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Posts posted by CaptainBAMF

  1. Hello everyone. Im the one lovingly called captain by a few of the zeph chaps in here. I have 63% gamtime as zeph, my total ingame(non launcher time being 2022 hours)  My current mastery rank is 22

    I currently rock 10 forma on my zeph, and my last counter stopped at 189,000,000 mill or so. I probably have over between 1-2 billion exp on my zeph total.

    I love her movement, speed,  and specifically her lighter gravity and floatiness. It all lets me rock the nasty melee zeph i main.


    Its time to get active on these discussion, as such my feedback will be based on personal experience and knowledge of the frame and playstyles i am aware of, while keeping an open mind to the ones i still may be unware of.

    "First Ability: Roz(Restricted Operations Zone) Single cast  - Zephyr casts a floor of turbulent winds that affect all enemies within the area of effect, causing movement speed reduction, aim reduction, and stagger affects every 2.5 seconds within the area, while slightly buffing ally movement and melee speed by 10%-15%. This will be affected by range, and duration mods. What this ability does is give solidified cc against enemies that not only zephyr, but her teammates can effectively utilize in combat. This will be spherical similar to mag's bullet attractor "

    " Second ability: Strafing Run  (Single cast)- Zephyr drops pockets of air in her wake, spread out like chaff, that upon enemies coming into range of trigger will explode, dealing moderate damage, and forced ragdoll cc, while simultaneously dropping loot. This will be affected by range and strength mods. The trigger range will be around 3 meters per air bomb that she's left behind her. This will allow her to have a nice amount of damage output, while still maintaining momentum in desired direction of travel, as well as making sure that enemies behind her aren't able to shoot her in the back. These air bombs will levitate about 3-4 feet off the ground, and have a trigger/det range of 3 meters. "


    I honestly feel like you can combine these 2 into a single power, the ally movement speed wont really be neccesary as  that buff should be shifted to acension

    Power 3 itself shoud still be turbulence, but with some positive additions. It should work in the air and ground, as well as in any flight mode zeph posses. It should innatly share the  speed for a normal  radius as it does now, but should give allies a longer timer and lasting buff when leaving.

    power 1 should be your Acension, make it its own unique flight mode. 

    Power 2: merge Roz and Strafing run. 

    Power 3 Turbulence as it currently functions, or perhaps better ^_^

    Power 4 I really dig your Maelstrom. Its pretty epic as written

    Im sitting here reading all this input. ObviousLee id like to thank you for once again spurring the discussion of zephyr. <3 <3 <3

    Your ideas are fantastic, now evovle them tenno, slap on some forma, and lets see what all this boils down too. (The total input, ideas, and creativity of the community may give her the best shot she has at a rework yet!!!



  2. Ash p -100
    Nova p -100
    Nyx p -150p
    trinity p -70p

    Boar prime -90 p
    Boltor Prime -200 p
    Braton P  -30p
    Bronco P- 30p
    Burston p -30p
    Fang P- 25 p
    Lex P-20 p
    Othors p -30 p
    Soma P 80 p
    Paris P -30
    Vasto P- 20
    Vectis P- 170p

    Contact me here or Ingame CaptainBAMF


  3. As a player who has played since update 6, with 4000 hours logged, mastery rank 21, and this is the first thing in warframe that literally turned me off.

    I built my melee around moving around the room taking out target after target. Currently, no matter what your movement or attack speed is, you instantly stop just to swing your blade once. I really hope this isnt an intentional change, as this literally hurts almost every melee main or enthusiast out there.

    I love specters of the rail DE, but please, take a look at this change <3



    ember p helm(8) 30 p each
    emberp chassis(5)30 p each


    mag p helm 120 p

    rhino p systems(5)=30 p each
    rhino p chassis (5) =50 p each
    rhino p helm (2) 70 p each

    lex prime=30 p
    vasto prime=50p
    sicarus prime=200p
    bronco p=15 p
    boltor p set=170p
    burton p set=20 p
    braton p set=20 p
    dera vandel set=100 p
    paris prime set=25 p
    soma p set= 70
    ankyrosp set=200 p
    fang p set=40 p

    nikana p set=170p
    scindo p set=50 p

    Pm me here or in game. Also offering various maxed primed mods, 500p each.

