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Posts posted by Ralsk

  1. The only change I would make to Overload would be to allows the electronics in a room to recharge after a certain amount of time.  How much time I'll leave to people better at figuring this stuff out.  This would allow Overload to be more useful in a room it was already used in once before.  Obviously for a lot of the missions it would not matter but for Defense, Survivals, and possibly Mobile Defense depending on the timer length having the ability for the electronics in the room to be rebooted, so to speak, would give Overload much better usage long term.

  2. i barely see any hydroids in my runs

    Maybe because some people are like me.  You can have insanely crappy luck at getting the beacons you need (and thus don't really farm them ever due to being sick and tired of trying and not getting the right ones).  You can have a hard time finding someone hosting a Vay Hek run as I haven't seen many lately and the ones I do see it can be hard to get in quick enough to get a spot.  Lack of runs may be due to people's annoyance of finding the beacons.  Lastly even if you are lucky enough to get a Vay Hek mission because the game likes to screw you over on warframe drops it will give you any piece except the Systems...even after multiple Vay Hek runs the Hydroid Systems continue to evade me.  Headaches caused by this are why I once saw a guy offering 200 plat in recruiting channel if someone hosted a Vay Hek and he got the Systems.  I don't care if he was lying or not the fact that the piece is that hard to get that you would make an offer like that is just insane.


    Random aside but Trinity Systems took me over 20 tries to get.  I don't think I'll ever end up in that many Vay Hek battles.  At this time Hydroid is basically dead to me.  He's there but he's pretty much unreachable.   I really would love to play as him but getting him is dang near impossible.

  3. So from this post, I can conclude several things.


    Ash players are lazy and conservative, and would rather sit back and pretend there is nothing wrong with pressing 1 button then afking while your broken ability does all the work, meanwhile your teammates with their "equally" broken abilities actually partake in the game.


    Ash players will pull anything out of anywhere to rationalize Bladestorm.


    The reason I don't like using Bladestorm is because I'm not doing anything. I feel like it's cheating. I feel guilty for using it, because I'm not actually doing anything. 

    Alright then.  Ember? You're out, can't have you activating World on Fire and just standing there doing nothing.  Hyroid?  Same goes for your Tentacle Swarm and Undertow.  You're not contributing "correctly" to gameplay.  Nekros?  Summoning resurrected husks of enemies with Shadows of the Dead?  Shame on you for letting your minions do the work while you sit back and watch.  Zephyr?  What did I tell you about those fire and forget Tornadoes of yours?  Vauban! How many times do I have to say you can't leave a vortex grenade sitting there unattended killing stuff while you're not looking?  And using Bastille combined with Tesla Grenades?  Have you no honor to finish these enemies fair and square?


    I'll stop here though I could easily go further with these terrible cheap skills that are in the game (insert sarcasm).  I think my point is made.

  4. I never used Nyx a lot, just got her to 30 for the mastery points about a week before this update that killed Absorb.  That being said my biggest gripe is that while Chaos is good I used Absorb for defense more than attack.  Maybe I just didn't know how to use her properly but I never really killed much with Absorb so instead relegated it to the "Oh crap, I'm about to die" button.  I half figured that was what it was intended for anyway, having a defensive ability that was simultaneously offensive.  Making Absorb leech more energy from higher incoming damage defeats this possibility entirely because if high lvl enemies can drain your whole energy pool in a few seconds you're worse off than before you triggered Absorb.  Now you have no energy and are surrounded by a ton of PO'd enemies who are getting back to their feet.  And of course the ever present possibility now of friendly fire, either intentional or not, destroying your energy pool even faster.  My heart goes out to Nyx users.

  5. I've tried the skill a few times and was extremely underwhelmed by it.  I knew it was terrible but seeing it for myself it was just bad.  The idea is interesting and the potential is there for it to be good but it simply isn't in its current state.  The most glaring issue is that the pickups in range of your ability have incredibly small range to the point that if the enemy isn't basically sitting on it they won't be hit for anything.  The other problem that just makes this worse is that all the pickups detonate instantly.  No timer, no proximity detection of any kind.  For the previous reason of the radius of the explosion being small all this really guarantees is that you have a very flashy way to get rid of your pickups to make the game a bit more difficult for yourself.

