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Posts posted by OnnaJReverT

  1. Sounds like there are weapons missing the ReloadComplete event...this event usually occurs after the magazine has been inserted, without this event the entire reload animation would need to complete before the ammo counter registers it.

    the lato misses it...

  2. On a side note, when can we craft the grineer version of the prova? seriously, the grineer use a different prova skin which looks like a steel pipe with a lightbulb that makes a zappy sound when swung.


    I need more mastery points!!!!

    i think that is the same weapon corpus use, they dont have the real prova either (minus the melee-crewmen ofc)

  3. @TwiceDead


    it's not that easy because the auto-aim will always work against you when trying to headshot as long as it works on the center of the body, not to mention enemies with critspot in different places (mainly infested, but also feral kubrows, bosses, etc.)


    i find the guaranteed-crit-on-headshot thing a bad idea anyway, because some enemies have quite wonky critical hitboxes (e.g. void heavy gunners, the above-mentioned examples), giving snipers modability to 100% crit would serve the same purpose while being less finicky, yet still reward headshots with the normal headshot-multiplier (though that might be raised for snipers)

  4. so,a s somebody who has played a fair share of loki, i have often seen all enemies around me drop their guns and pull out their prod-sticks, so i gotta ask... 


    why provas? they just look like a joke in the hands of a napalm/tech that is bigger than you in both heigh and girth, and now that we have bigger melee-weaponry that is supposedly technology from both factions (serro for corpus, jat kittag for grineer), shouldnt at least the heavies be able to actually use those weapons, at least when disarmed?

  5. could we stop the argument "do snipers even have a place in warframe?" already? there are people who find them to be worth using, that should be all the confirmation needed


    that said, the argument that snipers bring only damage to the table: agreed 100%, however they potentially do it better than most anything else, in terms of burst

    the vectis is potentially able to oneshot to an extremely high level, if it crits, headshots and multishots all at once the potential damage is ridiculous: perfectly suited to take out heavies in high-level content at long-ish range, which is the support-role a sniper should fill

    but if 2 out of 3 have a RNG-based chance to happen or not happen, that makes a *insert percentage here* of your shots de-facto useless, and that unreliability is all that hinders sniperrifles in their current state


    TL;DR: snipers have the damage-potential, but its unreliable due to crit- & multishot-RNG, they need a way to achieve 100% in both

  6. what is the Devs view on how sniper-rifles are performing post-buff?


    IMO they still need buffs to critrate to 40% (100% with point strike) and a way to achieve exactly 100% multishot to perform reliable oneshot-kills, instead of a dead enemy ~70% of the time



    Edit: to the guy above me, yes, it was already stated in some devstream or other that we will be able to customize the Liset at some point in time, colour included

  7. you forgot the spectra as a corpus-secondary


    anyway, i dont think there is as much of a need for more corpus-weaponry, they have a crapton of primaries already and half the "grineer"-weapons arent even used by the faction (as are some corpus-weapons, but to a lesser degree)


    agreed on a secondary vandal though, would like to see a complete set be possible

  8. Please don't try and use logic in sci-fi. And even if you tried, you can't compare a kinetic bullet from a sniper rifle to an arrow from a bow that has a linear accelerator as the launching mechanics, that for all you know is firing mono molecular arrows. The Paris is closer to a Ballista firing small bolts then a compound bow.


    I've already stated elsewhere that the greatest issues comparing bows to snipers is that bow users will run forward just like players with guns, while most sniper users will try to stop in one spot and clear the field, and because this game favors more running and gunning, and have cramped, contorted tiles, sniper users don't get a chance to shine. Also, everyone keeps getting in the way.

    i have no problem moving with my vectis (even while zoomed in) and adjusting my aim accordingly, somebody who uses snipers for any amount of time will learn that sooner or later

  9. http://redfaction.wikia.com/wiki/EDF_Rail_Driver




    The Rail Driver(Sniper Rifle) shoots ultra-high velocity depleted uranium slugs that appear like blue beams of light and can penetrate almost anything including vehicles and structures, effectively making cover irrelevant to the wielder and turning vehicles into death traps thanks to its powerful x-ray scope.


    I have used this thing a lot. It has travel time as well so it takes some time getting use to especially in multiplayer.

    i @(*()$ loved that gun in red faction, i think ill download it again right now just to pop some heads through a lot of walls

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