  5. As someone with literally 2000 INGAME hours as zephyr as my main, YES PLEASE.


    She needs wings not fins, and not tiny ones that could never support her body. I can see these being scaled down very slightly,  however this concept as it is is MAJESTIC. Thank you for the work on zeph, i cant wait to see what this evolves into.

  6. The thing about this topic is, you probably "complaining" about ally reviving, cause at the moment it inst working properly.

    The game should be making waypoints indicating in which direction the downed tenno is, and now it inst doing this (again, cause it isnt the first time this bug shows up).

    Actually Not at all. Im mostly talking about being able to locate each individual member on map/minimap. No idea where you got any of what you just typed from. Literally, its a suggestion to make identifying and locating particular party members on the fly instantly. =]

  7. It gets kinda old not being able to open a map and find a friend before they're health hits 0. Currently you glance to see their name though a wall, but i really think 4 lets say colors, red, blue, green, yellow, or whatever, each of the slots gets 1. 1st player, 2nd, 3rd, etc. This lets you open your mini map and see where each of your friends is instantly. Idk, any thoughts? I see this in many many games, and wonder why we have no player indicatiors that let you know who is where?


    I posted about this in warframe reddit and thought i may as well toss it up here




    What do you think fello tenno?

  8. WTS Maxed Primed flow 1.2k

    WTS Maxed Primed Heavy Trauma 1k


    WTS Random Prime Parts


    Mag P BPx1

    Mag P helm x5


    Nova p bp x1

    Nova p helm x3


    Sicarus Prime Barrel x5

    Volt Prime Helm x5


    Nyx Prime chassis x1

    Nyx Prime Systems x3

    Nyx Prime BP x2

    Bo Prime BP x2

    Boltor Prime batterl x2

    Boltor prime stock x1


    Ember Prime Helm


    Loki Prime BP x3

    Loki Prime Chassis x1


    Loki Prime Helm x4


    Pm me on the Forums Or in game with offers =] -CaptainBAMF-

  9. I believe founders deserve special status, cosmetics, sigals, weapons, and warframes

    but special stats makes the game pointless to those who came after and have still played thousands of hours. Telling us to quit complaining is showing favoritism and not equality bro.

    The game is supposed to make things of pvp, pve, about skill. Not special stats, which all definetly make a difference with the right mods.

    This it nothing against founders, its against the concept of unobtainable stats itself.

    I believe founders deserve special status, cosmetics, sigals, weapons, and warframes

    but special stats makes the game pointless to those who came after and have still played thousands of hours. Telling us to quit complaining is showing favoritism and not equality bro.

    The game is supposed to make things of pvp, pve, about skill. Not special stats, which all definetly make a difference with the right mods.

    This it nothing against founders, its against the concept of unobtainable stats itself.

    I believe founders deserve special status, cosmetics, sigals, weapons, and warframes

    but special stats makes the game pointless to those who came after and have still played thousands of hours. Telling us to quit complaining is showing favoritism and not equality bro.

    The game is supposed to make things of pvp, pve, about skill. Not special stats, which all definetly make a difference with the right mods.

    This it nothing against founders, its against the concept of unobtainable stats itself.

    seriously its all about this

  10. I believe founders deserve special status, cosmetics, sigals, weapons, and warframes


    but special stats makes the game pointless to those who came after and have still played thousands of hours. Telling us to quit complaining is showing favoritism and not equality bro.


    The game is supposed to make things of pvp, pve, about skill. Not special stats, which all definetly make a difference with the right mods.


    This it nothing against founders, its against the concept of unobtainable stats itself.




    Currently, Excaliber, a warframe long overdue for an overhaul and an update has been.


    Warframe since its conception has NOT been a pay to win game, rather cosmetics and personalization are what players spent/spend the most cash. This allows Alot of customization without giving a player an advantage over another player.


    The moment you can pay for something that give you an advantage to another player, a game becomes pay to win.


