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Everything posted by (PSN)Zbeatza

  1. Funny you say that, endless void fissure is my number 1 issue, people that join endless mission to open relics yet they leave after 1 round(not a full rotation), maybe they had one relic and didn't want wait for a shorter mission to appear so they join hoping to get a prime part they want or to take it from somebody else. Leeches per say. I had more high MR players leave than low MR.
  2. The reason why i have expectations in pub is because warframe has enough mission types for everybody, endless and fast objectives. When i want to farm a resource i simply join a solo session on any non-endless mission. Other players simply join an endless mission like survival to get 1 argon then leave, now there is an empty spot for someone that could've stayed for longer but didn't want to wait for people in recruit chat to join, switching to pub is faster than finding 3 other people. My experience when farming citrine and voruna had players leave just after 1 round, for example 1 guy leaves for whatever reason and the other 2 that wanted to continue decide to leave because of 1 player, i end up solo most of the time. I'm thinking how can new players enjoy the game if i do not enjoy it because of nuke builds and players leaving after 1 round, it's easy to say "play solo, use recruit chat, ask ypur clan for help." I do not need help i simply join a pub to have more enemy spawns, more loot, more affinity.
  3. It is the norm since DE allowed players to extract in survival(i want that because after 20 mins i get bored but 2 people were needed to start extraction), it was an issue when accolytes became a thing and DE added "undiscovered items" to stop players from leaving mid game. What you said about players joing an endless mission to get a resource and leave are a problem, just play solo at that point, you decided to join a public match to do something that takes 2 seconds, you took a slot from someone that wanted a quick team to do a full rotation. Had a player that joined mot survival for 1-2 argon then left at 5 mins, why, now the other players don't want to continue as a group of 3 or 2. He could've gotten for sabotage, capture, anything was shorter and non endless. I had more than enough restarts in mirror defense or circulus-lua, since DE added incarnon modes i avoid the circuit, because nobody plays longer than 1-2 rounds, maybe that's all they needed for tier 10, but now they ruined everybody else mission by taking up a slot. It's boring to keep reseting the gamemode when you finally got a few good decrees.
  4. You missed the point entirely, untill DE fixes or changes how reactant drops people should stop speedrunnig missions, guess what, i blame you for killing everything not waiting a second for them to be corrupted, you can ignore non corrupted enemies, guess what it's you that is leaving the game after 5 mins survival because we all ended with 9/10 reactant desperately searching for the last one. I've had this happen before many times, those people ruined everyone mission and wasted our time, fissure and regular endless missions have to be played slightly different, i don't like it, i wish reactant was shared the same as railjack.
  5. Idk about that, but my issues come from Mid to high MR players, low mr players actually want to play the game and they go longer if a pro stays with them, had a rhino stay 20 mins with me and thanked me for carrying him, he did better than most of his level.
  6. You're right, ans i don't want to imagine the waves of new players on mobile phones, hopefully they have limited hosting, if i play warframe on phone i would rather play solo or with other phone users. "Terrible community, mostly public matchmaking"-nobody plays longer than 5 mins or 1 round of endless mission that they choose to play in public, somebody else in match said "makes no sense why you are leaving after 1 round, we barely started", if they have an emergency or i have one, i apologize in the chat and abort, when i am bored i go for 2-3 rounds, not a full rotation. And the spy missions, we failed sortie after sortie, because one guy couldn't sit and wait(more than one).
  7. Maybe it's you that didn't play in public enough, it mostly happens in endless type missions, fissures or not, they are not toxic it's just a behavior that they developed somehow, before you used to join a public session you would beg people to let you extract after 20 minutes, now people don't pass one round, i lost count how many times i restarted circuit, mirror defense, endless fissure, disruption because one guy leaves and nobody wants to play in 2-3. When it comes to nerfing broken gameplay or fixing an actual bug not designed by DE, players act spoiled, they don't play or do anything without a reward, i wish capture was a bit longer for the sake of "fun" or had second objective that was optional. Your 4k hours means nothing, how many of those hours are you sitting in orbiter, relay or playing solo.
