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Posts posted by Neuroszima

  1. I know your pain bro. Used Talons during solo exterminations to get some focus and having fun with detonating them all at once for chunks of exp. Now it is waaaayy harder to do this stealth'y style, because of sequential detonation, and furthermore, because of the fact that enemies are aware of bodies of their dead allies. If only there was a frame that could utilize a weapon so the bodies disappear after death. And to be precise, i am not talking about channeling melee.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Kevyne_Kicklighter said:

    DE isn't going back to Greedy Pull after what they saw of it. It was too good of a Mod that #1 became the #1 ability used for a while! If a passive had a similar advantage, think Peacemaker and Draco and Tonkor are issues now??? Any other frame lover will make the Nitain threads look tame!

    I didn't even think of greedy pull to be resurrected to form we had, i just proposed to magnetize be able to pull pickups. And yes, i was playing at that time and know why they have nerfed GP. Ok, it could restore energy, but again, at not the same rate as we both know the GP could do in the beggining. It will have the same limit of collecting pickups from a small radius, not the whole map. Apart from that, it would require to use two abilities and many casts of those to collect the pickups from the area.

    It won't even be a GP anymore, as the pickup collect would affect the Magnetize. I named it this way as the idea will cover with this, what GP is meant to be.

  3. Ok i have my own vision of the further Mag rework

    Do you remember that awful Greedy Pull that trivialized everything and made a T4D's piece a cake? It has been changed so noone uses it now. With the rework of the Mag's abilities i think of the following augument change:

    Greedy Pull - now does not make "Pull" pulling the pickups, but it affects the second ability, so the magnetize can collect the pickups at the center of the abbility from within it's range

    Instead of the greedy pull, make the "Pull" pull the centers of the magnetize, that are left themself after killing it's original host. Magnetizes pulled that way could be held at the cost of energy and after recast thrown in other place or at another enemy. The duration of the pulled magnetize could have stop at the time of being held.

    Vacuming pickups seems reasonable not only because magnetize could have work like in reality, but also it could make a synergy between mag and explosive ledgerdmain Mirage, taking huge amount of proc's and cooling enemies, that can even further increase the effectiveness

    This could be a fair resurrection of the GP, that could require a skillful manipulation of the ability

    MOAR interactions BETWEEN FRAMES! YAY!

  4. Since we don't have the trial that involves fighting against Corpus boss, maybe we should think about it and put the old arcanes as a drop from it? Since nightmare LoR drops only rare arcanes, making such nm trial can drop those altering power strength, duration, efficiency or range (i'd think of them as rare), while arcanes altering health, shields, sprint speed, power capacity or so could be a reward for normal one as they could be a common or uncommon drops. It is only the idea though, rarities can be assigned in the other way.

    I also like the idea of distilling them but i have found another thread about arcanes:

    Either distilling from a slot, having 3 different config tabs with different arcanes you can switch between, are the options.

    In the thread above, there is idea of puting an arcane onto a frame into such slot as a form of a mod. Why wouldn't be that it is crafted from an arcane itself and a "clean module card"? You distill the arcane from such item, and in distilled form they can be avaliable to trade. An empty module would have 3 ranks (actually 4 with "unranked" - the first essence we put into a clean mod), just as it is in common, so the increase would take place after putting another 2, 3, 4 essences, in such way as we know. Everything is described above.

  5. On 2.05.2016 at 3:38 PM, Draice said:

    Good suggestion there, will add it to the list for when we eventually get around to one of the other factions.


    Please read my whole idea of the change you quotted. The extended post is here:

    Thank you for taking my idea into consideration! I hope after reading everyone will understand my argumentation and way of thinking.

  6. i posted another type of feedback, but at the FAQ topic of the Rathuum event.

    The thing is that most of the changes are focused on physical stats of executioners. Increase/decrease dmg, increase/decrease health, armor, accuracy, status chance. What about changing the AI itself? I came up with idea of Executioners stealing energy orbs, to either do something with it (like power up their attacks) or just unableing tenno use their powers at high rate in the very beginning, and later in mission as well. I know that this might be a little abuse, but i think of Arena, that you must fight and you know you might lose. Moreover, thinking about insidious enemies, that steal your resource, gives a thrill to battle. I know there will be voices that would say energy is Tenno only and shouldn't be taken into consideration. This is only an option.

    Also i came up with idea of abbility to revive fallen tenno ally, as this mode uses only some of the conclave mechanics. Ofc this would not be totaly free, but at cost of some of your energy/health and the resource drain can't be prevented, even when there are abbilities that make you invulnerable, or EV is constantly giving you energy. The latter obstruction is made for to blalance this mode, and opportunity given.

    I like the idea of laser dot on you with a window to dash and avoid lethal shot. More of such will surely enrich the gameplay!

  7. The ongoing Event would be harder, or better said, more challenging if there was an opportunity for enemies to steal or take and do something with energy orbs, that normally are tenno-releated resource. This is the Arena, that normally in Conclave both sides have to keep an eye on resources. But that's my personal opinion.

  8. It's not a bug, but hmm... feature, AFK-timer. You need to actually run some distance to reset this every 2 minutes or so. 


    Ok, I think that explains it... , but anyways - you still press that "1" button and "pull" enemies; and items

    Thus this shouldn't be counted as an AFK, and taken into consideration, as you DO something, even if you stand in one place.

  9. 1. Get Karak from Salad and backstab him so he give you Mesa parts.

    2. Fuse our dear Neffy as he is One Huge Legendary Fusion Core (at least he looks like one xD)





    And seriously - fix Greedy Pull, it is "painfully unacceptable"

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