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  1. Im in contact with the support for over 10 days about that issue. So far nothing useful. Restart PC, router etc. That is so disappointing.
  2. Having same issue since the last big patch. So far the only time where this is not happening is when the lobby is set to "Solo". On "Friends Only" or "Invite Only", still having very long loading time back to orbiter. Possible to have that confirmed as well for someone?
  3. thats a clever way to let people watch tennocon stream :)
  4. After fighting the new Jackal Assassination in Undercroft there is no extraction.
  5. Ive experienced while riven rolling that hovering over Sibear and Hate, the UI doesnt show the stats of the weapons. Also not a single time was possible to get Impact,Puncture or Slash on a Sibear riven?!
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