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Posts posted by Neuroszima

  1. I don't know if someone thought about it but here goes the idea that both sides could swallow, but will still have objections propably even if this was added


    Universal Medallions added as Teshin consumable. Consuming 1 UM doubles standing gains on conclave from played matches (NOT CHALLENGES), up to 4x multiplier (3 Syndicate medallions each giving +1.0x multiplier for a total of 4x with base 1x, until the end of the day). The maximum you can spend is a matter of discussion. (2 UM at teshin for 3x?, 4UM for 5x?)

    How many times people have been in a situation they played for about 10 minutes, full anihhilation, only to get killed 15 Times and kill 1 or 2 pro dudes by huge luck. How much standings does this give? Well here's your answer, about 200-400. My friend when he lost lunaro match when i 22-0 him in 4 minutes got 200 standings for 4 minutes of 1-sided gameplay. How is this enjoyable for him? For this exceptional performance i got 1.3k standings. 1.3k (NO CHALLENGES DONE)! and for a regular R5 Syndicate mission you would get about 3.5k. for, idk, 2 minutes? If you hurry an extermination ofc. if you go over and want to pick secific syndicate medallions, you can get like 10k ez, with a bit of luck and finding for example a General insignia (5k rep, just like that).

    with 4x multiplier it becomes 800-1600, more or less the same you get by playing R2 syndicate mission, but it's still more than nothing. What about this overwhelming performance my friend witnessed? 5.2k, so equivalent of R5 Syndicate mission with about a few pickups on its way.

    Take a note that regular syndicate can also award you standings while playing PvE grind loop, for Teshin you have to specifically play conclave, and when you meet a pro it is double as hard to progres. The approach with multiplier encourages gameplay and doesn't break this "No PvE method of obtaining conclave items" rule people are concerned over, as people thought first it would be 1000+ immidieate standing gain for Teshin. Also UM finally affects every Syndicate, so everyones happy, except they propably will not be, but it is the best compromise i could have thought of.

    • Like 4
  2. @Kontrollo thanks for the mention earlier.

    Among few posts in the other threads that i posted in, this one propably reflects what i think about all of this:


    The link above doesn't unfortunately show the link to yet another thread that dates back before U26 was launched, and with melee phase 2 i wrote a question:

    Will there be any lunaro fixes/changes planned?

    I got laughed at under that post, or at least i felt like i was telling some good joke, that in fact wasn't. And unfortunately when update hit, everything that we knew of lunaro broke that day without a warning.

    I don't know if those 2 people that go over conclave even exist. @[DE]Rebecca @[DE]Megan, sorry for pings but as a member of the conclave community that is not afraid to ask, and as you are the members of team responsible for contact between us and development team, can you tell us if those people even tested anything in there before the update dropped? Did they test even such things like, if a client makes unstable ball doesn't move? Did they even test if THE VERY STANCE of arcata that broke totaly, and was not clearly not intentional as one of hotfixes mention, will work properly? What about all those stuff with slamspam animation cancelling, ridiculous animtion boosts, and other stuff that other people pointed out (i will not repeat what they said). Who even are they? I haven't seen any response from any DE Staff member under conclave as i go and go and go through forum threads, for months. The last responses i saw are propably those under the dedicated server hosting thread. And i don't even know if they are responsible for conclave balances, or they are just networking Staff, because mostly they answered questions about networking there and console specific responses, not conclave.

    If they did not test such simple things, they didn't do their job very well in my eyes. Or they didn't have much time because you redirected tchem to making PvE part of the game, in which it's just frustrating. If this isn't truth, at least you now see what thoughts went through our minds when we received an update and saw sorry state of things.

    There is also another thing, that people would or would not think of.

    Why even conclave is such enjoyable? Why to lose time for something that meaningless? What does it mean to have an endgame in YOUR (Digital Extremes, this one is for you) game?

    I watched some time ago a stream of Tarvier, who's insane Warframe player, and in one of his streams he said:

    When there is lack of content, you have to make the content in the game for yourself

    What does this mean one can say? He has to basically go out of his way to create any meaningfull challenge for himself. 2:55 Ropalolyst speedruns. 2:57 Orb mother speedruns. Rushing missions. Survive as long as you can. Survive as long as you can solo. Do as long as possible interceptions/arbitrations/whatever. This is what he does.