  8. I don't think they farm xp when all of their weapons are 30, i check the gear of my teammates because i might want to use it. The people that only go for AA are really not that common, they leave after one round, AA is two rounds, they never make it that far. It is simple fact that players don't play the game anymore, they join random missions in public get bored and leave, i used to play league and csgo ranked, nobody would leave the game and those go for longer than warframe, players would tell you let's finish quick they have to leave. There is no penalty for leavers in warframe, it shouldn't be, the fact that we have unindentified items now is proof of players quitting mid mission. How do you level up 0 to 30 in 5 waves? I can do it solo can't i? I don't have to ruin somebody else game.
  9. I know, i don't expect them to do a full rotation anymore, but not even half, if i wanted to leave after 5 mins i would play solo and be able to pause the game. I play public because somewhat i enjoy not having to do everything myself, more players, more enemies, more loot. It is low effort to play with others, switch to public, pick your mission, you get 1-3 people or you don't. If you play survival fissure i assume you want to open more than 1 relic.
  10. It's easy to nitpick the bad things i said and call me toxic, you can call me whatever you want and i might agree with you, i'm frustrated when i can't play the game in public matchmaking because players are leaving as soon as extraction opens(THIS is my number 2 issue, first is the bugs), If the only response people can give is: play solo, don't play the game, find a clan or premade team, then you avoid the existing problem public matchmaking has. Don't believe me, play steelpath circuit in public and tell me how fast do you end up solo or how many times everybody leaves after 1 stage. Even normal sanctuary people leave after 1 round, another player joins in the second round and leaves before the third, both playing one round then leaving. I'm also sick of the players pretending warframe has the best community when it is as toxic as any other game, not more or less, it is exactly the same, if you search for good folks you will find them, but most players are terrible. And some of you assume i force people to play how i want, when in reality i want them to stop ruinning a fissure because they do whatever they want then leave after missing a relic drop.
  11. I get you but i still enjoy warframe, i still have a lot of things to do untill the next update, when i burnout i play something else for a month or more, but my biggest issue is the community complaining about the dumbest reasons, for example: voruna not being a quadruped because furries are horny or the hate mesa prime got for having a small butt because other people are horny And as the title said mostly public matchmaking, everytime i join in a mission i get people that ruin the mission, even failing the mission, i had two people mid-high MR WALKING the entire map looking for caches in sabotage, one of them even looked at me waiting at extraction and walks away. To be fair it was a good troll but i was angry af. The worst of all, again, is people leaving, all of them, farming for citrine alone a full rotation because everybody left after 1 round is boring. It took longer than needed to get that frame, i should've played with a premade team but i hoped to get better teammates in the next mission, i was wrong, my bad.
  12. There are more than those 7 reason why i don't like the community, players complain about universal vacuum when companion abilities are mods and not integrated just as warframe used to be. They complain about lack of content when they ignore said content because is too long and not rewarding by the hour comparing it to a capture mission(looking at railjack). I played warframe with all 4 boosters, playing it again without them is awful, the whole game feels different and i don't understand why. I complain about slots being a thing when it takes 2-3 days to farm and fully craft a weapon, 5 days or more for a warframe, farming and crafting if you are limited by time. I complain about people that ruin a match then they leave, not learning from their mistakes. All of this and more, i actually like low MR players because of how the so called vets play the game. I have no expectations from them. Also did you know that if you let your Crew pilot your railjack in freeflight they start talking while flying around, is very relaxing listening to them, sometimes they spew some lore bits.
  13. 1. One player doesn't have enough time, leaves, the other two follow, the player who knew he did not have time could've play solo or not at all, the other two are just sheep, they will join the same mission and do it again. 2. That's an exception, i don't like the 4 defense objectives changing every wave instead of every 5 waves, but it is interesting just as grineer mission when the trail moves back and forth or the elevator moving the defense up or down. 3. The issue with afkers is they keep up a slot, where an active player could've join, i had one in sabotage that went afk at spawn the entire mission, he got nothing but i wonder why didn't he leave, maybe didn't care. 4-7 in sabotage/capture if you complete it too quickly all enemies stop spawning(doesn't happen often) it can be avoided if the player did not do it so fast. As for the nukes or survival, it happens because enemies spawn in one direction and in the other you get empty fissures, the drop chance is low, players make it lower by killing non corrupted enemies. And for spy, players avoid it until they have to do it, you can leech in sorties, i don't care, i joined public hopefully i meet another guy that can speed things up, but please do not trigger the alarms and then quit, especially if you are the host. Every spy mission has One or two pathsthat are always open, kuva fortress, lua, uranus, jupiter are by far the hardest spy rooms i struggle with.
