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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 9 hours ago, SirJackDaReaper said:

    Shield gate wouldn't help much either because it'd need a really long time to be beneficial and even then the high level enemies do such a high level of damage that that would just give you a single extra chance per extractor.

    Very true, it would at least help with survivability

    Not as much as armor of course, but it’s something. Your armor idea would be preferable. 

  2. 11 hours ago, SirJackDaReaper said:

    Well that's the funny thing and they did do that, the problem is that extractors dont have armor nor do they have defenses so it's just a blob of flesh and metal that gets mauled in seconds by grineer. 

    I swore it didn’t have steel path modifiers. Maybe some built in shieldgate? That could synergies well with the batteries. 
    Unless of course it has it already and I barely noticed it

  3. 2 minutes ago, quxier said:

    Final stand used to allow any abilities to be used during its animation. That opened door to lot of opportunities. Yet they closed that door. They don't want too much uniqueness.

    Don’t remind me, it was great floating around like a helicopter, yeeting shields. They could’ve made it for base abilities at least…but I digress. 


    4 minutes ago, quxier said:

    However don't read it in vacuum:

    Point taken, I was a bit nit picky there.

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, quxier said:

    What's the difference between Garuda talons (4) and Styanax Final stand (4). Probably just stats.

    One buffs damage, the other deals damage

    Using Garuda’s fourth for pure damage outside of normal Star Chart isn’t going to go far. Styanax’s fourth hits hard and consistently to have some decent damage output. 

    • Like 1
  5. Of all my frames, only 3 were able to do it

    Garuda, Yareli, and Harrow

    Most comfortable? Probably Harrow

    Most berserker (and most fun imo)? Garuda

    The one that just worked for some reason? Yareli 

    Baruuk fell out hard because he’s so dependent on a specific setup, while Mirage is simply dead even with CC. Limbo… self explanatory. Nezha? Better than Baruuk, but his halo isn’t up for long. 
    Edit: How could I forget Octavia? She was great

  6. Just now, VibingCat said:

    Let's also mention the fact that thraxes in particular rush towards them while protected by overguard, so they come from nowhere and destroy our vulnerable excavators with one single swing of their big a** scythe.

    Love how their overguard completely negates all of the defensive frames’ CC. If you’re too busy with some random enemy, you’re not going to realize the thorax barreling towards the excavator like a freight train.

    • Like 1
  7. I second this

    I actually made myself a Warframe inspired pfp, but it would be cool if we got a frame to go with it.
    They could be called “War-frames.” Get it? Because this game is called Warframe, and frames are the borders that go around your pfp? 

    I’ll escort myself out

    • Like 2
  8. Grendel has too small of an energy pool to make full use of quick thinking.

    Doing that build would require sufficient strength for the energy multiplier+armor so your energy pool can be sustained, and maybe even adaptation if you’re still being shredded. You would also need primed flow at minimum for it to work. Another problem is sometimes… quick thinking just doesn’t register. No I’m not talking about the enemy doing so much damage where it doesn’t drain all your energy, I’m just talking about it straight up not working. 
    Then there’s also a case where you will constantly be getting staggered. You need rage and hunter adrenaline to give you energy, and you need health to do that. Without sufficient healing, you’re not going to have a lot of energy for long.
    Not to mention even with sufficient amounts of healing… are you draining too much energy to heal? Are you healing by small percentages that cause the quick thinking stagger? If you use that strategy you’ll be stunlocked for long period of time, which is a death sentence. 

    As for the limit you’re referring to… no, there is no limit on how much strength for the multiplier. It doesn’t seem worth it though as pointed above. 

  9. On 2024-03-09 at 1:56 PM, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

    For even more insanity, try Parasitic Armor and boost your shields. Power strength greatly affects both abilities and easily sets you up for 6-7 digit overguard. 

    Ferb, I know what we’re gonna do today!


    On 2024-03-10 at 8:53 AM, -Krism- said:


    Smug Stelle is best Stelle

    • Like 1
  10. 3 hours ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

    He dont want to see Grendels floating around wiggling their booty seductivly. 

    Jks aside no idea

    Awww you were just joking?

