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  1. Some frames just need a tiny touch up and some frames a total makeover. It would be nice with small touch ups more on the regular.
  2. I'd like to see some melees they didn't touch yet. Like nunchaks, 2handed sword, sparring, glaive, etc. There's alot of them and I dont know why both sibear and magistar got incarnon. Also 2 scythes.
  3. Its actually worse than useless due to turning you into target practice for eximus.
  4. Frost has 2 bad abilities so that means he has 2 good ones. Its not like iold inaros with 4 crap abilities or hydroid with just one good or hildryn which is seriously the current worst frame in the game. I play frost all the time. He is a beast. Does he need a rework? Yeah of course he does. He should be in the queue right now waiting until they have reworked Hildryn. I think they should combine his 1 and 2 since they are virtually the same ability. Give him a new one. Something like a frigid aura that exudes from him to proc cold. A buff that increases the lethality of his other abilities and make enemies die from frostbite at a certain health threshold.
  5. Na Hildryn is way worse. Hildryn is actually a useless frame since her best ability is better on any other frame. She isnt even the best railjack pilot or the best hijack battery, where she indeed could have some use based on her massive shield.
  6. Yeah like previous people said the actual strength of overguard is the 0.5 second "shield-gate" that happens when your overguard is drained by damage taken. So if you want to make Frost tanky, what you actually do is put efficiency on him. Since you only need 170ish strength to armor strip with his 4, there's no point in putting more on him for any reason. But that's great news, that means you can put alot into other things. He needs range above all else. My Frost is an actual beast. XD okay buddy His 2 first abilities are lousy indeed. They arn't good at all and he is definitely completely in the hands of his augments, but with them he is very strong. Do I wish that he had some of those augments baked into his kit? Yes definitely. His passive is useless. His 1-2 are terrible. But his 4 is amazing and his 3 is useful. Built and played right, he is unkillable.
  7. I don't think 2m range instant kill aura is that strong tbh. It's more funny to play around with.
  8. I just want an incentive to play the frame. We're in the same boat but I want hildryn playable before 2030 and thats why I suggested augment. DE's track record for Warframe reworks isn't like moba balancing every month. Maybe they will be encouraged to do it sooner due the reception from the community to hydroid, grendel and inaros changes and in that case i would prefer a timely, tiny rework over an augment bandaid. But i do truly believe that an augment doing precisely what i suggested would fix the disconnected abilities in a satisfactory way.
  9. If I see a Saryn in a mission Im in, I'm always like "Thank god, smooth sailing."
  10. I wrote a poem about this. Still digging trenches. The kids dug so deep they can't dig themselves out. It's become a rot in their hearts. Taking over. Making them rabid. Bloodshot eyes, foam at the mouth, ragged breath. They assail one and all, flailing. It's a zombie movie now. 28 days. It's a menace. All we can do is lock ourselves indoors. A safe place. Find sticks. Aim for the head when they bust through the gate, howling. They don't take prisoners. They just want the world to burn. When they win, they want to be able to say "I was right. They changed it, so I was right." That's the only way they will be able to live with their rotted teeth and foul deeds.
  11. Simulacrum has been bugged for ages, you have to leave the relay and return after making changes to your frame or weapons. It will show wrong damage values as well if you change mods.
  12. Hildryn's dps goes down to zero when she uses 4. It's a cc that slowly spawns a lot of energy orbs. With eximus rework, her cc is a death trap since she is quite helpless in her hover-form. I used to use Hildryn for mobile defense missions years ago, before the eximus rework. That was pretty cool. I even had shield recharge subsumed from helminth so i could recast the 4 just after dropping down. But with eximus units in the game, this way of making her 4 useful is just asking to get shot down. The only use her 4 has is in orphix mission, which is not something that people play, afaik.
  13. I think that would be fine if it was her bread and butter ability. But as things stand, Hildryn isn't useful when she uses her 4. She is useful when she uses pillage. Gyre is useful when she uses her kit+pillage. Very very useful. Hildryn is just a frame that can subsume Roar and still also have Pillage at the same time. That's all there is to Hildryn for real.
  14. I get that it's bad, but I want to fly around as the queen of space and fire my handcannons like in the Hildryn trailer. The fact is that Hildryn is just one walking ability and all the other abilities in her kit are just placeholders for helminth. Instead I play Gyre and put pillage on her because Gyre can actually use pillage and it's super fun. Not a single subsume can make Hildryn more fun than Gyre with pillage, that's the absolute, objective truth of the matter. What could make her fun to play is if her kit was not hamstrung due to bad design choices.
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