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Posts posted by Ralsk

  1. Ok there are a few issues with the way this was carried out. 

    I was able to bring a level 14 Bolto to 25 minutes in a T2 Survival, but the level 18 Akjagara has trouble at 25 minutes on Apollodorus, Mercury...
    Even accounting for damage types, this just seems wrong.

    First off, if you're going to test something, do it in the same place with the same enemies (and then preferably multiple locations to try different enemies) and second, we don't know what kind of mods you are running on these which could also make a difference here since you list their ranks and since they aren't the same they are not on equal footing for what they could equip.


    Then why aren't they built with the Akvastos instead?

    No. They should be compared with the Akboltos, since that is what it used to make them.
    Why even bother to built these things if they are worse than their components? Especially since they take 2-3 days and more resources than some Prime weapons?

    And this.  No, just no.  You should compare weapons with other weapons with similar damage types, not based on what makes the weapon.  You can't take a slash weapon and a puncture weapon and expect them to perform the same on the same enemy type, especially in the situations you listed where you were facing primarily armored targets and so the Bolto would have an advantage with it's puncture damage.

  2. I agree with the ammo max and the magazine increase as well as innate punch through (it's a giant freaking laser, how does it even stop at one person?).


    As for speed I run my Opticor with Speed Trigger (not fully upgraded), Shred, and Vile Acceleration and I can fire Opticor insanely quick already.  


    My only complaint, and if others have noticed this as well please say so, is that it seems that sometimes it's area of effect damage is bugged/inconsistent.  Sometimes it will hit people near the initial target, sometimes it won't.  Sometimes it hits people near the actual beam during the shot and other times it doesn't.  Really frustrating when you get a group that you get most of them in one shot and then the next group even though the beam passed close enough to shave off their armor it doesn't hit them.

  3. I love the Redeemer, one of my favorite melee weapons so far.  Keeping it just for the ragdoll shotgun effect is worth it and pretty nice against infested.  It's also immensely satisfying to ragdoll someone and walk up to them laying on the ground and use that finisher on them.  It just feels so good for some reason.

  4. I really enjoyed this deeper look into Volt and you had me thinking of some things I'd never considered with him before. Maybe I'll even dust off the old Dera after reading through this. Volt was my first frame in the game after Excalibur and I loved him even from back then. I would also say that even though his normal version has 15 armor I never ever felt squishy with Volt (and same with Zephyr IMO). Volt Prime is something I can't wait to get...if only Survival 3 would be kind on its drops for once.

  5. I soloed it strictly because it's a quest and I have this thing about doing quests/story missions solo when I can.  That being said it's a Corpus mission so Zephyr with Turbulence is basically god mode.  With Stretch and a not well upgraded Overextend you can actually sit on top of the beacon thing that you're protecting and pretty much nothing can hit it.

  6. Laser barriers: Knocks you on the floor, usually leaving you to die to the hand of the 9001 crewmen on the other side.


    A pure detriment to this game. Not only does this annoy players, it forces them to use rhino. Limiting choice is always a bad thing in a game. REMOVE THEM, they do not serve their purpose of slowing down players.

    Forces them to use Rhino?  Um no, not even close.  You can slide-melee through any laser barriers without issue 99% of the time and sometimes you can get lucky and slide-flip through them without any real issues.  Also minor points but Mirage can turn them against the enemies with Sleight of Hand and Trinity using Link can actually be immune to the knockdown since the lasers full effect will hit the enemies instead.

  7. Please do your homework before posting this kind of stuff, also, I know the guy before me said this, but I feel like he didn't point out the more obvious issues with what you said. 

    Yeah sorry, missed him saying "damage cap" just saw "invulnerable" and was working off that.  Also forgot that you can generate energy while in the void.  Limbo is not a commonly used frame by me so I'm not as well versed in his mechanics.  Thanks for the clarifications.

  8. It's intended and it's incredibly stupid.  It's not like you drop your weapons in the Void so why do you drop datamasses or power cores?  



    1. Cataclysm has no damage cap, so you can make cryopod/excavator invulnerable


    2. You could also rift walk, making yourself invulnerable while carrying an objective/datamass/power core.


    3. Picking up energy orbs would allow you to continue to do this infinitely.

    To address these I go with the following.


    1.  Cataclysm does not give true invulnerability since enemies can and will shoot things while they are within the bubble.


    2.  This really isn't a whole lot different than an invisible Loki/Ash carrying the object.  Could also compare it to a Linked Trinity or Ironskinned Rhino or a Turbulence Zephyr vs Corpus.  There are plenty of ways already to carry stuff and basically be untouchable.


    3.  Team energy restores exist.  If people really want energy then not having energy orbs around/able to be picked up is not going to stop them.

  9. Agreed. However, I still understand why it is what it is -- an underwater tileset is slated for 16.5, which will require archwings to use.


    Would I have liked to see some primed weapons? Absolutely. I still really want a Vectis Prime. However, regardless of what's actually in Prime Access, it's still a really good deal for players looking to get a bunch of platinum.

    Honestly back when whispers of Odonata Prime began and then talk of the J3 golem being returned to the game as an archwing boss I figured he would be the one to drop Odonata Prime.

  10. An archwing is equivalent in mastery to two weapons.

    Numerically that is true but that's where the equivalency ends.  A prime "frame" (and one that is generally considered the weakest of it's kind) for a game mode that is currently heavily lacking in content and replayability does not compare with (what may have been) 2 epic and highly sought after prime weapons that can be used in every other game mode.

