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  1. I'm going to start by summarizing the problem in a question: if a game activity or set of activities is designed to require a wide range of equipment, and being able to have such a wide range of equipment requires both large amounts of spending through systems designed to predate on vulnerable people and large amounts of playtime interacting with those systems, have you designed a game for players to have fun, or have you designed a game to maximize revenue per player? The idea of having to widen your arsenal to go into certain endgame activities is great, I've really been enjoying the grind to acquire and build up as many weapons and frames as I can, I'm barely a tenth of the way through the entire arsenal, so it'll definitely take a long time, but I like it, it's an specific type of challenge that I enjoy. But it's just almost incompatible with how the game's monetization is tied up to inventory and crafting. The idea that you load into Archimedea and see you don't have the right frame and weapons to go all in, and then have the week to acquire and build the relevant weapons and frame? That's great, until you realize that while doing things as optimally as possible, without spending plat, a player will need to wait 4 days to build a frame and start working on it. The forma cost is massive too, and Formas take an unacceptable 24h to build *after* getting the blueprints. I'm not personally too affected by this because I'm disabled and have a lot of "free" time, and I'm very easy to catch with addictive loops, so I've had the chance to farm thousands of platinum, but this kind of thing is clearly an exception, and newer players, even those who get very much into the game, are very likely to struggle unreasonably. I understand that DE has to monetize wherever they can because there's a holding company over their shoulder expecting maximized profit growth, but this is kind of absurd. There's already significant monetization in cosmetics, and many platinum sinks outside crafting timers and inventory slots; and these particular issues are also massive hurdles for the new player experience, with many new players dropping the game entirely when seeing the crafting timers, so surely small adjustments should be on the table, as they might even help keeping more players around, who would later be likely to spend on platinum too. I would suggest the following: - Priority 1: remove inventory slot costs, or increase at least five-fold the amount of inventory slots obtained per purchase. Inventory limits are easily the worst form of monetization in this game, they are fine if your game design encourages "maining" few things, but they are downright disgusting on the level that casinos are when your game design encourages (or even requires) "collectionist" behaviour. This would ideally be all inventory slots, but as long as this design trend continues, it matters most for weapon slots and warframe slots. - Reduce frame crafting timers to a *total* of 12h, same for weapons. Most people who'd spent platinum to rush would likely still rush with this, but it makes the game far more approachable for those who don't. Prime frames are also already heavily monetized in a variety of ways, the timers on them feel far worse. - Massively reduce (10min max) or remove forma crafting timer. Formas require farming resources, then relics, then opening the relics and luckily getting the blueprints, it's already enough of a bother that people who have plat are more likely to just buy them. This would be such an important change that even if the resource cost for forma was significantly increased, it'd still be worth it. I think these changes would only be the bare minimum, and the game's monetization would remain predatory and unethical, but I understand that DE can't just make enough money to pay for their own wages and costs, they have to make enough to keep a larger parent company happy, so at least make the monetization be in-line with your game design, not actively working against it to make the game feel more like a casino.
  2. I'm working on a couple of Entrati style melee weapons and looking at Entrati designs in-game for reference, a lot of Entrati stuff has rotating parts, like the little ball on the Mandonel, I was wondering if there's a way to put an animation of that style (a sphere or cylinder rotating on one part of the weapon) in Tennogen submissions. I've seen that emissive textures can be animated, but as far as I can tell, the emissive channel is not really where this kind of animation should go.
  3. I can't find any proper info on it, does Mesa's Shooting Gallery + Muzzle Flash combo still blind enemies with Overguard, or was that fixed at some point?
  4. Hopefully we get a Full Auto accessibility setting for all semi-auto weapons as most also require button mashing and it makes them near impossible to use with arthritis. Destiny 2 already tried the "making disabled players use worse stuff by making the accessibility setting a mod", and then finally gave us Full Auto for all weapons from an option in settings last year.
  5. That'd be because FOMO tactics combined with bundles designed to make you pay a very high price by not letting you buy what you want individually have not yet become normalized in Warframe, while in PoE they've been normalized for a long time now, people simply gave up.
  6. DE eats the loss because they're the ones that #*!%ed up and tried to pull manipulative tactics to get more money out of people. Simple as
  7. The only ethical path forward is: - Release new bundles without the Regal Aya, or release all of the cosmetics in the Heirloom pack separately, they can be kept paid only, but they must be purchasable individually, with no filler to mark up the prices - Get rid of time exclusivity and make a public statement that it will not be attempted again, manipulative FOMO tactics taint the good work that the team does on Warframe, who wants their work to be perverted with predatory monetization to take advantage of people vulnerable to such tactics? - Issue an apology, and provide refunds or appropriate reward to anyone who has already purchased the set but realizes that they didn't want the bundle, they only wanted part of it and were forced to buy the bundle due to the lack of options.
  8. Bundling the stuff people want with stuff that's not wanted but is technically expensive so they can mark up prices significantly is actually illegal in some places and could absolutely get them in trouble already. Releasing the skins separately and undoing the timed exclusivity, and refunding anyone who bought in because of the predatory tactic of making skins only available in a super expensive bundle is the right move in all circumstances.
  9. Yeah, accept that and next year there'll be an 11 year anniversary pack because 11 years is a special number for one reason or another, and then a 12 year anniversary, 13... This simply CANT fly.
  10. This is an absolutely worthless change that addresses absolutely nothing. Removing the FOMO element is the minimum step, making the skins purchasable individually on top of that would be the redeeming change.
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