll be able to, that's not on your end. DE started implementing cross save in phases, founders first. Then they had a window on Dec 22 for everyone to link or merge their accounts, while they still had a team supervising the whole thing before their holiday vacations. It should reopen this same month when they're back. Once it's open again, be aware that creating a PC account is a mandatory step for the process (you don't have to actually play there if you don't want to, just have one). You'll need to link your Switch progress to PC first, and only after that, you'll be able to link it to Xbox. I feel you cuz I started on Switch as well. Got to link my account to PC on that window on December. Now I'm also waiting for cross save to reopen to link to my PSN. Keep checking and you might get a surprise any day this month. Good luck!
  8. This is a very specific question to people who have linked (not merged) their PC, Switch or Xbox account to a new PSN profile on previous cross save windows. I'd like to know... what happens with PSN trophies exactly? Do they just auto pop or are they locked? I linked my progress on Switch to PC and the Steam achievements synced immediately. Made me wonder if it'd be the same with PSN. The info I found online is either outdated or speculative. Hope somebody knows something about this. It's important to me and others may have the same question. Thanks for reading and Happy New Year! 🎆
  9. As a former Nintenno myself, I wanted to stop by to give my humble support to this. I also think the restrictive rules regarding plat trading is mostly on Nintendo's side, but it's still an issue that the market on this particular platform has become widely unfair for Switch players. If it's not possible to allow cross trade with platinum, a platform filter for chat or Maroo's would help a little bit to find a match. I barely found anyone with the console's icon in Trade Chat now, plus they're easy to miss. Best that can be done for now from my perspective is to avoid NSW for trading in general, make at least a PC account when x-save's available again (even if it's for that sole purpose on low performance setups) and start fresh getting plat there... aaan that's such a lame patch solution as Switch's economy will still be ruined. It's just ignoring the elephant in the room. 😅 Please DE, give your Nintennos a little aid at least. BONUS INFO: Discount coupons are also locked on Switch if you receive one there. So if you're low on plat there, be aware on where you perform your daily login so you don't miss it!
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