  6. Are you using any range mods?  Max stretch or Overextended should do you good, I prefer Overextended.  I never use both, personally.


    Also it does deflect grenades.  If any enemy throws a grenade at you it will be deflected far away enough that you don't have to worry about getting hit.  The only concern is if you're moving and happen to run into the range of an exploding 'nade.


    Turbulence doesn't become any less effective.  With range and duration it makes Zephyr practically unkillable.  Projectiles should never be an issue.  Just avoid melee and don't linger in high places above enemies that can still shoot at you, because turbulence's protective zone isn't spherical.

    I would mention here that while it can deflect projectiles like napalm shots or rockets it is possible, due to randomness, that they get deflected right at your feet.

  7. IMO they are both godly weapons when modified correctly and even though I have 5-6 forma on Latron Prime the potential of the Wraith with its high crit chance and higher fire rate is enticing to say the least and I think it very likely that I will happily use another 5-6 formas to get the Wraith to the same level as my Prime.


    All I can think of every time I bring Wraith to a mission or swap out and try a different mod on it is "Oh I can't wait to see what this thing will be capable of once it's really set up properly."

  8. I just explained this idea of Oberon needing a buff to a friend tonight who likes him a lot.  The problem with Oberon is his abilities either are worthless, such as Hallowed Ground, or anything Oberon can do another frame can do better.  


    Want CC? Go with Nova and Molecular Prime for slow enemy explosion goodness, Rhino for levitating helpless enemies, Vauban for Vortex grenades or Bastille stasis fields, Mag with Pull in a pinch, Zephyr's Tornado to scatter an enemy squad around a room, Excalibur to blind them, Hydroid for tentacle rag doll insanity.  I could go on but I think that's enough.


    Want healing? Trinity.  Blessing.  Boom, instant full health and full shields no matter where the allies are in the level.

  9. Eh I've only got gripes against some of them.  Others could probably be a lot better with slight changes.  When I first got the Attica I expected it to be able to use bow mods like Thunderbolt seeing as it is a crossbow but I was disappointed when it wasn't able to have it.  The Sybaris I just got to 30 just a few days ago and I loved it.  It has great potential and could be really good but I just don't want to spend all the formas it would take to get it to that point.


    Now finally the Castanas.  These things are awesome and I really don't see the problem with them.  They are one of my favorite secondary weapons by far.  You don't have to use them as traps at all in any sense of the word.  I usually just throw them right on an enemy's chest and blow it up the second it hits since they do stick to enemies.  What that gives you is basically a fast firing, fairly accurate (once you're used to aiming them), mini cluster bomb that hits multiple enemies if they are close enough to the target.  Combine this with innate electric damage which can stun or easily be combined into other elements and I really don't see what's wrong with them.

  10. Ok so I have a few questions on this.  For example if you have, say, Toxin and Electric in slots 1 and 2 of an Latron Prime then that gives you Corrosive but what happens when you add a 3rd or 4th element such as Heat or Cold?  Do you end up with a weapon that is both Corrosive and Heat (with just the 3rd element added) or would it be Corrosive and Radiation with the electric mod applying to both the first and third element mod?  With the 3rd and 4th elements added would that then make a Latron Prime with Corrosive and Blast or would it somehow mix differently?  


    Finally relating to the previous questions how does status chance effect which element procs?  Does it work by checking each element sequentially and continuing to check the next if the first one doesn't proc?  For example does the game check the status chance for Corrosive to occur and then if that fails it checks status chance on the next element in the priority line separately so that it may also occur?  


    The wiki does not do a great job explaining how this works exactly so any help would be appreciated.  Also sorry for the long winded questions.

  11. The problem with your argument here is that almost any frame with the right mods and weapons can shred enemies just as easily so singling out Mirage for this is just not right.  Others have already mentioned why the video does nothing to prove the case against Mirage so I won't bother going into that.  The other thing is that you seem to be big on teamwork which in this game, in my opinion, is usually non-existent because it's really not needed in the traditional sense of teamwork (such as planning, tactics, deciding what each person is going to do at any given moment, etc).  The only thing really needed in this game is more bullets being lobbed by people in the general direction of the enemy with the occasional change of guard-this-object or carry-that-object-to-the-exit. That's the extent of teamwork this game requires probably 90% of the time.


