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Posts posted by Driftwood

  1. Spoilers for chains of harrow; but I'm sure at this point most people have had a chance to play through it.


    Shortly after the PoE update I returned to my orbiter to find our friend from The Chains of Harrow quest had popped back in again. I've only ever heard of him showing up right after you finish the quest, which I finished months ago and haven't replayed since. Could be a bug, but it always seemed implied that he'd be showing up again, and it seems to make sense lore-wise that he'd show up at random. Has anyone else seen him show up again? nBfibD0.jpg

  2. Hey I just wanted to chime in and say I'm getting this issue too with my brand new PC. Not running anything in the background, getting 60+ fps consistently but the stuttering makes it basically unplayable. I've messed around with every setting, still nothing.

    OS: Windows 10
    CPU: AMD FX 4300, 4cpus ~3.8GHz
    GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1050
    RAM: 8gb

  3. 21 minutes ago, Ascarith said:

    I did it as Ivara (invis-cheese + Artemis bow). Just wanted to mention that apparently "damage" means specifically damage to health. I got hit with the shield-only attack and still got credit on kill. I was busy dealing with Stalker (who decided to join the party), so I was expecting to have to redo things. It was a pleasant surprise (and Stalker finally dropped Hate, so double win for me). 

    Not sure if that's how DE intended this to work.

    Is it seriously just damage to health? This will be way easier than I've been making it. I was resetting any time I got hit. Probably gonna go with Nezha+lots of elemental damage. 

  4. Zephyr's passive is awesome, but gets indirectly nerfed by many maps' skyboxes that are made for parkour 1.0. She'll be much better once old maps get updated so that she can actually make use of her mobility. 

  5. My Braton/Lato vandals are really personally significant to me because they're a symbol of how much time I've spent in this game. If they just became something that dropped in sorties, I think it would really cheapen how I feel about them. That being said, seeing them come back as milestone weapons would be cool because it maintains their status as a symbol of long-term commitment to the game, but they'd really need a buff. For those of you who don't have these guns, let's be clear about something: they suck. The only reason you would want these guns as they are now is for a few extra mastery points and maybe completing your codex if that's the sort of thing you do. There's a ton of much more easily obtainable weapons that do exactly what these guns do but better, and if they're going to come back as milestone weapons(which is really the only way they should come back) then they need to be buffed to at least fill a unique niche so that they're more than mastery points to people. 

  6. Reminder: the words "The War Within" were spoken by the lotus at the end of the second dream to refer specifically to the operators. Everyone seems to think the upcoming quest is about some sort of grineer civil war, but it's almost certainly going to center around the operators and add more gameplay that specifically involves/revolves around them, as hinted by the devs in recent devstreams. 

  7. I've got the following, make me an offer. If there's a lot of things you're interested in, or if you don't have the helmet, I'd sell some for platinum.


    Focus lens

    Vazarin Lens


    Sortie Rewards(Blueprints/parts)

    Dera Vandal Receiver

    Dera Vandal Stock

    Karak Wraith barrel

    Karak Wraith Receiver

    Sheev Heatsink

    Sheev Hilt Snipertron

    Vandal Receiver Strun

    Wraith Stock Karak

    Wraith Blueprint

    Nezha Systems Blueprint




    Decisive Judgement


    Vermillion Storm

    Vicious Frost

    Virulent Scourge

    Voltaic Strike

    Blind Justice


    I can also get Augment mods from Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda


    Got the helmet

  8. I think what they're trying to avoid is people asking for refunds. For example if they drop the price of rhino by say 100 plat, then everyone who bought rhino for plat is going to bombard customer support with requests for refunds. 

  9. Leave a reply here or message me in game if you are interested. I'll update this list if my inventory changes.


    Continuity x2 4p

    Streamline x1 4p
    Intensity x5 4p
    Undying Will x2 2p
    Reflex Guard x3 1p
    Natural Talent x1 3p
    Rage x1 4p
    Shock Absorbers x1 1p
    Flow x2 4p
    Vigor x1 3p
    Quick Thinking x3 6p
    Wildfire x1 7p
    Rifle Ammo Mutation x1 1p
    Shotgun Ammo Mutation x2 1p
    Sniper Ammo Mutation x1 1p
    Ravage x5 2p
    Vital Sense x5 2p
    Hell's Chamber x1 8p
    Shred x1 4p
    Breach Loader x1 8p
    Frigid Blast x1 8p
    Scattering Inferno x1 8p
    Metal Auger x1 1p
    Pistol Ammo Mutation x3 1p
    Barrel Diffusion x1 3p
    Seeker x1 1p
    Steady Hands x1 3p
    Bleeding Willow x1 4p
    Cleaving Whilwind x1 3p
    Coiling Viper x3 2p
    Iron Phoenix x3 3p
    Malicious Raptor x1 3p
    Pointed Wind x1 2p
    Seismic Palm x2 2p
    Sundering Strike x2 1p
    Virulent Scourge x1 5p
    Volcanic Edge x1 5p
    Energy Channel x6 3p
    Whirlwind x2 6p
    Power Throw x7 3p
    Coolant Leak x1 3p
    Fired up x6 2p
    Morphic Transformer x1 4p
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