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Posts posted by CaptainBAMF

  1. Actually I think my fellow Tenno forgot devstream 44.


    Another Account Migration is a possiiblitiy this year, but definetly not for certain.


    A migration may indeed help the xbox one population, as we know is pretty thin. Alot of Tenno got some xboxs for christmas, and a few may have treated themselves to one.


    Also Proof in the DevStream Overview



    "• The possibility of another account migration for XB1 and PS4 Tenno (note: nothing final yet, just being discussed!)"


    Quote from the page =]

  2. Yea, they def are not ready.


    But really, will this be an issue tomarrow when we try again?


    If it does the same, will we be able to have support look into it and reset our test timer so we can try again?


    This is worrysome, but it could just be a small glitch. Support, could you give us an answer, even just an educated guess?

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