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  1. i havent played voruna in a little while, but when i wanted to play as her all of my colors were wiped from every preset i had. is there any way to recover them or anything? they're just gone, everything was set to the default colors on palettes i didn't use - including her syandana and attachments. edit: just ended up redoing her fashion frames. would still love to know if there's something i can do in the future but i doubt it.
  2. after completing the bounty and loading back into the zariman, my camera is still stuck.
  3. i wasnt really sure which forum to post this to, but i was doing a bounty in the zariman and my camera bugged to only show the perspective i had in the elevator. unstuck did not work nor did changing into an operator, i managed to navigate by using the map and summoning a spectre, but i couldnt do anything else for the mission.
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