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  1. Oh my god. Remove the plat and make skin only bundle. Who's teaching these lessons?
  2. Society was mad that full game prices were raising to 70$ and my man out here shilling for skins.
  3. Yeah, let him know. Imagine not being a whale, Couldn't be me.
  4. Same. and I can't wait to hear people say "Don't be poor" or "Just ignore them/Don't buy them" or "F2P games have to earn money SOMEHOW" Sadge
  5. Ez p2w, now I don't have to spend 3-4 hrs doing horrible circuit and 20 mins getting pathos clamps. Phew
  6. That's the worst thing I've read all day. Pet textures have been bugged since 2021-12-15
  7. Decided to use first mission for double credits from Index today. After 3 rounds I saw 1450k payout on results screen. But only got 700k credits added to my account.
  8. Nice! Hopefully horse races are finally back.
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