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Everything posted by Atzyl

  1. A totally unnecessary nerf, honestly sometimes I feel like they nerf things only by seeing the late/mid game content and not high difficulties, instead of nerfing characters that don't need a nerf it would be better to re-work other warframes that were basically left in the forgotten or they are not very useful without a specific build and with helminth abilities like Trinity and Oberon, personally I have been waiting for a warframe like this for a long time, a sorcerer who specializes precisely in casting abilities without depending exclusively on equipped weapons. I can understand that it may feel like "It breaks the game" but it really wasn't like that since its gameplay is quite entertaining, personally, rather than making a nerf to that warframe, the missions or their difficulties could be modified a little from certain point, for example perhaps those of Lua and the void to make them more "Complicated"
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