    I approach from the other perspective. Why to even spend time on something that is not enjoyable. For sure level 4000 enemies, staying 4 hours straight in one single mission to test yourself is maybe a good indicator of what one can do. But for me it is repeating the same micro but for extended period of time and vs. growing level enemies. This can't be said for conclave. EVERY OTHER PLAYER THERE is your challenge. THERE IS NO BETTER AI than the one hiding under hair of another human. You won't know if a player is good or not until you face him eye in eye. That is my challenge that keeps me going and trying, and trying my best to overcome some players skill.

    12 hours ago, Sevek7 said:

    *snip, snip*

    Conclave is the cure for "content drought" - it's the content that keeps contenting!


    Hoping for a better future for the conclave 🙂 

    Even players stats aren't telling the whole truth about what you will truly face. I heard about a guy with 100k kills that immidietaly when someone better than him appears  logs off by alt+f4, to avoid unfavorable K/D ratio updates to his stats. There are players with 10000 goals in lunaro, that make 500 goals per week, even when i dont see them in game, because of the regions they set; that only flee when they see anyone else with some stats, because they boost each other. But that's the feedback, not some reporting forum thread, so i'll keep things civil and to the point.

    Even though this whole boosting on Oceania exist, i belive in challenge. And i belive most people also belive. If we had even, 5 people redirected to conclave, I'm almost certain all of those things we have problems with nowadays, wouldn't even had happen . And we wouldn't have this discussion. The only condition being, they need to play conclave with us to see the problems we struggle with.

    Sorry for this long post but i'd like to say everything that lies in my heart. And i will say one more thing, though, last one.

    All this situation reminds me of how the "Trials" were handled. I was the guy that hated conclave at that time, i'll be honest. I think more people played trials than conclave at that time, and i just become (at least i felt like) a part of WFRSB, only to hear that we got to know "temporary future of raids" will include it's removal. I hope this will not happen to conclave now. Trials were endgameish activity that required different mindset than mob sweeping, and a bit of listening from a guy who told what everyone should do, ultimately creating unique experience. The same i got to feel few months earlier (counting nowadays, not 2 years ago) in lunaro, it is unique experience. But touching deep roots of some of the systems like entire melee make changes not only to the PvE side of the game, that you guys seem to be overly concerned about, but to PvP as well. And somehow lunaro, even though it should be a bit separated from all of this (no mods work there, warframes and loadouts are only chosen there for fashion, one and ony one weapon that is somehow "melee" Arcata) broke there too. Exactly like raids broke many times when you switched something. Meanwhile instead of forging players feedback from forums into something positive, like even switching some numbers in riven CC on slide being dependent on modern Maiming Strike (150%) not old one (90%), we get a visual wear/tear slider:

    I know there were a lot of bad words said at U26 on farming aspect of Liches, and that you had to fix many things. But ultimately all this wouldn't end up a hot mess on launch if team had a vision, and knew basic repercussions, like what to do with depleted parzon mods (YOU ADDED THIS LATER! THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN HERE ON LAUNCH!), murmur progres being too much, trading liches. The same goes for conclave.

    that's all i have to say, for now.



    • Like 2
  3. There are other bugs with lunaro, the most common being ball force-launching to the right when aiming at ground after a single jump, annoying the most when playing as host. There are also other bugs, like for example a client player being in two different places AKA de-syncing with other players, where he/she sees him/herself being in totaly different spot of the arena than he really is in the view of other players.

    There is also the "ballkeeper bug" which happens when a player somehow manages to lose his arcata and catch the ball, results of such shown below:

    The latter two are rare ones and we aren't able to replicate this to even give a hint what causes this 100%, or if there are clear prequisites for that. The only thing would be to record every single match everyone is playing in hope for those to happpen.


  4. For some reason i consider myself a prodigy, because under the Where is Update 26 thread i made the following comment:

    idk why i made this comment back then, but melee change not only introduced this bug, but also introduced several more even more broken bugs, like messed stance, not being able to make any action in air, annihilation imbalance with "lifted" status, that currently has been introduced to 3 zaw strikes (afaik in one of the recent hotfixes/updates).

