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Posts posted by CaptainBAMF

  1. The powercreep from primed cards only really messes up super low lvl planets and voids. Take any of those to the true endgame, and youll see tenno are still lacking in power. Although this comes more from warframes and their imbalences at higher lvls. Which DE said last stream they would work to address.


    That being said too many primed mods would cause a problem, but up till now no earthshattering primed mods have appeared.


    The could Prisma Every weapon in the game if they really wanted to. Easy free content, mastery fodder, etc.



    I just want to see baro become something i look foward to everyweek, not something the community makes fun of.


    DE Please stick with a  2:2 Release pattern. Keep the commnunity happy and hopeful. Or watch the world burn, its up to you.


    ( To clarify the above. I do not wish to see priemd mods too often at all, as they cause slight havoc in the game without research,

    What I do want to see however is causual players, and hardcore players being treated equallly.


    2 new content items each rotation, appearance, mod, weapon, noggle, paint, Anything they want, just 2. For the endgame tenno with nothing to do


    And 2 old rotation items, for the casual players, or just those who missed it last time.


    Its fair, its can be any content, just presented in a fair ratio =] )

  2. Being around since the traders first rotation, ive started to notice things that both enrage DE, and the commnuinty about his trade cycles. 


    DE wanted to slow down the introduction of newer items to decrease the grinding done for  ducats. So instead of purely new content, the release a mix of old and new.


    However tenno who miss the previous rotation still have a chance within the next few to get the same item.


    What im noticing however is slightly disheartining.


    Instead of adopting a fair 1:1 or 2:2 approach ( lets say 2 new trader items, and 2 old trader items from a previous rotation)

    we see things like 3 previously purchased items, skins, etc, and maybe 1 new addition.



    Trader is supposed to be something we look forward to every 2 weeks. Its supposed to help ease the wait time between old content and newer content, giving us somethign to do or playwith.


    It seems however that there is almost no new contant coming from the trader, which worries me.


    This could be a sign DE is having trouble with creating new content for the trader do to Other Update projects, R&D of how the new contant they may be creating effects gameplay or whatnot.


    I honestly want DE to know id like them to look into a 2:2 approach for baro. If you cannot do that because content is getting hard to make every 2 weeks, perhaps rotate baro to a 3 week cycle, with ACUTAL new content.


    Honestly great work with everything DE .


    But please, for the many endgame tenno, and newer tenno looking forward to the trader every 2 weeks, do not rush out something to dissapoint us. the past 3 Traders have been kinda a let down T-T



    GG Much Love and Repect DE




     To clarify the above. I do not wish to see primed mods too often at all, as they cause slight havoc in the game without research,

    What I do want to see however is causual players, and hardcore players being treated equallly.


    2 new content items each rotation, appearance, mod, weapon, noggle, paint, Anything they want, just 2. For the endgame tenno with nothing to do


    And 2 old rotation items, for the casual players, or just those who missed it last time.


    Its fair, its can be any content, just presented in a fair ratio =] )

  3. In general, the human immune systems WORKS BETTER if you get sick. By preventing yourself from catching weaker sickness's, you may end up being worse off when one of those weaker one does get to you.


    In hospitals its a different story. Alot of people there could be recovering from surgery or on certains antibiotics that lower there immune systems ability to fight. It should be common practice to wear it inside a hospital.


    However living daily life behind a mask will ironically end up putting you there one way or another.


    Also, the stronger your immune system becomes, the less you'll show indication of illness's and the less youll feel the effects of them.


    Your body still get infected, but it fights it off alot easier.


    Alot about the immune system can be found on wikipedia or various medical forums.


    Also there are some sickness's that the immune system simply cannot handle. This requires a hospital, and obviously avoid contact with the infected.


    hehe, last part sounds like zombies.

  4. Looking for x7 arcane agility


    x10 arcane barrier


    x3 Emp Aura.



    PM prices.


    Contact Ingame an hour after this post, quickest way to guarantee a sale is to PM me.


    Will pay fair for each, no insane highballs, no insane lowballs. A price (obviously in the hundreds for each) we can agree on =]

  5. The pc is kinda the stomping ground for new updates, hotfixes, bugs etc.


    When de sends an update out for warframe xbox or ps3, its gotta go from DE  to Microsoft/Sony, where they do their checks for various things console related, and then they send out the update.


    The time between the Pc release, The release to microsoft and sony, and then finally you on the console takes quite a bit of time.


    So yea, itll be a minute.

  6. Could be your overall connection to your ISP,


    More then likely its something to do with which ports warframe is using, and properly configureing your router to use them. Test this out and if no dice, perhaps contact tech support.


    Read what other tenno suggest first, and search to see if others had similar issues/what they did to fix it =]


    but check those ports son!

  7. Id do damage+corrosive (electric and posin) with a beserker or fury.


    Tempo royal goes great with it.


    another option is to phase out the elements and instead replace then with a channeing efficieny and channeling damage mod.


    There are many styles availble depending on your style. =]

    I totally forgot The aura mod for your warframe, steelcharge. Adds 66% damage to your melee. If you dont have tempo royal, try to get your hands on steelcharge

  8. The Plat cost is crazy right now. between 300-500. Happens on new releases.


    To Farm these instead, head out to these corrosponding locations.


    Chassis-t3 survival 20 minutes or 40 minutes, or 60 etc. (what we call rotation C)

    Systems- T1 Surviva Also Rotation c, so 20-40-60 etc.l

    Helmet-Tower 3 survival rotation B ( 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes etc.

    Blueprint-Tower 4 Capture, Tower 1 Capture. Keep running em!


    rotation A is 5-10-25-35

    Rotation B  is 15-30-45

    Rotation c is 20-40-60


    GoodLuck! =]

  9. T-T


    PVP is a Tragedy. There is little balance atm in terms of weapon choice.


    first it was melee>guns


    Now its Gun< Melee


    Why the heck cant it just be GUNS=MELEE.


    seriously, make it fair all around.


    not broken toward melee like the first iteration.


    not broken toward guns like this iteration.


    Space Ninjas, meaning a multitude of deadly weps.


    Not Space Cowboys with Guns being on top DPS


    Not Space Chivalry with Melee being top DPS


    Give me true space ninja PVP



  10. I Spend like 3/4 of my game time helping newer players on the first 2 planets, and running bosses, taxi's, alerts etc. Are people in the forums the only ones who get a chance at this? Or will there be some analyzation/ utilization of those of use helping people IN the game?


    I really Hope DE Megan and the crew take a look at those doing what they can already in game, and not just on the forums =]

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