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Posts posted by Ralsk

  1. Trinity has been my main for a very long time now and I do not find her boring at all.  In fact, during hectic games or high level areas, she becomes one of the most challenging (in a good way) and difficult frames to play as IMO.  Here's why I think that.


    1.  The Trinity player has the task of keeping an eye on all allies hp to the best of her ability and this includes other player’s sentinel and kubrow health.  While you can’t directly see the hp bars of your allies’ followers you need to try and have a moderate guess of how their companions are holding up and use Blessing as needed.

    2.  Trinity has to try to judge energy consumption of her team and use EV as needed.  She will be using it even more so if she is providing overshields with the augment mod.  

    3.  Trinity has to keep a constant eye on her ability timers, especially in the more difficult bits of combat as one badly timed moment of Link going down and you’re dead.   

    4.  And after you manage all of this it would be nice if you remember that you still have weapons and need to try and kill stuff once in a while.


    To touch on a few other points.  


    Aside from the obvious use of tanking and damage mitigation Link allows Trinity to basically be a goddess of melee combat and EV means channeling to your heart's content.


    Well of Life may seem useless but there is one thing it can do.  It can be combo'd with EV to basically be an instant kill move on a single target.  It takes a bit of work but whatever you do it to pretty much dies.  To give you the short version Well of Life increases enemy health (by 10x I think?) and EV does damage based on the enemy's health at the time it is cast.  So if you cast EV on a target a second or two before Well of Life wears off then the target goes back to its normal hp but EV will continue to strike damage equal to the enemy still having the 10x health.  Basically it's instant kill on almost any target.

  2. So just logged in and game failed to create a session when I tried to access navigation.  After retrying it I was booted to login screen where I could not log back in.  I thought this had been fixed?  I saw that the megathread for it had been locked earlier so is anyone else still having these issues?


    The timing on this couldn't be worse.  We're in a double credit weekend, with Baro, and with special alerts.  I really hope they extend alert times or something for this.  It's not fair to the people who want that weapon but can't get it because of server issues.  Same thing with Baro, he needs to stick around longer.

  3.  I know it increases you dps but it isn't necessarily needed to kill high level enemies. I'm sure my soma prime can kill level 100+ enemies with ease without multishot. When multishot is nerfed it will basically become a fire rate mod but in one shot. Now the nerf will make you think twice if you want to use it.

    Except it won't, not for long anyway if I'm understanding the upcoming changes correctly.  You're saying that something that flat out increases your raw damage significantly is not needed for high level enemies in a game where, currently, high level enemies get magically scaling infinite armor and health making them insanely powerful over time?  Fire rate mods are not always a good thing on weapons since you don't always want to be using more bullets.  Multishot mods will still be required to get the most damage per shot out of your gun but now you're going to have to either carry an ammo mutation mod for pretty much anything or litter the floor with ammo pizzas.

  4. Even if you sell it, mastery is mastery and you get a free slot.

    Unless things have changed the way I understood it is if you have a weapon given to you that came with its own slot then that slot is tied to the weapon and you DO NOT get an extra slot if you sell that weapon off.

  5. Loaded into Tyl Regor boss fight just before he flooded the entire arena and was obviously put into archwing mode to swim out of the water but then I was able to freely leave the water and do, well, this...






    All archwing powers and weapons were still usable and I was able to follow my allies through doors to extract no problem.  I almost wish this was an option we could do once in awhile as it was quite fun for the short time I got to enjoy it.

  6. Low, I'll have enough to get Prisma Cleavers this week if I sell some stuff but I may not.  Working full time now I don't have the hours I used to have free to spend farming the Void.  Doesn't help being mastery 19 and now not having much to work on except brand new releases so the motivation to play is less as well.  What definitely doesn't help is the whole Prime Vault thing making me want to hang onto pieces more now waiting for when they are also removed from the game since it would then be better to sell them for plat.

  7. Corrupted Ancient - I only just noticed this a few days ago, but it's annoying.

    The new buff made Corrupted ancients aura reduce damage given to their allies in battle, but in return they no longer heal their allies. I also think these auras certainly stack. 

    When was this buff introduced?  Thanks for mentioning this btw.  I was wondering this past weekend why the crap my Soma Prime seemed to randomly go from doing 60-80 damage per hit to around 5-10.  My team and I neither one knew why we seemed to randomly do almost zero damage and then it would be fine a min or two later.  This is an incredibly stupid change to ancients making enemies way tougher than they already are especially with their spawn rate and armor scaling in things like defense or survival missions.  Armor scaling is already bad enough, we don't need anything to make void enemies tougher.

  8. Agreed.  These guys are too op even at mid-long range where their weapons should be less effective.  Another unit really in need of a nerf is Grineer Seekers.  I think they have a Kraken pistol and it does way too much damage and shreds your shields and health faster than anything else in a mission.  They are extremely accurate with those things as well.

  9. Well, actually. Status on shotguns works in a funny way.

    As, e.g Strun Wraith has 40% listed status (around 5% status per pellet), that can be easily increased to 100% status. The funny thing is, that we don't end with roughly 15% status per pellet but 100% status pet pellet, Strun will proc multiple times per shot, every time.



    ^ Yeah that's what I meant. Can anybody clarify whether this is intentional or will get "fixed" eventually? I still hesitate a bit to put Forma on the Gun.

    This is kind of why I was asking.  I'm wanting to possibly start working on a shotgun to actually forma a few times and use occasionally rather than just finishing it for mastery points but I wasn't sure how status was calculated with them.  Thanks to all for the replies to far.

  10. Requires a team for sure :O

    Not even.  I did solo for it no problem using Zephyr and her Turbulence (aka the god of non hitscan weapons) and just sat on top of the terminal.  Throw an overextend on her ranked a few times and Turbulence covers the whole thing no problems.  Scanning Chroma wasn't hard either as he actually was shooting the Corpus, not me.

  11. This idea is absolutely disgusting to me.  This game already has way too much RNG in it now.  So now we are going to have mission types on an RNG system and possibly even the resource types dropped in a mission based on RNG?  RNG on RNG with an extra dash of more RNG?  How can anyone think this is a good idea?  This is DE's idea of reducing grind?  By forcing us to play certain mission types only at certain times?  Yes the star chart is largely empty but taking away player choice, especially on something as simple as selecting your mission type, is never ever a good idea.  Remove duplicate missions sure (we don't need 3 exterminates on 1 planet) but there is no reason to remove mission type choice altogether.


    Worst thing is I can already see DE creating a special key or item of some kind requiring plat to oh so graciously allow us the option to play the mission type we want. You know, the way we already can on the current system.

  12. rockets are among the slowest projectiles in the game

    Clearly you are not talking about corrupted bombards here because those things are not slow and can turn pretty dang quick (for a rocket).  Half the time you end up taking a hit from a rocket before you may even know there is a bombard nearby, especially if he's being buddies with a nullifier inside the bubble.

  13. I agree with this completely.  I find it incredibly stupid that I would have to have 2 serrations (or 2 primed point blanks) of the same level to use a sentinel with the same damage mod as my primary weapon is using.


    Requiring the player to get another copy of a mod and fuse it up to the level of the same mod they already own and have at that level is nothing but a pure, unnecessary, huge increase in grind and an enormous waste of cores and credits.  


    All this really accomplishes is forcing the player to use a different sentinel weapon than they may want to or forcing them to add a ridiculous amount of grind to a game already full of it.  We don't need more grind.  We need less.

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