  14. You get it, i meet frinedly people aswell but they become rare, i asume is because they play solo or in a premade team, i try to communicate in every match, telling people to group or to slow down nuking. Anger is not the best reaction, but it didn't happen 10 times in row, it happens "almost" every single public mission in the past few years. When eidolon hunting was introduced people quit because we didn't know the meta, all i want is to capture one hydrolyst a night, if we get two even better, i'm a casual player, i know that staying a full rotation is more rewarding than getting A reward over and over again. In the circuit everyone leaves after stage one or after hitting the first defense, because a youtuber told them to avoid defense as the plague, it's not going to get destroyed because we barely started the match.
  15. As a player i want the option to vote kick people and give a reason for it. You are just as terrible as them, 'just play solo', i already do because of this community, again, i did not make endless missions, DE created them to stay longer in a mission and farm, but those randos decide to open one relic at a time, i keep bumping into them when playing any mission that is endless, i leave when they leave and i find them again playing the same mission, just stay for 10 minutes or more, leave when enemies get harder to kill then reset. If i choose to quit anytime someone does something, i would be a quitter like the people i complain about. The only time i quit a mission is when people decide to troll, hold data of mobile defense, grendel eating enemies that we have to kill so that we can damage the archon. Those players are MR 15 above, not newbies at all. This is a bigger problem than your stupid universal vacuum and less of a problem than a game breaking bug. I've heard people complain how terrible drop rates are but i have yet to meet a 3 people that stay for a full rotation, even in the sanctuary you get no reward leaving at 3 or 5 rounds, as i said one has to leave and the other two follow. You feel special calling people special or what?
  16. True, there is no solution to a problem created by the community, so i have to look for the minority that actually plays the game. I don't need people to think or play like me, i want people to play the damn game. Go solo instead of taking up a slot in public matchmaking. Warframe is exactly like a mobile game, extremly short missions, yet people quit because they've got a phone call.
  17. I'm glad there are others enjoying railjack it is not bad content, but buggy like everything else, i mostly play solo, missions take longer for me, in veil proxima my crewmates keep going down and don't destroy reactors so i have to run around a lot while trying to stay alive. I like how enemies are high level, easier to kill than steelpath but not insanely tough, yet they hit hard. Warframe missions take less than 5 minutes and everythimg above that seems like an eternity.
  18. I've been playing since closed beta, we've had players afk or leaving early/quitting, but never to this degree, it angers me everytime i play on public matchmaking i see this behavior so often that i avoid other players, i would rather play solo and be able to pause the game. Here are some types of players i have noticed: 1.Early leavers, extracts as soon they can, usually one is enough to make the other two to leave aswell, they ruined an endless mission, nobody plays a full AABC rotation and they join back, i caught all 3 leaving and joining the same mission, 1 of them quitting before extraction, again. 2.Quitters, joins stays 5 to 10 seconds, maybe checking the relics i assume or miss click on the wrong mission(it happens). 3.Afk-ers. For an entire mission, what was so important that you cannot leave the game before, why do they join an endless mission only to not play. 4.Solo playstyle in public, terrible in fissure survival spreads enemy spawns, loot, fissures spawn but have no enemies to corrupt. 5.Speedrunners, they do the mission so fast and now we have to wait for void enemies to spawn or they stop spawning. 6. The bloodthirsty, they see red, forget about objectives, mission fails. 7. HumanNukes that ruin a afissure mission by killing everything too fast. And many more, most of the problems i face are in endless, fissures, open worlds, anywhere it benefits to be in a team of 4. Recently i had a guy in eidolon hunt hold a shard and killing vomvalysts in a necramech, just place the f# shard, after capturing the second eidolon one player decides to extract, while holding another shard so we cannot spawn the next one, then he/she realised that they can leave the group in open worlds to solo extract. I've had so many players leave the moment lotus opens extraction that farming the Circuit, Voruna, Citrine, prime parts, sanctuary, relics became so painful that i would rather solo the entire game(i could try but would be more boring than it is now). The community is plain terrible, failing a spy mission then leaving because spy missions are bad,not the clumsy guy that enters the room. If anyone tries to say how great the community is, look at the vets, complaining to not change