    Also the way xp works in this game who cares who gets the kills?  You know what I'm looking at in the mission rewards screen? The xp bars on my gear and how much further till they rank up, possibly also looking over gained resources or mods. You know what I'm not looking at?  Who got the most kills, did the most damage, etc. because WHO CARES?!?  It doesn't make a difference and ultimately it doesn't mean anything.

  12. YOUR producing results from an exploit YOU chose to do. I understand, its only when your not the host. But that does not negate the fact you are producing results that are abnormal because of the glitch. Your just an ignorant buffoon at this point with no reading comprehension. You start with the insults but when I come back at you with the same one, somehow im the one that starts with the attitude.  Grow the **** up. Since you cant seem to read let me put it out there again.




    I agree, I watched the vids and if ReizoRyuu wasn't intentionally abusing a glitch to begin with that's basically causing infinite Angstrum explosions there wouldn't be any particle issues at all.

  13. I love Mirage and have been using her since I got her though I haven't been using any flashy weapons with her, just stuff I was trying to level such as the Grinlok or the Sybaris.  I have seen the red crit glitch a lot but it's also wildly inconsistent not even showing up in the next level sometimes despite the party staying the same.  Other players as Mirage I haven't had any issue with lag from them.  My friend and I were duoing an interception mission the other day and I finally got to see the clones staying behind glitch on his screen yet despite him having a terrible laptop he was still running just fine even with probably 7+ clone groups sitting around on the map.


    I think the biggest issue people have with Mirage is that her glitches are inconsistent and it's not easy narrowing down a specific cause.  Some people run fine with her even with explosive flashy weapons and they may be on a terrible computer.  Others may have cringe-inducing lag despite having a more high end machine.  There's no consistency and so the players suffering the most just want to get rid of Hall of Mirrors altogether or nerf it to where it's useless and will get Mirage killed.  Perhaps DE can make it to where players suffering the most can have an option where they may just not see the clones or their weapon fire.  Instead all they would see is the damage pop ups and the enemy dying.

  14. I love Volt and while he fell down my list of favs a bit after getting Zephyr he still held up well when I ran a few missions with him going to 30min+ in a survival against Grineer.  The only thing I would change is Overload does seem a bit lacking in damage against most higher lvl enemies, though if i remember this is a lot of people's complaints is that direct damage abilities suffer at higher lvls.  Overload also does far less damage once the electronics in the room are fried after the first cast of it.  I would propose that these electronics aren't destroyed but merely shorted out temporarily and that after a certain time period of say 1-3 min (no real idea how long, I'm open to ideas) the electronics would reactivate and could be used to buff Overload again.  I liken this idea to a fuse being blown when Overload is used and either the fuse being turned back on or replaced in that time frame allowing the electronics to work again.

  15. I never had any gripes with puddle until I was farming Ruk for orokin cells yesterday and the Hyroid with us was using puddle on him while I'm just sitting here thinking "Really? That doesn't damage him, why are you doing that?!  Plus we can't even attack him while he's in there you idiot."

  16. So true, it's been such a pain lately using weapons that have no polarity slots making them very annoying to level for more mastery points.  It also lets me see weapons that I like, such as the Sybaris, and I can see the potential on them but I'm not about to spend a ton of formas or the time (especially since xp gain does seem slower now) just to make them able to wield the mods that they need when I already other weapons like the Latron Prime that can pretty much do anything.  Not having polarity slots on research weapons feels like a slap in the face.  You go through all the trouble of researching the weapon, then crafting it (and probably crafting a forma to craft the research weapon) and after all of that you get a weapon that has 0 polarity slots.

  17. Ok so I just attempted to run the mobile defense alert that was on Pluto not long ago and my group spawned on the roof/outside of a corpus ship.  Huge tile with a beautiful view but nothing to do on it.  Any of the doors were blocked with shields and attempting to wall run to the top of the structure just led to finding an invisible ceiling barring the way.  There was a computer console nearby but it couldn't be interacted with or destroyed.  The area itself was also surrounded by a shield.  Anyone else had this/any thoughts on it?  I have some screenshots of it I'll put links to below.


    Main outdoor area pic





    Doors into interior of ship





    Shield both outside the platform and above the area (visible when shot)





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