    I know you - DE can fix it, because you already fixed the stances which made it at least playable as well as air actions, but imbalance that this unstable bug introduced, give me an advantage of "+1 skill tier" (at least, and removes an option for interesting play on client) against an oponent on the same skill level as i am. Only very experienced lunaro players are able to play against a host that can abuse this situation, and instead of giving equal chance for clients, you decide to be silent on this one, as well as imbalances that got introduced into annihilation side of the conclave in the first place.

    If you don't want unstables in this game mode, it will remove the extra amount of skill-reward aspect of the mode. To anyone that says "this doesn't affect their playstyle", or "i didn't like unstables because they can't be defended" or something like that, people were able to successfuly adapt to other people that made unstables long ago. To reflect such shot was not an issue with some time played in this mode, and was also part of this "skill-reward" mechanism i mentioned earlier.


  5. i'm mostly lunaro player, so i'll drop my 5 cents here:

    Lunaro ball gains momentum on kick only when host attempts this action (on client not working). This is also true with smashing:


    Worth noting is also how broken the "lifted" status is, that currently Telos Boltace have as it's innate passive in conclave. Players not only are unable to move/react, but sometimes slide attack from this weapon flings warframes outside of the open arenas, only to fly 1km below the map.


    • Like 3
  6. 46 minutes ago, Funki0 said:

    They are most likely just joking.

    On another note. We seem to have finally been heard, since the melee in Lunaro has been restored.
    Now one big thing that needs to get fixed would be the annoying problem that causes the ball to just bounce off your body when you are just throwing it. This is kind of an older one by now.


    they did hear us but not fully, apart from what you said (which would obviously be nice to fix) still there is bug with clients not cause unstable ball to gain momentum as opposed to host:


  7. On 2019-10-30 at 3:55 PM, xxswatelitexx said:

    I just joined a Public Match for Tridolon 2 people on my team did not even have Amps.

    How is this quest even available to them when one of the basic requirements of the quest is not even unlocked yet for them? 

    Not only was he able to Join Tridolon he himself ( MR 7 without an Amp ) was able to host it. 

    if you are trying to imply MR0 or so without quests done shouldn't walk over night in free roam, then you are in mistake, they should be able to.
    Unless you have an issue with MR0 players join Konzu bounty specifically for Eidolons, then that shouldn't happen and is indeed a bug

  8. the league system are already implemented into various games, no reason to keep it away from warframe really, even simple thing like, i don't know, "planetary division" "star division" "galaxy division", or flat simple "bronze" "silver" "gold" would work, with, i dunno, mbe 2 subdivisions within each? to represent the upper level, and lower level of a "mastery" in a given… league tier?

    This is simple idea that will work (as it works in pretty much any other game), but few players still have internet so terrible that it would require something like permanent dedicated servers to host matches in.

    • Like 1
  9. Dear @[DE]Danielle

    Playing most of Warframe's player versus environment content i decided to try the player versus player side of Warframe, specifically mode called Lunaro. Before Update 26 most of the things were working like it were in the past, for example, Twitch Devstream Rebbeca and Megan hosted long ago. Now however, many features of gameplay has been bugged to the point lunaro gamemode lost 95% of it's functionality, if not more. Following list is a list of bugs that have been encountered during "NEW" gameplay, some of them has a video proof of not working:

    1. NONE of the actions work in the air in the lunaro game mode. One can't throw the ball if in possesion, cannot reflect it with attack from "mouse 1", "E", "R" keybindings, which are default for this mode. Restoring keybindings to default does nothing. Checking action cannot be performed while in air.
    2. Checking combo is totaly different than what it was before the U26 came to PC. "quick melee" action in this mode was to dash into a player, with a range of approximately 8 metres, now one has to perform 2 "kick" moves before performing a dash, resulting in a player being not able to move/barley move through the entire duration of a combo, only to see opposing player escaping, creating unbalance in the game mode.
    3. As far as i remember the aim glide time a player had in the lunaro was longer, or the rate at which gravity start affect a player with a ball is far greater and far more noticeable than before, that needs a fix.
    4. Client related bug, which after making ball unstable with the "dash" check action, ball doesn't gain any movement speed/momentum, staying in the same place on the ground as it were.
    5. Client bug related to the ball throw strength from "mouse 1". The sensitivity for client throw actions is way different than that for host players, resulting in the difference of throwing ball with low amount of strenght, or with greater strenght. Almost all of the throws as a client player become "power throws" (stronger version), since the window/time limit in which a game reads players input as light throw is very short/narrow, compared to host.

