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Posts posted by Ralsk

  1. I actually want Trinity to heal more. Most of the time they are too busy to ev but forgot they are also healer. Once I was using quick thinking and holding only 2 health. I decided to see how long would the Trinity take to find out.... After several mins I gave up and spoke to her.

    Plz keep an eye on ur mates health too. I also do that when I use her.

    Yeah I prefer to keep my role as more of a healer than an energy vamp enabling tons of ability spamming.  However in high tiers it can be tough to keep an eye on everyone's health in the middle of combat.  Especially since everyone can be fine one second then after a bombard rocket or nullifier bullet suddenly they are nearly dead if they aren't just one shotted.


    1.) As you say: crowd control. Completely removes a single enemy target from the battle.
    2.) Serves as "anchor" for Link that won't be easy to kill, accidentally or otherwise.
    3.) First stage of the secret WOL/EV murderdeath combo.


    Using it as an anchor for Link....that's actually a really good idea.  Thanks for that.  As for the WOL/EV I never really did it aside from some small experimentation since, if I understand it right, EV needs to be cast near the end of WOL's timer so that the damage is based on WOL's health pool but then the target goes back to the lower health so they take much more damage from EV.  Is it worth really going for in battles where watching the action and Link timer and other players health is hassle enough and then you'd be adding 2 more ability timers into the mix to watch?

  3. Probably should be in like Players help players or General discussion. This really isn't feedback.

    Anyways, people generally know the limitations of Trinity's EV. I'd say more often then not you will have someone NOT complain then complain. You cant have this 5 or 10% of players gild your perspective.


    And as for Draco Trinitiy. There is a specific build. You need stretch and Overextended. Also note that Trinity's cast range is shorter than the EV restoration radius when build like this... I think. or vice versa.... It's one of the two

    I wasn't sure exactly where to put it.  On one hand it's dealing with the how the gameplay of specific frames and how their abilities work and on the other it's about player behavior.


    A Draco farm Trinity is specifically built for a massive radius energy vampire that gives a ton of energy back, so a Trinity not built to this standard would have a much harder time providing energy for the squad.


    That being said, a Draco Trinity's first and third abilities are next to non-existent in duration so they require more protection from the squad than usual. 


    A more well-rounded build is really more ideal unless you're doing specific missions with specific tilesets.  


    Just remember that no one has the right to tell you how to play your character, like any other RPG out there.  Kudos for standing up for yourself.

    Trinity's first ability I never use anyway since why cast that (aside from maybe using it as a stun) when I can just hit 4 and get insta full health and full shields?  With my Trinity build blessing is down to 40something energy cost so with an energy pool of 450 it's very spammable.


    Was funny last time this happened.  Had a Mesa complaining and I basically summed up my above post and he had one response.   "Touche...."

  4. Hello, a Trinity player here and I was wanting to check with my fellow Trinity's to see if this happens to you and this is also a minor PSA for other frames out there (mainly Mesa and Excal).


    Yes I know you people want energy and I love to give it to you but please keep in mind a few things about Energy Vampire.


    1.  I can't cast it if I have no living targets within a mile to cast it on.

    2.  Energy Vampire does have a limited range for granting energy so when I do manage to find something your Ults haven't wiped out you will probably be out of range if you are still at ground zero from your attack.

    3.  If you are so desperate for energy you feel I am failing to provide then bring your own energy restores.


    To sum up the above points don't nuke every enemy anywhere close to you on the map then complain I'm not giving you energy when the only enemy I find alive to cast Energy Vampire on is too far away from you because you're still standing in the place where your ult was launched from.


    I am not your servant, I am not here to do every little thing you command me to do.  My main job is team healing, some tanking, and energy restoration.  Please do not make it impossible for me to fulfill that last job and then blame me for not fulfilling it.  


    Also if it changes anything I have never played a Draco farm so I have no clue if Trinity is handled differently/in a specific way there.


    Sorry if this sounds too harsh, just tired of running into players who can be like this.

  5. His shock is probably the best ability. You make Speed out to be a great ability, although it's convenient, it's not an ability that's great in every scenario. The shield covers only one side, very few situations where it would actually work.