this and that because they can no longer one shot level 9000 enemies, they can't break the game over and over, finish a mission in 0.2 seconds, farm 100 relics in 10 minutes, those pleople that change their opinions when their favorite warframe content creator makes a video. New players have no idea what's going on because there's a guy holding two seers going on a rampage as the drifter. #Edit: It seems some of you missunderstood my frustration, maybe it was my fault writing the post while i was angry from a recent case. What i've been trying to say is that: endless missions are intended to go as long as possible, if we both choose to play with random people in a endless type gamemode i assume everyone intend is to stay for longer than 1 round, atleast 2. For some reason i see this pattern too often, 3 people want to battle, 1 decides to leave, second person decides to follow so is the 3rd, now you are left alone after 5 waves. In the circuit usually the first person to decide is what everybody follows, this made the gamemode harder to farm, reason why i avoid it, i tried to solo steelpath but after 2/3 waves of defense first mission i gave up, if i had a few decrees i could've succeed. In fissures if you kill uncorrupted enemies you don't get reactant, you don't get a prime, simple as that, i'm not telling you to not play nuke frames, i'm telling you to wait for the enemies to become corrupted. Everybody advice towards me is: play solo, stop playing, play with a premade team, this is simply avoiding the problem that you don't want to admit it exists. It has happened before hence why we have black boxes with a "?" After killing bosses. There're other reasons why this community is terrible for game development, listening to the playerbase cries to change something is going to ruin the game, this community is going to kill the game before DE does. All of this problems come from high MR players, people that played for longer and have knowledge of the game, same people that ignore new content in favor of 30seconds capture mission for efficiency. Same people that tell others to stop spending money on the game and just spend time to trade for plat, i wonder why you can't buy heirloom skins with plat? Some of us have 10k (i barely have 200 bought plat).
  19. Removing a mod that allows them to attack to increase survivabilty is a BiG issue with the game, because you equip said weapon with mods to attack/kill the targets, help you out with damage or status. The companions die because of scalling, damage not being capped on enemies, makes sense a higher level enemy to be beffier than the player, it doesn't make sense in warframe because the players don't have levels and scalling on armor/health or damage(i'm talking about weapons not abilities, steelpath grineer is exactly the same as a MR30 player one tapping level 1 grineer to open a lith relic. Also being able to use vig set on companion weapon and it applies to the player i consider it a bug, other set mods that actually say companion below the description work as intended(i assume).
  20. You have no idea how useful enemy radar aura is for others, nobody notices the enemy destroying you defense target, in survival everyone runs in the opposite direction of the enemy.
  21. I do have to ask why are companion abilities still mods and not integrated just as warframes used to be. When you read the description it says what ability they posses but while moding you have to equip 'investigator' on helios, 'ghost' on shade, 'charm' and 'mischief' on smeeta kavat, those mods are unique and can only be equipped by their specified names. Also i don't understand why everyone mentions universal vacuum when we already have it as a mod for all beats/sentinels, why is nobody mentioning their abilities or the fact that you have to equip a mod to allow your sentinel to attack that already has a weapon equipped.
  22. I used kuva nukor and i couldn't tell if it works, someone else was using the 7 prism wich seems to be the best option.
  23. Never looked at time hunting the archon itself, the longest missions is the defense or interception, maybe excavators dont remember if they are present, those are the worst for public matching, meanwhile the archon hunt ends pretty quickly, unless is boreal, i hate those glowy sentiens with canisters, those bottles are hard to destroy and they move a lot, that's why i use zenurik.
  24. QoL changes i would like to see: *Better tracking for simaris targets, if you miss the enemy the tracker completly dissapears or is missleading in big rooms. *Codex should be our in game wikipedia, always updated with lore from operations/quests, information about enemies, type of weapons, mods(add names and stats, gives a reason to find them), also for mods they show you what enemies or places, but where do you find those enemies or what planets, rotations. *Defense should add an enemy counter so you know how many you have to kill to progress. *Affinity range should be little bit higher.
  25. This is unrelated but more Railjack's content when, also more Kahl's content was 'promised' after Duviri is finished.
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