    video proof of 1. and 2. issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMMb0DNxupg
    video proof of 4. and 5. issue: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXETN9AbD6E

    All of those bugs that were introduced, are cause by melee changes. The shift of many combos on many different stances, propably touched lunaro as well, making it not enjoyable and not balanced. Take a note, that unstable ball shots, another main feature of game mode, due to these changes ARE NOT POSSIBLE TO BE DEFENDED. This cause a huge balance issue, that needs to be adressed all at once. My guess is that game treats the Arcata as melee weapon, thus changes made globally negatively impact the gameplay in this mode. A possible fix would be to get back to previous Arcata stance combo set, and leave it. I am not aware what causes the issue with not being able to make any action in air, as every other pve melee weapon i so far used, have their attacks in air possible to make. I tried to use the introduced "mouse 3" heavy attack in lunaro, but i don't see that option in lunaro keybindings, and i belive it was never an option in this gamemode.

  10. On 2019-11-01 at 4:13 AM, African-Sapien616 said:

    Lunaro isn't doing so amazing. Why would you lock people to making their shots from the ground only? You slowed down the pace dramatically that I believe will make the game even more boring meaning even less people will play lunaro. Also why would you deal with self passing like this? Some games are usually 1v1 or 2v1. When one is the only person on their team, who do you expect them to pass the ball to?? When the odds are against someone, the other team is NOT obligated to be honorable and have one person tag out while their teammate is playing against the outnumbered opponent.

    Some nice words spoken here, and the slowed down, baby movement system that it is now is 100% a hit in a face of anyone that played at a more advanced level. 100% agree with you on this.

    On 2019-11-01 at 4:13 AM, African-Sapien616 said:

    Here is what I would suggest.

    Issue #1: People using a setting to allow them to throw the ball while having their warframe facing in the opposite direction of the camera. 

    Solution: Make the setting not apply in lunaro. Or prevent the animation from releasing the ball from the arcata a meter or 2 closer to the player that tossed the ball. The gap between the ball and person that uses this setting is shorter than someone who doesn't use this setting and the ball. It's weird to physically have your character check in one direction and send the unstable ball in the opposite or diagonal direction. So for the light throws and checks, make the animation make sense with the direction of motion. 

    I agree with you on point that i seen those types of movement awkward, but there is no setting like this. you were always allowed to face your warfrme left, right, or totaly backward and still successfuly throw a ball to where the reticle aims. 

    Unelss you talk about the "align attacks with camera" setting, which is propably what you mean, but it has slightly different consequences than this.
    I'll be honest i utilize this setting rarely when making unstable shots. Before update, it was already non-trivial learning how to end up, for example, throwing the ball in the air, and then jump so that you are prefectly aligned with the ball for unstable opportunity, and additional keypress makes it even more complicated. Most shots don't even need extra "throw me from the back" action, because when bulletjump+jump'ing correctly you already get pretty good spot for smashing the ball. It was more about making a handful of shots that "pro+" level of skill people could achieve with S-throws, and to tighten dribble a bit more. Don't get me wrong, i'm not a pro in lunaro, but intercepting dribble is only a matter of skill, and no amount of extra key inputs can shield you from players that tightly follows you and know what to do.

    Also practice makes perfect at defending the goal. and making this #1 Issue option go away from lunaro will make less options for offense as well as defense, since it also affects the #3 Issue on your list.

    On 2019-11-01 at 4:13 AM, African-Sapien616 said:

    Issue #2: Self passing/ Dribbling: I get why some people don't like passing. It can be a liability depending on the skill difference between the teammates. Some people don't know how to pass at all. I personally don't see this as an issue cuz real life sports have an offense and a defense. If the teammates are coordinated, they can be an effective team. When one attacks, the other can defend or be back up just in case the attacker is blocked so they can get around the other team's defense. Dribbling is also a way to get around people when one is outnumbered. 

    Solution: Make the light throws go little farther than what they normally do. That way, any attempts to make the ball an unstable shot has more time to be stopped or prepared for. 1/2 a sec can make a world of difference in a fast paced game mode. 