    Not trying to discredit you, just saying he needs a buff. Maybe his shield can become more of a bubble, perhaps cover three sides. His ultimate literally never kills anything in high level missions. They just become stunned. Maybe it could replace his shield and give him a lightning storm type of final ability.    


    He dies WAY too quickly. If you're in a high tier mission, you're health is low, you're kind of screwed. Unless your enemies are coming from one side, his shield is practically useless. Spamming shock may save you, but you are so much better off getting another warframe in these kinds of scenarios. 


    I've never seen someone throw on his/her Volt in a T4 Surv, Def, MB, etc. Maybe Cap but that's really limiting. 

    Volt is pretty good as is right now.  His cc from shock is decent and the chain effect is nice.  Speed is good for escaping or for melee users nearby and I've heard the augment for it is semi decent.  The only thing I would change on Overload is allowing the lights/electronics in a room to be able to be reused for the damage boost after a certain amount of time.  


    Last but not least Shield is one of the best defensive abilities in the game IMO.  I still remember when it was so small you had to pretty much crouch if you wanted to fit behind it, you and no one else, but now it's huge.  You can block off entire hallways or surround a defense pod with them fairly easily if you so desire.  Shield also gives pretty much all limited range weapons unlimited range (Amprex says hello).  Add to that decent duration and not a terrible cost and it's a really good ability.  Shield as a bubble I don't think would work because I can already see the threads comparing it to Snow Globe if that ever happened.

  6. Speaking of ripped off: I am fairly certain you were; I remember that set was trading for a few hundred platinum. It may be because you wanted to buy the whole set from 1 guy - it probably would have been better to buy it piecemeal.

    Hehe yeah looking back I know I was but at the time I was not having any luck finding anyone selling just Malignant Force (which was the only one I wanted).  Everyone in trade chat either didn't have it or they were only selling it as a set.  Meh, no hard feelings, was my own fault and a valuable learning experience.

  7. Back before Corrupted Vor was released I had been spending the last week or so trying to find Malignant Force from somebody and either nobody was selling it or they were selling just the whole set of mods.  Finally I caved in and bought the whole Cicero set from a guy for 2000 plat.  Corrupted Vor released about a week or two later.


    Yes it was stupid but I can honestly look back and laugh at it.  Also only reason I had that much plat was a 75% off coupon from login rewards.

  8. Heya peepz im just wondering is possible to get soma p receiver at 15 min or eventually at 35 min or is necessary to go over? Im also confused about what is rotation C on a survival, some peoples said me that them are the periods at 15m,30m,45m,60m, rotation A 5m,20m,35m,50m, rotation B 10m,25m,40m,55m, rotation C 15m,30m,45m,60m, but other peoples said me that it is the period 35,40,45, it means rotation A 5,10,15, rotation B 20,25,30, rotation C 35,40,45, rotation D 50,55,60, what theory is the most valid?  If also some of you can post when at what minutes you have found soma prime receiver, it will help a lot. Thanks in advance.

    Soma receiver is Rotation C only.  Rotations occur in the order AABC.  This order of rotations is used in Defense, Interceptions, and Survivals  Now to break down how rotations work for survival it's easiest to look at it this way.


    Rotation A = 5 min

    Rotation A = 10 min

    Rotation B = 15 min

    Rotation C = 20 min


    Then the cycle repeats with A being at 25 min, then 30 min.  B at 35 min.  Then C again at 40 min.  For the other game modes it goes as follows.




    Wave 5 = A

    Wave 10 = A

    Wave 15 = B

    Wave 20 = C




    Round 1 = A

    Round 2 = A

    Round 3 = B

    Round 4 = C


    Hope this clears things up for you.

  9. Normal bombards I don't really have an issue with.  It's the corrupted ones that really need to be toned down.  Getting dang near one shot from across the map without any warning at all is complete crap.  Even if you do see the bombards their rockets are very fast, hard to dodge, and also pretty hard to see (at least IMO).  Probably would be better if you could see or hear the things but as it is you'll just be doing whatever and BOOM! suddenly you're laying on the ground with all your shield and most of your hp gone.  Oh and your sentInel is probably dead too.  To top all this off it's very possible you don't even know where the attack came from so you're probably gonna get nailed again right away.