    I too would love to see Grendel’s booty

    In regards to the post… I agree it feels weird being able to float with a walking animation. I actually put Caliban’s noble animation on Wisp to complete my mage look (as she still floats without her animations), but I would like to be able to walk normally too. 
    Of course I would never be able to do that to my boy Dante, his custom animations are too drippy to pass up. (Is that how you use the term “drippy?” I’m practicing my modern lingo) 

  11. My thought process is “75% damage reduction is better than 0% damage reduction on any squishy frame.” More tanking in the end, plus it can stack with adaptation (along with shield DR). 

    • Like 1
  12. On 2024-03-13 at 10:48 PM, WakeUpNdBreakUp said:

    tenno reproduces with an infested

    OP’s barely disguised fetish 

    In all seriousness… I think we would get Warframe breeding before we get Drifter breeding. 
    Hmmm, I wonder what happens when you breed a werewolf with a dragon…

    Edit: Ohhhh I see what you mean. It would be cool if we got an infested school. Be one with the hive mind, if only briefly.

    Also you should change “Tenno” to “Drifter” if anything… make it less sus than it already is

    Edit: Thank you fellow Tenno for changing it to drifter. Apologies for dialing the awkwardness to a 10

  13. You just reminded me I got a lich

    Went and checked and he’s got 3 Tauforged crimson, 4 normal shards, 2 rifle Rivens, 4 shotgun Rivens, and 1 melee riven. 
    Eventually I’ll be motivated enough to go kill it. For now, I’m just sitting in my lawn chair. 

    11 hours ago, (PSN)Pablogamer585 said:

    Man I hate taxes.

    When Tenno kill tax collectors in game, they get a gun. But when I kill a tax collector… I get arrested. How is that fair?

    • Like 1
  14. Meta is ever changing, I learned to stop caring rather than purposefully ignoring it. If I like something that just happens to be meta, it’s fun. I’ll still use it.

    For example, anyone remember when incarnons weren’t meta? Referring to the original incarnons that were made to combat AOE (excluding you Laetum). Now, incarnons are all the rage in this day. 

  15. 5 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    if 3 people are afk why not just restart the mission?

    Sometimes it isn’t a full squad. There are times when I accidentally load into a public mission and then only one dude shows up to just afk.

    Not to mention I would never purposefully put anyone in a host migration 

    Edit: for some reason spell check changed “host” to “shot,” which was quite fitting ngl

    5 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    sir, this is Warframe, why would that matter or affect the outcome of most missions? seriously, most public missions are slower in a team by virtue of being able to clear entire rooms without a blink and having to wait at extraction even if everyone was trying to keep up. and if you are in a mission where it actually mattered and you are not pre-made? that's on you. you wanted to be carried and ran into people that were even worse than you. stop complaining. 

    Me? Carried? Aight you’re just building your assumptions on a stereotype. Usually I’m the one carrying if anything. 
    Besides, a “useful,” teammate could be anyone who can help speed up the mission instead of making it drag. It doesn’t have to be a good or bad teammate, just someone who’s there. 
    For example, defense. ANYONE can help speed it up just by killing some enemies. Interception is also another mission where a team can help speed up everything, instead of me just regulating all four. Sure it’s doable, but it takes more time, and I don’t want to be regulating all of them when there’s one teammate just existing. 

    When engaging/creating an argument, put your bias aside and talk to me with actual information. Your last two sentences didn’t contribute anything. 

    • Like 1
  16. 13 hours ago, Rawbeard said:

    how though? 

    For one I’ll have to wait 2 minutes or so just to open a stinkin friendship door.

    For another, I could’ve gotten a useful teammate rather than that… person… yes I’ll leave it at person. 
    Another thing is they divide the spawns of enemies. I’ll see less enemies just because they’re spawning near that piece of-(oh my getting annoyed here)


    • Like 3
  17. This was stupidly intentional 

    We all know exalted weapons are too OP to have melee Arcanes. /s


    As if melee Arcanes would make exalted weapons completely busted… at most they would be on par with a Mk1 Skana.

    Edit: Also, nice username 

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