    So it is a 0-1 scenario? If one is outnumbered and 3 people follow him, he has to drop this ball and has to not get opportunity to dribble, and they have to pass?
    People don't know how to pass at all, because they don't know there is "R" key for autopass, because it's nowhere in game explained how this works and it extists. The only hint you get this exist is the lunaro keybinding settings, where you can change this to some other key and you Wonder propably what does this setting even mean when you have "Mouse 1" in the first place. People also start the game not even going to practice mode, but it isn't advertised in a game. Even conclave itself isn't advertised in a game, but it was the same as with Trials, which are currently gone, but it's totaly different topic.

    Also there aren't any technique of making an unstable that doesn't require a setup. You get a good indication of someone trying to make an unstable and more or less, with skill, you can intercept/deflect most of those. Again i am no master at this, and defense isn't my strong side, but it isn't any magic, that if a person throws lightly ball in front of himself near opponets goal, he tries to pull off unstable. (unless he's new to lunaro and doesn't even know unstable can be pulled off)

    Other reason to why people don't pass is that usually you see like one person who attacks and knows what he is doing, and the other/s is/are just watching, not knowing what they are even suppose to do against skilled player, hence quickly losing the ball. One lose trust to such player and as a result only one player is playing versus the other team, because only he knows how to, lets say, make unstable, go through enemy team, dribble, or such. Sometimes pass occur if you see all the enemy team is on one single person and others are free, but this is rare, and new players tend to take a while to aim, opponents catch up, and start disrupting him/her, resulting in lost ball and loss of 1/2/3 points.

    The light throws going further will mess up many unstable shots that we know of, and this isn't something like the loooong check distance we had in the past that needed to be addressed (with no check speed falloff, so one travelled like 15 m covering VERY long distance and making checks against players pretty much unfair, in eyes of some people).

    On 2019-11-01 at 4:13 AM, African-Sapien616 said:

    Issue #3: Checking/ Slide tackling: Some people spam the hell out of this to stun lock and knock down people.

    Solution: I suggest create a charge up mechanic. After 3 or 4 steps the warframe takes, the check will have a full charge to go a full distance. Player can't check until they walked the 4 steps it takes to recharge their check charge. That way people can't spam it non stop.

    One point above i mentioned check distance was shortened. Some players also noticed that the speed falloff made the check animation start up not instantanieous, but first it has a bit lower speed, it slightly increases, and then slows down. Making it charge, would mean you have to predict where pepole will either land (to check them as they land so they drop the ball), or where the ball will go, making air checks that defenders perform to kick out the unstable ball approaching goal even more of a pain, and you had to start up sometimes even before the unstable attempt was made by the oponent,poening a window for them to pretty much always false an unstable to make it somewhere else. It would be a guessing game sometimes:
    will he do unstable or not? 
    should i start charging check now, or later?

    Note that most of the people check because they don't even know how to properly follow their oponent and intercept their "long throws", or even the dribble. With skill it changes, you have no room for a slow action which is check if oponent already is moving fast towards your goal, so mostly you'll just magnetize the ball along with aimglide to catch it midair. Of course it also depends how far are you from enemy, and if he/she comes directly to your front, or you try to catch up to him/her. Or you check somewhere else, like in a fast response to enemy nearly making an unstable in hope to at least deflect it somewhere else, or kick the ball away from your oponent.

    Also note how sidechecks with disabled "align attacks to camera" help you defend the goal. You still get the view on the field, you know where the opposing team members are, you also know how the unstable travells towards your goal. Side checking, covers your goal very well, and still have a room for skill since the unstable kickouts only happens for the duration of a check, after which you fall down (remember that every single goal in lunaro is in the air? not on the ground level? so you have to additionaly doublejump, sometimes bulletjump upwards to position yourself; how do you see an additional charging mechanic in addition to all these steps that defender needs to perform?)

    I don't want to criticise you, all of this are just words of experience gained playing against some of the lunaro best players, that still wanted to show me how to make the use of the movement/throwing/checking system that was there befroe U26.

    And how to improve.

    • Like 1
  11. @[DE]Meganyou broke whole lunaro, now one can't perform any areail action, why did you do this?