  10. Personally I don't mind this trend though I can see it being annoying for those who either sold the weapons after maxing the mastery on them or lack the plat to get weapon slots to make or hold onto the required weapons to begin with.  I do agree that the resulting weapon should be more powerful than the 2 combined however (and possibly polarity slots should carry over as well).  When this started with the Tiberon I thought it was a nifty concept and a way to get rid of old weapons that may be clogging people's inventory slots.  Then came the Redeemer and I didn't care about the crafting cost cause it was a freaking gunblade.  The Tipedo I was honestly not impressed with and wished I was using the Amphis instead while I was lvling it but perhaps it just needs more modding for me to like it.  Then we come to the Akjagara and I gotta admit the cost is a bit ridiculous.  I still had my Akbolto so all I needed was to make the Dual Skana but it quickly became apparent that those who didn't keep it were in for a very annoying time wall and resource sink and one that I think was just a bit too high for the end product.  If DE can somehow make the system work better or guarantee that such fusion weapons are truly better than the sum of their parts then I don't mind it continuing.  If not however they at least need to not make a weapon that requires a weapon to craft the weapon that requires that weapon.

  11. I love my Latron Prime and I agree with OP that it does need something more.  From the day Latron Wraith came out just looking at the numbers I was basically thinking "It could well be better than Latron Prime.  Crit chance and fire rate alone are just...wow.  And all of that with a decent status chance."  Only thing that's kept me from making it a godly weapon is me really not being in the mood to forma something 4 times right now.

  12. Just be glad Hydroid isn't behind a key/beacon wall now.  It's a lot easier than it used to be to get him.  All frames take 3 days to build.  3 and a half if you count the 12 hours to make the parts.  I really don't see why this should be changed.  Timing it right helps too.  For instance I started Ember Prime Tuesday so it would be ready to use Friday evening when I get home from work and I'll be free for the weekend.  It's not that huge of a chunk of time and there are plenty of other things to do in the meantime.

  13. This is a frustrating part of the assassins (still waiting on my Brakk receiver!) that I think should be changed.  That being said I really don't see it happening with Stalker since his weapons are available for plat so I don't see DE making them easier to obtain.  So for now just hang in there.  You will get it eventually.

  14. I noticed this the other day but since they were still throwing and exploding like good little electric grenade mines of death I didn't care too much.  Not like I'm zoomed into my tenno's hips actually looking at the things closely during a fight anyway.

  15. I totally agree with the OP.  This has been especially noticeable for me the last couple visits with Baro as I'm balancing college, work, and even with spending almost all of my free time on warframe I'm barely scraping enough together for each time Baro visits.  After this past visit I was down to 0 ducats and 142 credits!  And I don't even buy everything.  Yes he may have crap mods for the week but if you miss a mod you may want, and you never know when that will happen much less when he'll be bringing those mods back, you're basically forced to be ready to buy them each week.  If you do miss one then you can get it from a player but with a freaking 1 mil credit trade tax.  This is not sustainable, it is not a realistic setup, and it needs to be changed.

  16. after MR10 you don't really need to continue if you don't want to.

    Very true however at that point what else is there to do?  By rank 10  I'd been in the void countless times, had tons of mods, resources that would be used for nothing if not to make new weapons and frames, and experienced all the other game modes plenty of times.  What else is there to do in this game at that point aside from ranking up new weapons and warframes?  Even if, as others have already said, you may have no interest in the other items or they just plain suck.

  17. Zephyr is really fun and I actually find her Tailwind augment for Turbulence pretty nice.  It's speed boost is just under what a Volt would give so combine that with increased projectile speed for yours and allies weapons in the area and I'd say it's a lot better than some augments we get.

  18. Apparently, there's spaces free on it.


    But anyway, personally, I'm fine with loosing ADS in return for getting something else on a gun, though, it feels almost like that's just me.

    Do you mind sharing your bindings?  With my bindings there is no free button that is viable for the suggested function.  I already can't have roll bound at all since there isn't anything decent to bind it to with the current set up.

  19. Definitely not.  The whole point of the void trader and ducats is to eliminate excess prime parts and then to be able to trade mods for ducats instead would be like offering plat in exchange for credits.  I can't imagine the stupidly huge numbers of extra mods (or credits in the plat example) people likely have lying around.

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