  11. I see where he's coming from I guess, a lot of people are not fans of Archwing at the moment, but there are people that do.

    And it's not even so much a dislike for Archwings.  I enjoy the game type well enough and my Itzal is a lot of fun.  It's just there really isn't anything to do in archwing right now.


    It's an opinion. "Odonata is the worst" is an opinion, and you really do not have to min-max anything at all in Archwing to do well.

    It may be my opinion but it's an opinion held by a lot of people going by past reading on forums relating to archwings.


    I dont see much happiness about archwing stuff at all, most people even come out and speak they hate it pure and simply.

    Yet DE made a prime access and they are also planing on making a water world with water-archwing, I wonder if this is all worth, cause I do see most of ppl just ignoring and disliking archwing stuff.

    I am really really hoping the water world idea can finally bring something to archwing.

  12. So for months I'd been waiting for Volt Prime.  The rumors were everywhere and it was widely spoken that Volt would be the next Prime.  I was so excited! I'd never had the opportunity to buy a Prime Access before but this time knowing it was Volt I was going to make an exception and buy him (since he was my first frame in the game after Excalibur).  What would he look like? What two weapons would he come with?  Such thoughts led to so much anticipation.  


    So finally Volt Prime Access arrives and Volt looks awesome....and that's the only positive thing I can say about it.  Instead of two weapons we are given a prime archwing and not just a prime archwing but a prime version of the worst of the archwings.  Why?  I don't even understand why they would do this.  I was happily going to sink $80 on this Prime Access for the frame and whatever weapons he would come with but instead we get an archwing?  I'm sorry DE.  I really wanted to buy this one, I was really looking forward to it for months on end but now?  I can't justify the cost.

  13. So after update 16 I noticed during a grineer mission that I can no longer complete the hacking minigame with a controller.  Before the update on my 360 controller the Y button was bound to cipher usage and A stopped the spinning thing.  Now while I can still use ciphers none of the buttons actually stop the spinning bit.  I could not find any way to rebind this either.  Any help or suggestions here would be welcome.


    As an aside the Corpus hacking is still fine with the controller.

  14. Extra challenge is always welcome imho.

    But since it's so easy to get rid of by aborting mission and re-running then it isn't a forced challenge so why does it exist at all then?  If a player wants extra challenge then run Nightmare mode missions or just remove your Redirection mod or use a lower rank one.  There's no reason to try force a normal mission with half shields on the other players who don't want it.

  15. It's intended.  It's meant so that Limbo can't banish the capture target and then get himself killed, leaving his team unable to harm the target.

    In the case of capture targets then it would have made far more sense to simply deactivate Banish on a target once Limbo goes down.  I figured it was changed more to keep troll Limbo frames from intentionally letting targets escape.

  16. 4 runs - 202 kills.


    Fine for me.


    As for general spawns, maybe DE wanted to ease more people into archwing.


    Believe or not, there are still people who die on that event.

    Agreed, spawn rates are fine.  Average for me was around 40-50 per match.  That's plenty.

  17. Great idea.  I can't say how many times I've been downed while capping a target or hacking a console, gets really annoying.  Though the mental picture of this in effect is hilarious.


    *Invisible Loki hacks a nearby terminal, grineer in room looking in same direction*

    Grineer A "What's that giant glowing shield bubble near that terminal?"

    Grineer B "No idea.  Ah well, let's keep walking around and talking to ourselves."

  18. I am also confirming this ! This makes Volt + Limbo an extremely good combo to run on survival missions. I am not sure if this is intended though, and that combo have a strong limit : NULLIFIERS ! (You can't damage their bubbles if you are in the rift, even if you shoot through your shield).

    So wait, does this mean Shields outside of Limbo's bubble make your shots fired from within the bubble hit enemies as normal or do the shields have to be placed by Volt in Limbo's bubble?  Really I'm just wanting an explanation of how exactly this works.

  19. The animation invulnerability that has always bothered me is when a kubrow tries to grapple a soldier and the enemy wrestles them to the ground instead.  It takes forever for the animation to end and the enemy can't be hit by anything even if you're unloading your gun into his back from a foot away.  Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

  20. - i had to play this mission once WITHOUT melee because the sword spawned on my back and never slided down to my hands, leaving me literally barehanded


    heres lee me playing the melee mission without melee, did i unlock a secret level of nightmare mode there?, i wanted hardcore, but not this hardcore :D :



    Looking at the pic and how Loki's hands are positioned did you really not have the melee?  I ask because I had the same thing happen to me once with my Latron Prime where it was still sitting on my back but my warframe's hands were in the correct pose for holding it.  In spite of it being on my back it was definitely still usable and I did kill things with my invisible gun.


    I also had the ground spam thing happen to me.  Mine was caused by trying a ground slam from above as a fire eximus cast its bubble below me.  Figured the glitch had to do with me hitting the bubble from above and getting knocked over while in the slam pose.  Couldn't get out of it until I died.

  21. I was under the impression that DE didn't like the way Draco farming was done hence its nerf awhile back and the nerf making standing come more from syndicate missions rather than just earning standing on your own during whatever mission you want.  I fail to see how then forcing us to use a specific set of frames, the Draco frames mainly, is doing anything good here at all except showing how insane enemies get at high lvls while reinforcing that the Draco frames are the only ones able to really do content like this.

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