    CORRECTION: you can't perform body check, you can't perform body check in air, you can't THROW THE BALL in air, you can't do ANYTHING that i can do here (pre update video, recorded today)

    What is responsible for this mess i can't even say, because nothing works like in the video above!
    I'll update this as soon i will record and upload video

  12. 14 minutes ago, SasoDuck said:

    Sorry Megan, but that wasn't fixed yet actually:
    This image was taken after 21.0.9
    - Kuva Flood (so base 1200 kuva)
    - resource booster was active (making it 2400 kuva)
    - I captured the kuva myself, while in operator mode
    Smeeta buff WAS active prior to entering Operator mode, but clearly as the image shows, did not carry over to Operator mode as it claims to have been fixed in the notes. Had it been fixed, the amount of kuva above would have been 4800 kuva (4x multiplayer from Charm+Resource booster on a Flood).


    Had the same issue a couple min's ago, the buff didn't pass to the operator. I wasn't a host if that matters

  13. 3 hours ago, HyokaChan said:

    The problem with this passive is that it's completely underwhelming due to how the AI works. It's often not aggressive enough and does ___ all for 30 seconds. It won't matter if you made it stay around for 2 minutes. You may as well just use Nekros if you want enemies on your side.


    The weapon itself needs a direct upgrade... Then again, if it's not nerfed, it's not Synoid.

    Well, as i said before your post, I agree with you at the point this should be an upgrade, so that the weapon really feels better than original version. I only denoted that that passive is just what makes me think DE decided the synoid weapon to be weaker, because they thought of it giving already buff to weapon.

    You mentioned AI. Well AI is the thing that doesn't work in this game not only here but in other aspects of the game (*cough* kubrows *cough* *cough*). So i am not really expecting much in this matter, unless they fix it.

    Edit: but those could be personal experiences ofc.

  14. On ‎16‎.‎05‎.‎2017 at 9:15 PM, Jackviator said:

    I think we can all agree, the Synoid Heliocor isn't exactly in the best of places right now. For all intents and purposes, it's a worse version of the base Heliocor; far less crit chance, lower base damage, and the only redeeming factor is a passable at best 20% base Status chance, a .3 increase to channeling damage, and a higher attack speed. Some might argue that the Status chance makes it an ok side-grade to the original, but frankly, hammers in general are just too slow for a Status build to be even remotely helpful on them, and even with the increased swing speed, it's still too slow.

    So, I'd like to provide a couple potential solutions as to how the stats of the weapon could be fixed:


    • Option 1: Increase the base attack speed even more (to, say, 1.18-1.25ish), change the base damage to be purely Electricity or Heat damage instead of IPS, and give it a higher (somewhere from 35-40%ish) base status chance.

    This option would allow the Heliocor to actually perform as a pretty good status weapon. The pure Electricity/Heat damage would allow it to be modded for whatever purely elemental stats the wielder wants (and frankly would make more sense than having it be mainly Impact; it's an energy-hammer, after all), and the high attack speed would allow it to stack up a usable amount of procs per second.


    • Option 2: Keep the attack speed and Status chance, but increase the base critical chance back up to the original's 25%.

    The simpler of the two potential changes; simply make it into a decent Crit-focused melee weapon, as the original was, with the added option of potentially modding it for a hybrid of Crit and Status.


    Either of these two changes would allow the weapon to be much more viable at Sortie-levels, and make it actually worthy of the 125k standing it costs to aquire. Because right now, it just isn't, and I'd like that to change.

    The only reason I see why DE decided to make Synoid Heliocor worse than it's normal counterpart is it's passive. You can turn enemies into your allies for ~30 seconds (don't remeber exact value right now, have to check it) provided that you kill them in channeling mode. Though you cannot make your personal army ( activate ability multiple times to show Nekros you are better "corpse manager" than he is ), the ability becomes locked for a duration of this ~30 seconds once you used it and you cannot turn a new enemy into an ally, while you already have one. (lets say, newly spawned Heavy Gunner, and you already have a, lets say, Scorch as an ally).

    Nice QoL improvement would be, apart from damage/crit/status balance you proposed, to actually have it last longer (like double or even triple the time really...) and make an ability to "deactivate" passive remotely (something like Nyx while she deactivates her Mind Control). This way you could make a space to turn stronger enemies into servants without irritating feeling that you have a Lancer as an ally, while there are multiple Heavy Gunners just saying "HEY, TAKE ME!!!". Oh well...

    Anyways, i feel your pain bro. Even taking this passive into account it just doesn't seem right, it should be a direct upgrade from standard version, just like every other syndicate weapon is (forgive me if i'm wrong, i don't have a full arsenal).

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