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  1. Multiple versions of soldiers on guard. technicians working on a task. entourage merchants. Robots and beasts roaming the rooms. Let us decorate the clan rooms with these various NPCs. If you've read this article and sympathize with it, don't just go away and help me by writing "Agree " in the comments.
  2. Multiple versions of soldiers on guard.technicians working on a task.entourage merchants.Beasts roaming the rooms.Let us decorate the clan rooms with these various NPCs. 경계를 서는 여러 버전의 병사들. 작업을 하는 기술자들. 호객하는 상인들. 방들을 돌아다니는 짐승들. 이러한 여러 NPC들로 클랜방들을 장식할 수 있게 해주세요.
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