    What happend here may be a bit of an accident, or a purposeful shift to pay to win by DE. That i do not know.


    Excaliber Prime founders package was marketed to be a limited time set of a warframe and 2 weapons. Both of which didnt have advantages over the ingame versions.


    Now Excaliber prime has an extra 50 armor, compared to the normal excaliber.


    This, perhaps unintentionally, has retroactivly given the excaliber founder package an advantage over non founder users in terms of game stats.


    This either needs to be rethought, reworked, or fixed with some very easy ideas.


    One, create a skin or attachment or something that will give the same stat boost to a non prime excaliber that the primed version has.


    Im sure more users have plenty more ideas and thoughts to add.


    In the end, stat buffs and reworks are AWESOME, but lets please keep it from being pay to win.


    pay for convience and pay for cosmetics are how it should stay.

  11. I just got out of some pvp. I can see the issues with the strun wraith as it is. Its far to fast, and deadly, really no skill involved. It did give me some nice k/d matches, but it really shouldnt be able to completely overpower every foe as it does now. It kinda feels broken. very broken.

  12. Lol really your supporting the idea of bosses appearing randomly? Have you thought about the newer players wanting to farm a specific frame only to realize oh dear I missed it 3 times in a day cause of work or I had to go out and then us vets telling them you know it wasn't like this before back then we had access to these bosses and we could TAXI or HELP players anytime complete them and not be AT THE MERCY OF RNG. Of course it won't be bad for us vets we have all the frames already and all the weps and everything this game has to offer think about the newbies starting it and how much FRUSTRATION they are gonna go through with all the RNG. If you were asked to restart your account back to zero have nothing and start farming everything again would you want to farm and rely on RNG based timed missions to farm for what you want to farm given that we all have LIVES outside warframe? Think about that.


    EDIT: Even if they do appear once in AM or PM what if the player isn't able to go online during the TIMED instance they appear what then waste of the day for the player farming what they want? Did you like farming VAUBAN for months that's what you want for all frames now timed boss alerts that appear TWICE a day imagine all the FRUSTRATION and RAGE people will say like "WTF I missed saryn boss in sedna again why is my life like this!?!"


    I do not believe all bosses should appear randomly. I believe we should have some special rotating bosses, kinda like PSO2 Dark Faltz, or something to that nature. Assuming i had ment all the bosses is kinda a big jump

  13. Honestly, If done carefully this can be a wonderful thing, not bad.


    Some of Warframes current problems from both DE and PLAYER perspective are:

    1).Very particular nodes being played at quantities that makes the others appear barren.(DE)

    2). Very low Resource Reward Ration For players, very specific missions for rewards ands efficiency(Players)

    3).Overspam of certain warframe teams and powerspams to accomplish resource gathering, creating problem 1 but caused by problem 2 (DE)

    4). No real Efficient way to accomplish anything in a day without the use of probelm 3 (Players)


    In my opinion, one way to solve this would be to have some core maps with set gametypes. this give players a choice to play a specific mission for fun, and they can have their own set reward tables. They shouldnt exist for just spamming materials or mods, they should exist because you find them FUN and want to PLAY them.


    There should be some maps that are RESOURCE instensive. This will appease farmers, and if created right, will present a rewarding challenge to players, and an alternative to sitting in one place and farming loot spamming powers, which is becomeing a huge problem. Seriously do this right and you wont have people spamming a common set of warframes to power spam anymore.They will be able to EARN a very similar fat amount of resources. you could have a daily limit to this to prevent it from having a negative effect on progress time and such. Fine tuning.


    There should be some special boss's/ gametypes that are time based. A good example will be to have  a boss appear twice or 3 times a day randomly. but at least 1 in the AM, 1 in the pm.


    Other Special Randomly appearing maps would be wonderful, especially if they contained rare or special loot. These should also appear to players at least once in the AM and once in the PM.



    (I had more i want to add that i though through, but its late and i feel that ive been sloppy enough already, ill see if any interest has was taken  in this concept, and an very open to additions and tweaks from other players and DE)


    (Lets Build something together instead of closing our selves off to the old or a jumping blindly toward a specific new shall we? =] )

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