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Posts posted by larisagnia

  1. вы там скок лет будете эту проблему решать!поход сносить придётся эту игруху!!!!невывозите вы администрация!!!НЕВЫВОЗИТЕ!!!!

    English: there you'll gallop years to solve this problem! hike will demolish this igruhu!! Failure to take you administration! Failure to take!!


    I have a feeling this guy did it...

  2. Seriously though. Give me an hour of unrestricted access to your hardware while I am on the network at work and I will fix this. Not so much fix, just retaliate. 


    I know it's not considered "ethical", but sometimes the only way to stop this from happening is to teach people a lesson. 

    You @(*()$ did this? 

  3.  really the small game tibia where have 50 mb size. They have much better server like you why you not make server like rest company. You see, its only time when players go are angry because this game is broken, all time players make a host. Sorry you have more ten 1 year and still not make server i cant beleive you dont have money to make a normal server plz make server like blizzard, naughty dog and another company

    Your kidding right... were in beta. Dumbass. They have a good enough server, and this could happen to other "normal" servers. It's easy as hell if you know what your doing. People just don't do it to blizzard or naughty dog because they know there gonna go to jail for it. The idiot who did this apparently didn't know that. How dare you disrespect the tenno! 

  4. I swear... I'm going to break those DDOS's people's necks. I SWEAR IT. Why would someone do such a thing? Who could be SO DAMN moronic, to actually do this for there own benefit? Risking there life in prison, ruining everyone else's experience, all because they were pissed or just doing it for the lulz? I like to troll. But this is way over the top. Screw those guys.

  5. Get this. 2 hours. Of work. On ceres. Trying to get those mods, tele things, and orokin cells. And 4 times in a row. Something bad happened that made me lose my progress. -_- Either some S#&$ty host, or some guy lagged out just as we were extracting, and then this happens. SO FUCKIN PISSED, but kinda sad that Ima mad :(

  6. Ya... so I spent 2 hours, (today and last night) doing ceres defense, round 25. And lose it all. Either cus some host sucked, or somebody jerked out after completing the mission, or this happens. -_- DA FURK IMA SO PEESED xD lol

  7. Ya. I have tried starting the game, all that comes up is nothing. Just the background, warframe, and that's it. Won't start for shiz. Then when I try and quit it, it just furkin crashes? Poor DE, good luck :(

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